MV Diabetes

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Indo US UK Conclave 2019: Global Diabetes Summit Highlights

  • Indo US UK Conclave 2019 organized by M V Hospital for Diabetes & Prof. M Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre held in Hyatt Regency on 07 & 08 September 2019. More than 300 delegates participated in this event.
  • Inauguration 1 – Release of the document on “Prevention of Amputation and Kidney Diseases by early Diagnosis for Primary Care Physicians in India” by Dr. Eva Feldman (Past President of American Neurological Association). Also seen Prof. Andrew J. M. Boulton (President Elect-International Diabetes Federation), Dr. Jayashreee Gopal (Associate Dean, Prof. MV DRC), Dr.
  • Vijay Viswanathan (Head & Chief Diabetologist MV Hospital for Diabetes, President-Elect D-Foot International). (07 Sep 2019)
    Inauguration 2- Felicitation of the International & National Faculty available at the time of Inauguration. (07 Sep 2019)
  • 34th Edition of Prof. M Viswanathan Gold Medal Oration Award (Citation & Gold Medal) was presented to Prof. Andrew J. M. Boulton, President Elect-International Diabetes Federation. Also seen Dr. Vijay Viswanathan & Dr. Jayashree Gopal (07 Sep 2019)
  • Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of American College of Hyperbaric Medicine being presented with a citation & First DFRI Gold Medal. Also seen Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, Dr. Ashraf & Dr. Venu Kavarthapu (07 Sep 2019)

Founders Day Celebration : MV Hospital for Diabetes Supports Karunalaya

Financial support provided by Prof. M Viswanathan & Sarada Viswanathan Memorial Trust to KARUNALAYA, an organization working for Street and Working Children. Also seen Dr. Paul Sunder Singh (Founder & Secretary of Karunalaya) And Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, Head & Cheif Diabetologist M V Hospital for Diabetes MV Hospital for Diabetes Team who have completed 25 years & more in this organization with Dr. Vijay Viswananthan, Head & Cheif Diabetologist. MV Hospital for Diabetes Team who have completed 15 years & more in this organization with Dr. Vijay Viswananthan, Head & Cheif Diabetologist.

International Womens Day Celebration at M V Hospital for Diabetes

  • As a part of International Womens Day Celebration, we organized a lecture by Dr. Usha Sriram, HoD, TAG VHS Endocrinology and Diabetes Centre, Voluntary Health Services, Taramani. She spoke about “Women & Diabetes”, research, facts, current status, care, education and support required to handle female patients. Few Invited doctors and all the employees of M V Hospital for Diabetes & Branches attended.
  • Group photo of all MV Hospital Female Employees.

Remembering Prof M Viswanathan: Community Health Initiatives

On the occasion of 23rd Death Anniversary of our Founder Prof M Viswanathan on March 1 2019 we organized few social activities in the hospital premises.

  1. Officially handed over the CC-TV Security camera’s to be installed in Royapuram, West Madha Church Street to the Mr. C Kalaichelvam (DCP)
  2. Launched the North Chennai Police men Diabetes Prevention Programme as a part of the COPS Phase 2 study.
  3. Conducted Free Diabetic Check-up camp for the underprivileged people.

Top Honours at RSSDI National Conference 2018

Prof M Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre and MV Hospital for Diabetes Royapuram won top honours at the biggest Diabetes meeting in India, the RSSDI National Conference, held at Ahmedabad on Nov 23 and 24 2018. The RSSDI is the biggest Diabetes Association in India with 6000 Diabetologists from all over India.
RSSDI 2018 1(A)
MV Diabetes Events
  • MVH and Prof MVDRC got the Best Research Poster Presentation Award.
  • Our Institution presented 7 original Research Papers, the highest number from any Diabetic Centre in India
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