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Research Publications

M.V. Diabetes Hospital is committed to advancing knowledge and research in the field of diabetes and related conditions. Our research publications showcase our dedication to scientific exploration and innovation in diabetes management and treatment. By visiting our website’s Research Publications page, you can access a comprehensive collection of our research work, scientific articles, and publications.

On the Research Publications page, you will find a range of scholarly articles, research papers, case studies, and other relevant publications authored or co-authored by our esteemed team of healthcare professionals and researchers. These publications cover various aspects of diabetes management, including diagnosis, treatment approaches, preventive strategies, and advancements in the field.

Our research publications aim to contribute to the scientific community’s understanding of diabetes and provide insights into effective patient care. They serve as valuable resources for healthcare professionals, researchers, and individuals seeking up-to-date information on the latest developments in diabetes research.

Please note that accessing the Research Publications page on the M.V. Diabetes Hospital website will provide you with the most accurate and current information on our research publications. Due to the dynamic nature of research, the list of publications may be updated periodically as new studies are conducted and findings are published.

For any specific inquiries or requests related to our research publications, we recommend contacting M.V. Diabetes Hospital directly through the contact information provided on their official website.

M V Publications (1958 Onwards)

  • Diethyl carbamazine citrate in tropical Eosinophilia, Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1958. May 58 issue
  • Single dose therapy in tropical Eosinophilia further study, Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1958. Nov 58 issue
  • Single dose of di-ethyl carbamazine for tropical Eosinophilia, Viswanathan, JAPI, 1958. Vol- 6, no-4 ; pp 351 – 354
  • Management of complications produced by treatment, Viswanathan, 1958.
  • Diabetes mellitus and the family physician, Viswanathan, Mediscope, 1959. September, vol- II, No-VI; pp 296
  • Tropical Eosinophilia, Viswanathan, Madras clinical journal, 1959. Vol- XXVI
  • Diabetes Mellitus, Viswanathan, Stanly medical college journal, 1959.
  • Diabetes and You , Viswanathan, SMCJ, 1959
  • Recent advances in the management of diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, SMCJ,
  • Tuberose sclerosis, Viswanathan, V.C.Anguli, and Mohammed, JAPI, 1960. Vol-8, no-6, nov 16; pp 569 – 576
  • The choice of a Diuretic, Viswnathan, The Annual Meeting of the Tiruchirrapally branch of IMA, 1960.
  • Bonnevie – Ulrich – Turner syndrome, Viswanathan, and T.K.Gnaesan, (case Report), JAPI, 1960. Vol-9, no-9, sep
  • Tuberose sclerosis, Viswanathan, V.C.Anguli, and Mohammed, JAPI, 1960. Vol-8, no-6, nov 16; pp 569 – 576
  • The choice of a Diuretic, Viswnathan, The Annual Meeting of the Tiruchirrapally branch of IMA, 1960.
  • Bonnevie – Ulrich – Turner syndrome, Viswanathan, and T.K.Gnaesan, (case Report), JAPI, 1960. Vol-9, no-9, sep
  • Endemic fluorosis (Special article), Srinivasan and M.Viswanathan, Mediscope, 1963. Vol-V, no-XII
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis without Albuminuria, M.Viswnathan, and K.Srinivasan, JPAM, 1963. Vol-2, no-2, December
  • Poluarteritis Nodosa, Viswanathan, and K.Srinivasan, JPAM, 1963. Vol-2, no-1, June
  • Endemic fluorosis (Special article), Srinivasan and M.Viswanathan, Mediscope, 1963. Vol-V, no-XII
  • Acute Glomerulonephritis without Albuminuria, M.Viswnathan, and K.Srinivasan, JPAM, 1963. Vol-2, no-2, December
  • Poluarteritis Nodosa, Viswanathan, and K.Srinivasan, JPAM, 1963. Vol-2, no-1, June
  • Evaluation of chlorthalidone as a diuretic , Viswanathan, and C.V.Krishnaswami, JPAM, 1965, vol-4, no-2, December
  • Tolbutamide in the Treatment of diabetes administration of single daily dose, Viswanathan, and K.Krishnamurthy, The Antiseptic, 1965. Vol-62, no-12 ; pp 116-118
  • Oral therapy in diabetics with pulmonary Tuberculosis, Viswanathan, and K.Krishnamurthy, Madras clinical journal, 1965, vol-31, no-10 ; pp 255 – 257
  • Diabetes Detection – our Responsibility, Viswanathan, Souvenir of the 19th madras state medical conference, 1965
  • Evaluation of chlorthalidone as a diuretic , Viswanathan, and C.V.Krishnaswami, JPAM, 1965, vol-4, no-2, December
  • Tolbutamide in the Treatment of diabetes administration of single daily dose, Viswanathan, and K.Krishnamurthy, The Antiseptic, 1965. Vol-62, no-12 ; pp 116-118
  • Oral therapy in diabetics with pulmonary Tuberculosis, Viswanathan, and K.Krishnamurthy, Madras clinical journal, 1965, vol-31, no-10 ; pp 255 – 257
  • Diabetes Detection – our Responsibility, Viswanathan, Souvenir of the 19th madras state medical conference, 1965
  • A study of the Indidence and clinical features of nertological Disorders in Diabetes Mellitus, Viswanathan, Madhumeha, 1967. April Issue
  • Therapertic trials with oral Dehydroemetine in Intestinal Amoebiasis, Viswanathan, O.V.Krishnaswamy, The Antiseptic, 1967. September issue
  • Remission of Diabetes, Viswanathan, the Antiseptic, 1967. Feb issue
  • Clinical trial with A potent Diuretic with prolonged Action, M.Viswanathan, C.V.Krishnaswamy, Indian Medical Gazette, 1967. May issue, vol-VII, no-1; PP 46-51
  • Therapeutic trials with oral Dehydroemetine in intestinal Amoebiasis, Viswanathan, C.V.Krishnaswami, JIMA, 1968. Vol-51, no-8, October 16; pp 381-383
  • A Study of prolonged fevers in Madras, Ramaswamy, M.Viswanathan, JPAM, 1968. Vol-7, no-1, june issue
  • High carbohydrate diet in Diabetes, Viswanathan, Madhumeha, 1968. Vol-VIII, no-5, July issue
  • Control and Balance of Diet in diabetes, V.Krishnaswamy, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1969. January issue
  • Idiopathic Pericarditis, Viswanathan,Krishna Chetty , JPAM, 1970. Vol-9, no-1, June issue
  • Clinical Assessment of Glybenclamide( Dannil) A New Antidiabetic Drug, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, October issue
  • Emergencies in Diabetes, M.Viswanathan, V.Krishnaswamy, the Antiseptic, 1971. March issue
  • Recent advances in the management of Diabetes Mellitus, Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1971. November issue
  • Fifteen years of oral therapy in diabetes, Viswanathan, Souvenir of the Annual conference of the Kerala state branch in Indian medical association, 1971. October
  • Fifteen year of oral Therapy in diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, Madhumeha, 1972. Vol-XII, No-1, January issue
  • A New Orientation in the management of diabetes, Viswanathan, JAPI, 1973. Vol-21, no-10 ; pp 887-894
  • Etlopathologic and clinical angle of pancreatic diabetes from madras, Viswanathan, K.S.Sampath, Mrs.Sarada, Subramaniyam and C.V.Krishnaswsami, JAPI, 1973. Vol-21, no-2, September issue
  • Diet in diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, JIMA, 1973. Vol-61, No-1; pp 42-44 July issue 1974
  • Fructosuria – A Study, M.Viswanathan, K.Subramaniyam, Mohan Viswanathan, JPAM, 1974. Vol-22, August
  • Specificity of the O-Toluidine method in the Detemination of Aidosaccharides, Viswanathan, K.Subramanyam, Mohan Viswanathan, Journal of diabetes association in India, 1974. Vol-XIV, October issue\
  • Cortisone Augmented Glucose toterance test, Viswanathan, M.Krishnamurthy, C.V.Krishnaswamy, The Antiseptic, 1974. April issue
  • Oral Hypoglycaemic drugs in Diabetes mellitus, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1974. April issue
  • Role of Diet therapy in diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, K.Subramanyam, and Swaminathan, Disorders of Carbohydrate , Metabolism, 1974. ( published by) Research society for study of diabetes in india.
  • Calcification of vas deferens in diabetes, Viswanathan, M.Ramachandran, A, And Mohan Viswanathan, JDAI, 1975. October, vol-XV
  • Hyperliproteinaemia in Diabetes – A Study of 500 cases, JDAI, Vol-XV, October
  • Low Dosage therapy with combination of Glyben- clamide and phenformin in maturity – onset diabetes, M.Viswanathan, A.Ramachandran, and Mohan Viswanathan, JDAI, 1975. Vol-XV, October issue
  • Renal Glycosuria- A follow up study, M.Viswanathan, G.Swaminathan, A.Ramachandran, and Mohan Viswanathan, JAPI, Vol-23, no-10 ; pp 623 – 627
  • Control of diabetes and vascular complications, Viswanathan, G.Swaminathan, A.Ramachandran, and Mohan Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1975. July issue
  • Diet in Diabetes, Viswanathan, The Bombay hospital journal, 1976. Vol-18, no-1, January ; pp 43-45
  • Familian Aggregation in diabetes mellitus- An analysis of 4000 cases, Viswanathan, A.Ramachandran, Mohan Viswanathan and C.Snehalatha, JDAI, 1977. Vol-XVII, jan issue
  • Diabetics with pancreatic calcification Behaving as maturity onset diabetics, Ramachandran, Mohan Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, and M. Viswanathan, JDAI, 1977. Vol-XVII, July issue
  • An overview of Diabetes, Viswanathan, Madhumeha journal of diabetes association in india, 1977. Vol-XVII, October
  • Dietary therapy in diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, and Hari Vaishnava, Diabetes Mellitus Textbook in 1977, ( Book chapter-8) ; pp 77
  • Immuno Reactive insulin response tp glucose stimulus in prediabetics, Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and Mohan Viswanathan, JAPI, 1978. Vol-26, no-10; pp 905- 908
  • Dietary management of diabetes , Viswanathan, JIMA, vol-70, no-12, june 16 issue
  • Effect of a calorie restricted high High protein fat diet on serum lipids in diabetes- A follow up study, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, Mohan Viswanathan and R.Shobhana, JAPI, 1978. Vol-26, no-3 ; pp 163-168
  • Rapid control of diabetes with high carbohydrate protein diet and combination of glybenclamide and phenformin, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and Mohan Viswanathan, JDAI, 1978. Vol-XVIII, july issue
  • Hypoglycaemic effect of combination of glybenclamide and phenformin – An ecperimental study, Mohan, S.K.Nazimudeen, M.Viswanathan, and L.Kameshwaran, Indian journal if Pharmacy, 1978. Vol-10, no-1 ; pp 239-241,( short communication)
  • Serotonin and diabetes mellitus, Mohan Viswanathan, Snehalatha,C. Ramachandran,A. and Viswanathan,M. Jdai, Vol-XVIII, oct issue (Review article)
  • Blood lactate levels in diabetics on different modes of therapy, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, Ramachandran, and Mohan Viswanathan, JAPI, 1979 , Vol-27, no-8, August issue
  • Significance of proteinuria in diabetes, Ramachandran, A. Mohan Viswanathan, Snehalatha, C., Krishnapriya,P.K.., and Viswanathan, , JDAI, 1979. Vol-XIX, October
  • Fibrinogen and mucoprotein levels in diabetics and their relationship to metabolic control, Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, Mohan Viswanathan, Meera Sundaram , M.Viswanathan, JDAI, 1979. Vol-XIX, April
  • Reactive Hypoglycaemia of early diabetes, Ramachandran,A. , Mohan Viswanathan, Snehalatha, C, . Leela,S., and Viswanathan, , JDAI, 1979. Vol-XIX, April
  • Blood loctate levels in diabetic’s reveiving phenformin therapy, Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandra, and Mohan Viswanathan, JDAI, 1979. Vol- XIX, April
  • Pancreatic diabetes in India: An overview, Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1978. Sep
  • Insulin Resistance, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, and M.Viswanathan, the Antiseptic, 1980. May issue
  • Insulin Antibodies in diabetic patients, Snehalatha, C, Ramachandran, , Mohan, V, and Viswanathan, M. JDAI, 1980. Vol-XX, Oct
  • Effect of Ingestion of natural food fibre on glucose tolerance and plasma immune reactive insulin response, Viswanathan, M, Ramachandran, Mohan, V, Snehalatha, C., Biomedicine, 1980.
  • Diabetic Autonomic    neuropathy-     clinical              evaluation,    Mohan,        A.Ramachandran, V.K.Sivakumar, and M.Viswanathan, JDAI, 1980. Vol-XX, April
  • XXV Annual day diabetic association of india, Viswanathan. Madhumeh journal of diabetic association of india, 1981. Vol-XXI, July
  • Prevention of Diabetes, Viswanathan, JAPI, 1981. Vol-29, no-4 ; pp 251-261
  • Subslinical diabetic cardiomyopathy- assessment by systolic time intervals , Thanikachalam, C.Lakshmikandhan, Mohan Viswanathan, R.Alagesan, D.Elangovan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, JAPI. 1981. Vol-29, April
  • High carbohydrate high fibre diet in diabetes, Viswanathan, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan and C.Snehalatha, JDAI, 1981. Vol-XXI, Supplu1
  • Monocomponent insulin in maturity onset diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, Mohan Viswanathan, JIMA, 1981. Vol-76, no-5, march-1; pp 73-75
  • Plasma glycoproteins in diabetes, Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran and V.Mohan Viswanathan, JAPI, 1981. September issue
  • Insulin pump treatment of diabetes mellitus, Shyamsundar, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1982. August issue
  • Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, V.Mohan, and A.Ramachandran, Practice of diabetes mellitus (book chapter-10), 1982. ; pp 79-97
  • Monocomponent insulin in management of diabetes A follow up- study, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha and R.Shyamsundar, JDAI, 1982. Vol- XXII, July issue
  • Usefulness of C-Peptide essay in dioabetes, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, Surgical Endocrionology (Book chapter), ; pp 178-184,
  • Monocomponent insulin in treatment of diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran and M.Viswanathan, Surgical Endrocrionology (Book chapter), 1983. Pp 170-177
  • Chemical Abnormaluties of carbohydrate tolerance in offspring of Diabetic Parents, Mohan,C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic , 1983, Vol-80, No-4,April
  • Current concepts in diabetes-1 Etiology of diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1983. September
  • Urine test for suger, R.Shyamsundar and M.Viswanathan, Journal of Diabetic Association in India, 1983. voL-XXIII, January issue
  • Recent advances in diabetes-(4) Dietary therapy of diabetes. Evaluation of the high carbohydrate high fibre diet therapy, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1983. Vol-80, no-12, December issue
  • Definition and classification of diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and .M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1983. August issue
  • Insulin secretion and action in diabetes, Snehalatha, V.Mohan , M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1983. October issue
  • Effect of the high carbohydrate high fibre diet on immune reactive insulin levels in diabetics, Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran and V.Mohan, JDAI, 1983. Vol-XXIII, April
  • Large scale diabetes education camps in rural india, Mohan, M.Viswanathan, Bulletin delivery if health care diabetics in developing countries, 1983. Vol-3, no-4 ; pp 18-20
  • Rapid improvement in motor nerve conduction velocity in diabetic subjects after antidiabetic therapy, Shyamsundar, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, C.U.Velmurugan, A.Murugesan, Diabetologia croatica, 1983. 12-2 ; PP 117-124
  • Insulin – specific Ige in serum of 67 diabetic patients against human insulin( Novo), Porcine Insulin, and Bovine Insulin, four case reports, K.Falholt, A.M.Hoskam, B.G.Karamanos, H.Susstrunk, M.Viswanathan and L.G.Heding, Tissue Antigens, 1983. Vol-22 ; pp 170-171
  • Another association between the properdin system(BF) and Insulin- dependent diabetes in south india, R.L.Kukk, P.R.Ranford, Viswanathan, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, S.M.Munirathnam Chetty and Lily John, Tissue Antigens, 1983. Vol-22; pp 170-171
  • Allergy to monocomponent porcine and human insulin, Mohan, R.Shyamsundar, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, and C.Snehalatha, JAPI, 1983. Vol-31, no-11
  • Experience with insulin pump treatment in indian diabetics, A preliminary report, V.Mohan, Shyamsundar, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, and M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1983. Vol-31, no- 11
  • Pancreatic ß-cell function in tropical pancreatic diabetes, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, R.Jayashree, and M.Viswanathan, Metabolism clinical and experimental , 1983. Vol-32, no-12, December issue
  • Creteria for treatment of diabetes, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, The Bulletin, 1984. V.H.S., Adyar, vol- XI, Feb
  • Creteria for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, and M.Viswanathan, The Bulletin, 1984. H.S., Adyar, vol- XI, Feb
  • Recent advances in diabetes ( c-peptide assay applications in the field of diabetology)
  • Mohan, C.Snehalatha, Rema Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, the Antiseptic, 1984. August issueRecent advances in diabetes, Use of purified insulins in the treatment of diabetes, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1984. November issue
  • Assessment of dietary adherence in diabetic subjects by a new scoring system, V.Mohan, Ramachandran, Sheela paul, T.S.Neelavathy, M.Viswanathan, Shobhana Ramachandran, R.Sudha, C.Snehalatha, Ruby shine Mathew, The Antiseptic, 1984. March
  • Recent advances in diabetes- Glycosylated haemoglobin; method of assessment of long term control of diabetes, V.Mohan, L.Susheela, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, Vol-18, no-7, July issue
  • Recent advances in diabetes- Primary prevention of diabetes, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1984. December issue
  • Recent advances in diabetes – 5, Excersice and diabetes, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1984. Vol- 81, no-4, April issue
  • Long term experience with high- carbohydrate, High-Fiber diets in Indian diabeteic patients, Viswanathan, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, James, W.Anderson, Diabetologia Croatica 1984. 13-3,
  • Serum insulin and C-Peptide Responses to oral glucose stimulus non- insulin department diabetics, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, R.Mohan, M.Viswanathanm Diabetologia croatica, Vol-XIII, no-3,
  • Evaluation of diabetic diatary education programme, Sudha, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, R.Shobhana, and M.Viswanathan, JDAI, 1984. Vol-XXIV, April issue
  • Allergy to conventional & monocomponent porcine & Human insulins, Mohan, V.Chinnikrishnudu, M.Bharani, G., Snehalatha, C., Ramachandran, A., Viswanathan,M. , JDAI, 1984. Vol- XXIV, Jan issue
  • Insulin antibody levels during monocomponent insulin therapy, Chamukuttan, Snehalatham Moopil Viswanathan, and Mohan Viswanathan, Diabetes mellitus in developing countries, Book chapter-57
  • Effect of High carbohydrate high –fibre diet plus oral drugs on HDL and LDL cholesterol levels in diabetes, Viswanthan Mohan, Lakshminarayanan Susheela, and Moopil Viswanathan, Diet Therapy & Nutrition(Book Chpater-55),
  • Increased LDL Cholesterol in non- insulin- dependent diabetics with maculopathy, Rema Mohan, Viswanathan Mohan, Lakshminarayanan susheelam Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, Vol-XXI, Jan-Mar issue, no-1
  • Serum insulin & C-Peptide responses in individuals with impaired glucose tolerance & Diabetes, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, R.Jayashreee & M.Viswanathan, IJMR, 1984. March issue,; pp 378-383
  • Serum uric acid concentrations in offspring of conjugal diabetic parents, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, Jayashree, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, L.Kameswaran, B.Rocic, D.Breyer and Z.Skrabalo, Metabolism, 1984. Vol-33, no-9
  • Hepatic extaction of insulin in non- insulin dependent diabetes comparative study of obsese and non-obese patients, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, R.Jayashree, M.Viswanathan, Diabetes & Metabolism( Paris),
  • Glycosylated Haemoglobin as a useful index of glycoregulation in the management of diabetic pregnancy, Susheela, R.Shyamsundar, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, P.V.Herle, JIMA, 1984. Vol-82, no-12, December issue; pp 434-737
  • Pancreatic beta cell function in offspring of conjugal diabetic parents, Assessment by IRI and C- Peptide Ratio, Insulin secretion and insulin action, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, R.Jayashree, and M.Viswanathan, Hormone and metabolic research –supply-1, vol-16, December issue
  • Tropical Diabetes, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, the Diabetes Annual, 1985.
  • Pathogenesis and classification of diabetic neropathy and experience at diabetes research centre , Madras, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, Shahid Manzar, G.Bharani, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1985.November issue
  • Insulin Recetor- Physiological and pathological Considerations, Ramachandran, L.Susheela, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1985. July issue
  • Diabgnosis of diabetes mellitus- Recent advances in Diabetes, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan,, The Antiseptic, 1985. March issue
  • Chanllenges in patient education in india, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, R.Shobana and M.Viswanathan, IDF Bulletin, 1985. Vol-1, Feburary issue
  • New Insulin and insulin delivery device- A Review, Mohan, , Ramachandran, A., Susheela,L., Viswanathan, M., JDAI, 1985. Vol-XXV, July issue
  • Diabetic Cardiomyopathy, V.Mohan, G.Bharani, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, R.Alagesan, Thanikachalam, JDAI, 1985 vol-XXV, April issue
  • C-Peptide responses to glucose load in maturithy – onset diabetes of the young( mody) , Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Ambady Ramachandran, Ramaswamy, Jayashree and Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, Vol-8, No-1, Jan- Feb issue
  • HLA, Complement C2, C4,Properdin factor B AND glyoxalase type in south indian diabetics, L.krik, P.R.Ranford, S.W.Serjeantson, A.R.Thompson, S.M.Munirathnam Chetty, Lily Jon, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, and M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1985. ; PP 41-47
  • Tropical pabcreatic diabetes in south india Heterogeneity in clinical and biochemical profile, V,Mohan, R,Mohan, L.Susheela, C.Snehalatha, G.Bharani. V.K.Mahajan, A.Ramachandran, Viswanathan, and E.M.Kohner, Diabetologia, 1985. Vol-28, ; pp 229-232
  • Ultrasonographic evaluation of the pancreas in tropical pancreatic diabetes , Viswanathan Mohan, Doraiswami, Sreeram, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Kalapathy Rama Iyer Doraiswamy, Acta Diabetologica Lation, Vol-22, ; pp 143-148
  • Secondary Diabetes due to cystic fibrosis with multisystem involvement, Alagappan, K.V.Thiruvengadam, C.N.Deivanayagam, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, D.Sreeram, K.R.Doraiswamy, JAPI,1985. VOL-33, No-7
  • High prevalence of maturity – onset diabetes of the young (Mody) Among Indians, Viswanathan Mohan, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Rema Mohan, Gopalan Bharani, and Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, Vol-8, no-4, July-Aug
  • Retinopathy in tropical pancreatic diabetes , Rema Mohan, Babu Rajendran, Viswanathan Mohan, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Eva Maria Kohner, Arch Ophthamol, Vol-103, oct issue
  • High prevalence of type 2 ( non-insulin dependent) Diabetes among the off spring of conjugal type 2 diabetic parents in india, M.Viswanathan, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, and A.Ramachandran, Diabetologia, 1985. Vol-28, ; pp 907-910
  • Insulin and C-Peptide responsis to glucose load in cystic fibrosis, Viswanathan Mohan, Vythilingam Alagappan, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Ambady Ramachandran, Krishna Varadachari, Thiruvengadam, and Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetic and Metabolism,(paris), Vol-11, ; pp 376-379


  • Tropical Diabetes, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran and M.Viswanathan, The Diabetes Annuals, 1986
  • Studies on C-Peptide Assay in Diabetics and Genetic prediabetics loffspring of conjergal Diabetics), Mohan, C.Snehalatha, R.Jayashree, A.Ramachandran, and, M.Viswanathan, Recent treads in Medical Genetics (Book Chapter), 1986. ; pp143-149
  • Comparative study of clinical pattern of diabetes from two referral centres for diabetes in the
  • U.S.A. And India, Ambady Ramachandran, Thomas,F., Gallaghar, Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukuttan Snehalatha, Clarire parker, Robert , E,. Ecklund, Joseph,C.Shipp, Moopil Viswanathan, JDAI, 1986. Vol-XXVI, July issue
  • Diabetic cardiomyopathy- Experience at diabetic research centre, Madras, A.Ramachandran, S.Usha Rani, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1986. March
  • Diabetic Nephropathy and experience at diabetes Research centre, A.Ramachardran, K.S.Usha Rani, Mohan, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1986. July Issue
  • Beta cell function in insulin – treated non-insulin – department diabetic patients, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Viswanathan Mohan, Ch. Appo Rao and Moopil Viswanathan, Pancreas, Vol-1, no-5, ; pp 411-414
  • Insulin Response in obese and nonbese offspring of conjugal indian diabetic parents with increasing Glucose intolerance, Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, and M.Viswanathan, Pancreas, 1986. Vol-1, no-2, ; pp 139-142
  • Abnormalities in insulin , secretion in healthy offspring of india patients with maturity – onset diabetes of the young, Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukkuttan, Snehalatham Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, Vol-9, no-1, Jan-feb
  • Southall diabetes surgery, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, British Medical Journal, Vol-292, Jan 4
  • Diabetes in the Tropics: Difference from diabetes in the west, Viswanathan Mohan, Jean –Marie Ekoe, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, 1986. Vol-XXIII, No-2, April-June Issue
  • Beta cell function in long term NIDDM (type 2) Patients and its Relation to treatment, Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, H.Timothy and M.Viswanathan, Hormone and metabolic Research, 1986. Vol-6, vol-18, june issue,;pp 357-426
  • Significance of impaired glucose tolerance in an Asian indian population: A Follow up study Ambady Ramachandran, Chanmukuttan Snehalatha, Ramavat Amara Singh Naik, Viswanathan Mohan, Ramachandran Shobana and Moopil Viswanathan, DRCP, ; PP 173-178
  • A Semi-micro colorimetric method for estimating glycosylated haemoglobin, Susheela, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, and M.Viswanathan, IJMR, 1986. July issue,;pp93-98
  • Autoimmunity is south indian patients with IDDM, A,Ramachandran, A.L.Rosenbloom, V.Mohan, Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, W.J.Riley, N.K.Maclaren, S.Kooperan, Dibaetes Care, 1986. Vol-9, no-4, July- Aug
  • Errors in clinical assessment of Glycemia Control in patients with non- insulin Department diabetes mellitus, Ambady Ramachandran, Lakshminarayanan susheela, Viswanathan Mohan, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, Vol-XXIII, no-3, july-sep issue
  • Rental function in non-insulin department diabetes mellitus – A follow –up study, S.Usha Rani, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, 1987 Jan- April issue
  • Clinical profile of fibro – calclous pancreatic diabetes (FCPD) at madras, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, Diabetes in the Indian Scene. (Book Chapter), 1987. ; pp 17-22
  • Studies on mody diabetes in south indian patients, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, Diabetes in the Indian Scene (Book Chapter), 1987. ; pp 50-53
  • Vascular complications in Asian indian Non – insulin dependent diabetic patients, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, and, M.Viswanathan, Epodemiology of diabetes mellitus (Book chapter), 1987. ;pp180-184
  • Remission in non-insulin of department diabetes, A.Ramachandran, C.snehalatha, V.Mohan, and Viswanathan, Epodemiology of diabetes mellitus (Book chapter), 1987. ;pp185-189
  • Effectiveness af patients education in a multilingual , multiliterate population, R.Shobhana, Indira, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, L.Premila, and M.Viswanathan, Epodemiology of diabetes mellitus (Book chapter), 1987. ;pp 219 – 222
  • Update of diabetes-2, Etiology of diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, The clinical practice, 1987. Vol-1, m\no-3, oct issue
  • Update on diabetes-1, classification of diabetes, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, and Viswanathan, The clinical practice, 1987. Vol-1, no-2, July issue
  • Diet for Diabetics, Viswanathan, JDAI, 1987. Vol-XXVII(Lab section) July issue
  • Estimation of 24 hours proteinuria comparaison of two methods, Snehalatha, C., krishnapriya, K., Ramachandran, A., Mohan, V., and Viswanathan, V., JDAI, 1987. Vol-XXVII, July issue
  • Evaluation of clinical neuropathy in Diabetes, use and limitations of Biothesiometer, Ramachandran,A., Mohan,V., Mcmillan, Donald , Snehalathan,C., Chinni, Krishnudu,M., and Viswanathan, M., JDAI, 1987. Vol-XXVII, Jan issue
  • Hla – Drand –Dq DNA Genotyping in insulin- department diabetes patients in south india, W.Serjeantson, P.R.Ranford, R.L.Kirk, M.R.J.Kohonen-Corish, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, and M.Viswanathan, Disease Markers,1987. Vol-5
  • Left ventricular dysfunction in fibro- calcific pancreatic diabetes, Ambady Ramachandran, Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Kamkshi sundaraju Usharani, Somasundaram, Shanmughasundram, and Natarajan. Sivarajan, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, Vol-XXIV, 1987. Jan-march issue
  • Marturity onset diabetes of the young in Asian Indians, Mohan,V., Ramachandran,A., Snehalatha, C., Viswanathan,M.,
  • Lipoatrophy with monocomponent insulins: Two case reports, Ambady Ramachandran, Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukuttanm Snehalatha, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, 1987. Vol-10, No-1, February issue
  • Pancreatic beta cell response in insulin treated NIDDM patients. Limitations of a Random C- Peptide Patients. Limitations of a Random C-Peptide Measurement, Diabetes & Metabolism (Paris), 1987. Vol-13, ; pp27-30
  • Remission in non-insulin dependent diabetes, A.Ramachandran, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, Journal of medical association Thailand, 1987. vol-70, supply-2, March
  • Vascular complications in Asian india non-insulin dependent diabetic patients, A.Ramachandran, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, Journal of medical association Thailand, 1987. vol-70, supply-2, March issue
  • Effectiveness of patients education in a multingual, multiliterate population, Shobhana, P.Indira, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, L.Premila, M.Viswanathan, Journal of medical association Thailand, 1987. vol-70, supply-2, March issue
  • Oral Hypoglycaemia agents in the treatment of immunogenic insulin Re-Sistance in NIDDM, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, CH,Appo Rao, M.Viswanathan, Diabetic & Metobolisme, 1987. Vol-13, ; pp 140-143
  • Erythrocyte insulin receptor Abnormalities, L.Susheela, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, Sheeja, Viswanathan, JAPI, 1987. Vol-35, No-5
  • Insulinoma with special features, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, G.Bharani, C.Nagarathinam, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1987.vol-35, No-6
  • Retinopathy in tropical pancreatic diabetes , Viswanathan Mohan, Rema Mohan, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan Snehalatha, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, Vol-10, no-4, July issue
  • Malnutrition Related Diabetes   mellitus,   Mohan,V.,     Ramachandran,A.,                Snehalatha,C., Viswanathan,M., JAPI, vol-35, no-9.
  • Home Management of diabetes mellitus, M.Viswanathan, Diabetes mellitus a multidisciplinary approach (Book chapter), 1988. ; pp 170-173
  • Observations on NIDDM in India, M.Viswanathan, Vijay Viswanathan*, A,Ramachandran, and Mohan, World book of diabetes in practice , 1988. Vol-3
  • Other malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, Malnutrition related DM (Book Chapter), 1988.
  • Diabetes secondary to pancreatopathy in the Tropics, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, 1988.
  • Diabetes in the Tropics, V.Mohan. A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, Diabetes Annual/4, 1988.
  • Genetic factors in diabetes mellitus in Asia, A.Ramachandran, R.L.Kirk, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1988. May issue
  • Cranial nerve palsies in diabetic patients, V.Mohan, P.Vasudeva Herla, M.Chinnikrishnaudu, Ramachandran, Rema Mohan, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1988.March issue
  • Recent advances in diabetes -5, exercise and diabetes, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, The Antiseptic, 1988. Vol-88, No-5
  • Exercise assessment in diabetics saha , Mohan,V., Ramachandran,A., Viswanathan,M., The Antiseptic, 1988. vol-88, no-5
  • Tropical (fibro calculous) pancreatic diabetes, V.Mohan, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, the Bombay hospital journal, 1988. Vol-30, no-4
  • Reply from hitman and others (Letter to editor), A.Hitman, P.K.Kair, J.A.Sachs, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, V.Mohan, Letter to the editor, Diabetic Medicine, 1988. Vol-5,;pp 596-599
  • Up-date on diabetes –V, Role of excercises in the management of diabetes , V.Mohan, Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran and ,M.Viswanathan, The clinical practice, 1988. Vol-2, July- sep issue
  • Up-date on diabetes-VI, Newer Insulins, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The Clinical practice, 1988.
  • Update on diabetes-III, Diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The clinical practice , 1988.Vol-1, No-4, Jan issue
  • Update on diabetes -4, Diabtery management of diabtes mellitus, V.Mohan, Premila Lowe, Shyamala, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, The clinical practice ,1988.Vol-2, no-1, April- June issue
  • Diabetes in Indians, Viswanathan, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, NEI Bulletin, 1988. Vol-9,no- 4
  • Ultrasound versus-X-Ray Abdomen in the diabgnosis of fibro-calculous pancreatic diabetes, Suresh, V.Mohan, Indirani, Suresh, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, 1988.
  • Trial of Bezafibrate (Bezalip) in diabetic patients with primary hypertrigly ceridemia, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, Annuals of IMA, 1988. Vol-2,; pp 13-18
  • Effect of storage procedures on insulin anti insulin complexes in plasma , Snehalatha,C., Appo Rao Ch, Ramachandran, A., Mohan,V., and Viswanathan,M., JDAI, 1988. Vol-XXVIII, no-3, July issue
  • Glycaemic and insulin responses to some breakfast items in diabetic M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, M.Revathy, S.Paul lowe, P.Indira and P.K.Kymal, Nutrition reports international (Book Chapter), 1988. Vol-37, no-2, ; pp 409-418
  • HLA-D Region RFLPs Indicate that susceptibility to insulin – dependent diabetes in south india is located in the HLA- DQ Region, G.A.Hitman, K.Karir, J.A.Sach’s, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, V.Mohan, Diabetic Medicine, 1988. Vol-5, ; PP 57-60
  • Clinical features of diabetes in the young as seen at a diabetes centre in south india, Ambady Ramachandran, Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukuttan Snehalatha, Gopalan Bharani, Muthyala Chinnikrishnudu, Rema Mohan and Moopil Viswanathan, DRCP, ; PP 117-125
  • Pancreatic B-Cell function in relation to diabetic retionopathy in Asian indian NIDDM patients, Chamukutan, Snehalatha, Rema Mohan, Viswanathan Mohan, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina,1988. Vol-XXV, no-2, April- June issue
  • Prevalence of non- insulin –department diabetes mellitus in Asian indian families with a single diabetic patients, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, DRCP-4, 1988. ; pp 241-245
  • Rapid improvement in insulin binding to erythrocyte insulin receptors in non- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus during therapy , Ambady Ramachandran, Lakshminarayanan Susheela, Viswanathan Mohan, Durgam,A.S. kuzhali, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina , Vol- XXV, No-3, July-september issue
  • Rapid improvement in insulin sensitivity during GL Ycaemic regulation in NIDDM subjects, A,Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, Ch Appo Rao, G.Vijay Kumar, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, vol-36, No-8
  • High prevalence of diabetes in an urban population in south India, A.Ramachandran, M.V.Jali, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, BMJ, 1988. 3rd September issue, vol-297, ; pp 587- 590
  • Abnormalities in erythrocyte insulin binding in offspring of conjugal non- insulin – department diabetic parents, Ramachandran, L.Susheela , V.Mohan, D.A.S.Kuzhali and M.Viswanathan,DRCP, 1988., vol-5, ; pp 241-247
  • Erythrocyte insulin binding Abnormalities in fibro calculous pancreatic diabetes, Ramachandran, L.Susheela, V.Mohan, D.A.S.Kuzsli and M.Viswanathan, Hormone and metabolic Research, 1988. Vol-20, Nov issue,;pp 661-726
  • Retinopathy in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in south india, R.Mohan, V.Mohan, Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1988. Vol-36, No-12
  • Insulin Resistance in fibrocalculous( tropical) pancreatic diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, G.Vijay Kumar, C.Snehalatha, and M.Viswanathan, Hormone and metabolic research, 1988. Vol-20, No-12, ;PP 727-776, December issue
  • Retinopathy in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus( IDDM) In south india, R.Mohan, V.Mohan, Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1988, vol-36, No-12
  • Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes in the Elderly, Mohan, S.Suresh, Indrani Suresh, A.Ramachandran, S.Ramakrishnan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1988. Vol-37, No-5
  • Two Case Reports of Macrovascular complications in fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes, Viswanathan Mohan, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan,(Case Report), Acta Diabetologica Latina, 1989. Vol-XXVI, no-4, Oct-Dec Issue
  • Decreased insulin binding in Asian Indian women with Gestational diabetes mellitus, Ambady Ramachandran, Lakshminarayanan, Susheela, Viswanathan Mohan, A.S.Kuzhali, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, 1989. Vol-XXVI, No-2, April- June issue
  • Exocine pancreatic function in tropical fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes, Viswanathan Mohan, Chamukutttan, Snehalatha, Mohamed Riazudden Ahmed, Nagendram, Madanagopalan, suresh chari, venkatraman, Jayanthi, Sathyasekaran Malathi, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care,1989. Vol-2, NO-2, Feb issue
  • The genetic predisposition of fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes, P.K.Kambo, G.A.Hitman, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, S.Suresh, K.Metcalfe, B.K.Ryait and M.Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, 1989. Vol-33, ; pp 45-51
  • Familiar aggregation in tropical fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes, Mohan, S.T.Chari, G.A.Hitman, S.Suresh, N.Madanagopal, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan , Pancreas, 1989. Vol-4, No-6, ; pp 690-693
  • Anti-insulin antibodies and microvascular complications of diabetes, Snehalatha,C., Appo Rao , Mohan,V., Rema, M., Ramachandran, A., Viswanathan,M., JDAI, 1989. Vol-XIX, No-1, Jan issue
  • Use of monocomponent insulins the course of diabetic retinopathy- a follow-up study, Rema Mohan, Mohan, A,Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, JDAI, 1989. Vol-29, no-2,
  • Assessment of background knowledge of diabetes mellitus in diabetic patients, R.Shobana, Premila, P.Shyamala, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JDAI, 1989. Vol-29, No-3,
  • Update on diabetes –VII, Lactic acidosis, V.Mohan, Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, The clinical practice, 1989. Vol-3, no-1, April issue
  • Update on diabetes-X, Action of insulin, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, and M.Viswanathan, The clinical practice, 1989. Vol-3, no-2, Oct-Dec issue
  • Update on Diabetes-IX, Insulin secretion in diabetes, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, and M.Viswanathan, The Clinical Practice, 1989. Vol-3, no-2, July issue
  • Long term status of pancreatic beta cell function in patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes of the young(NIDDY), Snehalatha,C., Ramachandran,A., Mohan,V., Rema,Mohan., Viswanathan,M., Oct issue
  • Responses to legumes in NIDDM Subjects; lower plasma clucose and higher insulin levels, Viswanathan, A,Ramachandran, P.Indira, Sherry John, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan and P.K.Kymal, Nutrition Reports international, 1989. Vol-40, No-4, October issue
  • Heterogeneity of diabetes in developing countries, Ramachandran, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, Diabetes, 1989.
  • Xenobiotics and tropical chronic pancreatitis, M.Braganza, S.John, I.Padmalayam, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathanm S.Chari and M.Madanagopalan, International journal of pancreatology, 1990.
  • Childhood onset fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, IJDDC, 1990. Vol-10
  • Fibro-Calculous pancreatic diabetes in Tripura, Bharattacharya,P.K,. Mohan,V., Ramachandran,A., Viswanathan,M., The Antiseptic, Vol-87, no-4,
  • Fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes and obesity, Viswanathan Mohan, Suresh chari, Ambady Ramachandran, Vemkatramman, Jayanthi, Sathyasekaran, Malathi, Nagendram madanagopalan and Moopil Viswanathan, DRCP, ; pp 161-166
  • Development of carbohydrate intolerance in offspring of Asian indian conjugal type 2 diabetes parents, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan and M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1990. ; PP 209- 273
  • Abnormalition in insulin response to intravenous glucose in offspring of conjugal (type 2) Diabetes patients, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1990. Vol- 38, no-4,
  • Plasma glucagon responses in tropical fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes , Mohan, N.Madanagopalan and M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1990. Vol-9, ; pp 97-101
  • Decreased Insulin sensitivity in offspring whose parents both have type 2 diabetes, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, P.K.Bhattacharyya, M.Viswanathan, Diabetic Medicine, 1990. Vol-7 ; pp 331-334
  • Evidence for induction of cytochrome P-450 I in patients with tropical chronic pancreatistis , Chaloner, L.N.Seandle, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, Internation journal of clinical Pharmacology , Therapy and Toxicology, 1990. Vol-28, no-6, ; pp 235-240
  • Combination therapy of glibenclamide and insulin in NIDDM patients with secondary failure to oral drugs, Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, JAPI, 1990. Vol-38, no-8
  • Immunoreactive insulin degrading enzymes in erythrocytes A preliminary report, Snehalatha, Hashy Timothy, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1990. Vol-38, no-8
  • Changes in peripheral insulin concentrations in Non-Insulin dependent diabetes during treatment assessment by mathematical applications, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, Timothy, Viswanathan, JAPI, 1990. Vol-38, No-9
  • Comparative study of monocomponent insulins and conventional insulins on the course of diabetic A follow-up study, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, Rema Mohan, JAPI, 1990. Vol-38, no-11
  • Familial Aggregation in type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: a study from south India, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, L.Premila, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, Diabetic Medicine, 1990. Vol-7, ; pp 876-879
  • An analysis of amplified insulin gene products in diabetics of indian origin , G.A.Hitman, K.Kambo, M.Viswanathan, V.Mohan, Journal of Medical Genetics, 1990.Vol-28, ; pp 97-100.
  • Clinical, Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of Diabetes mellitus, Viswanathan, Diabetes mellitus (book chapter), 1991.
  • Dietary therapy of diabetes- changing concepts, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, API, 1991
  • Malnutrition – Related diabetes mellitus, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, (book chapter) Textbook of diabetes, Vol-1
  • Exercise assessment on diabetics, Saha,D, Mohan, V, Ramachandran, A., Viswanathan,M., The Antiseptic, Vol-88, no-5
  • Studies on maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) from India, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, IJDDC, 1991. Vol-11
  • Familial insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM) Epidemiology: standardization of data for the diamond project, A.Ramachandran, V.Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, Bulletin of the world health organization, Vol-59, no-6 ; pp 767-777
  • Dietary management of indian vegetarian diabetics, M.Viswanathan, and V.Mohan, NFI Bulletin, Vol-12, no-2, April issue
  • Anthropometric studies in diabetes in the tropics, Indira Padmalayam, Sherry John, Viswanathan Mohan, Ambady Ramachandran, Moopil Viswanathan, Acta Diabetologica Latina, 1991. Vol- XXVIII, No-1, Jan-March issue
  • Nutritional profile of fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes and primary forms of diabetes seen in southern india, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, P.K.Bhattacharyya, A.Ramachandran, and M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1991. ; PP 203-208
  • Microalbuminuria in NIDDM patients in south india, Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, P.K.Bhattacharyya, V.Mohan, and A.Ramachandran, IJMR, 1991. Vol-94, April issue ; pp 125- 129
  • Pregnancy in fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes, Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1991. Vol-39, no-5


  • 71c-Organisation of care problems in developing countries- India(book chapter), International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 1992, Vol- 12 ; pp 42-45
  • New Approaches in   the   management   of   non-insulin   dependent     diabetes    mellitus, Viswanathan, V.Vijay, and L.Susheela, IJDDC, 1992. Vol-12, ; PP 42-45
  • Genetic markers in indian diabetics, Mohan, M.Viswanathan, G.A.Hitman, 1992.
  • Clinical and biochemical studies in the prediabetic phase of tropical calcific pancreatitis, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, S.T.Chari, P.K.Bhattacharyya, N.Madanagopal, and M.Viswanathan, Pancreas, 1992. Vol-7, no-1; pp 109-113
  • Comparative study of the clinical profiles of Alcohilic chronic pancreatitis and tropical chronic pancreatities in tamil nadu , south india, T.Chari, V.Mohan, V.Jayanthi, C.Snehalatha, S.Malathi, M,Viswanathan, and N.Madanagopalan, Pancreas, 1992. Vol-7, no-1,;pp 52-58
  • Radiological appearance of pancreatic calculi in tropical versus alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, Chari, V.Jayanthi, V.Mohan, S.Malathi, N.Madanagopalan, and M.Viswanathan, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1992. Bol-7; pp 42-44
  • Insulin responses to varying Hyperglycaemia in newly diagnosed non-insulin dependent diabetic patients, C.Snehalatha, Hashy Timothy, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, Vol-40, No-4,
  • Insulin responses to varying hyperglycemia in newly diagnosed non-insulin dependent diabetic patients, C.Snehaltha, Hasty timothy, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1992. Vol-40, No-4
  • Immunology of diabetes, Mohan, V.Kumaraswami, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1992. Vol-40, No-7
  • Prevalence of childhood diabetes in an urban population in south india, A.Ramachandran, Snehalatha, O.M.S.Abdul Khader, T.Annie Joseph, and M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1992. Vol-17; pp 227-231
  • The Islet amyloid polypeptide gene and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in south indian, I.Mc Carthy, G.A.Hitman, V.Mohan,A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, and M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1992. Vol-18, ; pp 31-34
  • Prevalence of Glucose Intolerance in Asian Indians, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Daisy Dharmaraj, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes care, 1992. Vol-15, No-10, oct issue
  • Glucagon response to glucose load in offspring of con-jugal type 2 diabetic parents in south india, C.Snehalatha, P.K.Bhattacharyya, V,Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, Vol-40, No-1,
  • Foetal outcame and postpartum maternal metabolice status in south india women in relation to the Antepartum Glycamaemic status, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, P.Shyamala, V.Mohan, and M.Viswanathan, IJDDC, 1992. Vol-12.
  • Classification, Etiology and Genetics of Diabetes mellitus-Recent developments, A, Ramachandran, V,Mohan, Viswanathan, IJCPD, 1992. Jan issue
  • Micro albuminuria estimation by a new Dip strick method- comparison with Radio immunoassay, Snehalatha, V.Mohan, P.K.Bhattacharyya, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JDAI, 1992. Vol-32, No-1
  • New perspectives in the management of diabetic Nephropathy, Vijay Viswanathan, Viswanathan, JIM, 1993. Supply-4
  • Epidemiology of NIDDM in Indians, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, V.Mohan, JAPI, 1993. Supply-1
  • Cystic fibrosis in one family , N.Narasingan, T.Ramachandran, Vijay Viswanathan, V.Mohan, Shrimathy Venkatesh, JAPI, 1993. Vol-41, no-2
  • Positive association in the absence of linkage suggests a minor role for the glucokinase gene in the pathogenesis of type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus amongst south Indians, I.Mc Carthy, M.Hitchins, G.A.Hitman, P.Cassell, K.Hawrami, N.Morton, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, Diabetologia, 1993. Vol-36, ; pp 633-641
  • Fasting plasma Glucose in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus: A study from southern india, Ramachandran,C.Snehalatha, V.Vijay, M.Viswanathan, Diabetes Medicine, 1993. Vol-10, ; pp 811-813
  • Maternal age and Birth order of young 10DM patients- A study from southern india, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan, Snehalatha, Annie Joseph, Vijay Viswanathan, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, 1993. Vol-16, No-4, April issue
  • Apolipoprotein D.Gene polymorphism: A new Genetic marker for type 2 diabetic subjects in Nauru and south india, A.Baker, G.A.Hitman, K.Hawrami, M.I.Mc Carthy, A.Rlikonen,E.Toumilehto-wolf, A.Nissinen, J.Tromilehto, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, G.K.Dowse, P.Zimmet, S.W. Serjeantson, Diabetic Medicine, 1994. Vol-11, ; pp 947-952
  • Family studies of non- insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in south Indians, M.I.Mc Carthy, G.A. Hitman, C.Shields, N.E.Morton, C.Snehalatha, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, Diabetologia , 1994. Vol-37, ; pp 1221-1230
  • Pancreatic beta cell function in Normoglycaemic offspring of diabetic parents, C.Snehalatha, K.Bhattacharyya, V.Mohan, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1994. Vol-42, No-6
  • Risk of pancreatic carcinoma in tropical calcifying pancreatitis an epidemiologic study, S.T.Chari, Mohan, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, N.Madanagopalan, and A.B.Lowenfels, Pancreas, 1994. Vol-9, no-1, ; pp 62-66
  • High prevalence of NIDDM and IGT in an elderly south indian population with low rates of obesity, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan Snehalatha, Panchaksharam shyamala, Viswanathan Vijay, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, 1994. Vol-17, no-10, Octtober issue
  • Prevalence of Diabetes in pregnant women- A study from southern india, A.Ramachandran, Snehalatha, R.Shyamala, V.Vijay, M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1994. Vol-25, ; pp 71-74
  • Difference in plasma insulin responses in urban and rural Indians: A study in Southern Indians, Snehalath, A.Ramachandran, V.Vijay, M.Viswanathan, Diabetic Medicine, 1994. Vol-11, ; pp 445-448
  • Height at onset of insulin-dependent diabetes in children in southeren india, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, T.Annie Joseph, V.Vijay M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1994. Vol-23, ; pp 55-57
  • Delayed onset of diabetes in children of low economic stratum- a study from southern india, Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, T.Annie Joseph, V.Vijay, M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1994. Vol- 22, ; PP 171-174
  • Prevalence of proteinuria in non-insulin department diabetes, Vijay, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, JAPI, 1994. Vol-42, no-10
  • Insulin recetor substrate – 1 gene mutation in NIDDM: implications for the study of polygenic disease, A.Hitman, K.Hawrami, M.I.Mc Carthy, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, J.Toumilehto, E.Tuomilehto-wolf, A.Nissinen, O.Pederson, Diabetologia, 1995. Vol-38, ; pp 481-486
  • Maturity onset diabetes of the young, V.Vijay, Baba Yunus, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, Viswanathan, JAPI, 1995. Vol-43, no-3
  • Proteinuria in NIDDM in south india analysis of predictive factors, Vijay Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1995. Vol-28, ; pp 41-46
  • Incidence of IDDM in children in urban population in southern india, Ambady Ramachandran, Chamukuttan, Calidas, V,Krishnaswamy, DRCP, vol-34, ; pp79-82
  • Genetic contribution of polymorphism of the GLUT 1 and GLUT4, genes to the susceptibility of type 2 (non-insulin-depent) Diabetes mellitus in different populations, A.E. Pontiroli, F.Capra, Veglia, M.Ferari, K.S.Xiang, G.I.Bell, M.G.R.aroni, D.J.Galton, J.U.Weaver, G.A.Hitman, P.G.Kopelman, V.Mohan, M.Viswanathan, 1996.
  • Evaluation of the Importance of material history of diabetes and of mitochondrial variation in the development of NIDDM, Mc Carthy, P.Cassell, T.Tran,L Mathias, L.M.T.Hart, J.A.maassen,C.Snehalatha, A.Ramachandran, M.Viswanathan, G.A.Hitman, Diabetic Medicine, 1996. Vol-13, ; pp 420-428
  • Antioxidant status and lipid pexoxidation in type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without complications , Ranjmi,K. Sundaram, Anusha Bhaskar, Selvamani Vijayalingam, Moopil Viswanathan, Rema Mohan, and Kalathinkal,R. Sunmugasundram, Clinical science, 1996.vol- 90, ; pp 255-260
  • Familial Aggregation of type2 (non-insulin-dependent) Diabetes Mellitus in south india: Absence of excess material transmission, M.Viswanathan, M.I.Mc Carthy, C.Snehalatha, G.A.Hitman, Ramachandran, Diabetic Medicine, 1996. Vol-13, ; pp 232-237
  • An Association in non-insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus subjects between susceptibility to retinopathy and tumor necrosis factor polymorphism,Khidir Hawrami, Grahama, Hitman, Mohan Rema, Chamukuttan Snehalatha, Moopil Viswanathan, Ambady Ramachandranm and Viswanathan, Mohan, Diabetic Retinopathy an INF,
  • Absence of seasonal variation in the occurrence of IDDM , Ambady Ramachandran, Chammukuttan Snehalatha, Vijay Viswanathan, Moopil Viswanathan, Diabetes Care, 1996. Vol- 9, September issue
  • Diabetic retinopathy at the time of diagnosis of NIDDM in south indian subject, A.Ramachandran, Snehalatha, V.Vijay, M.Viswanathan, DRCP, 1996. Vol-32, ; pp 111-114
  • Diabetes, Mary mammen, Varsha, C.Snehalatha, M.Viswanathan, Nutrition on major maetabolic diseases (book chapter-2), ; pp 20-45
  • Dietary Management of diabetes mellitus in india and south east asia, A.Ramachandran, and Viswanathan, International textbook of Diabetes mellitus (book chapter), 1997. ; pp 775-777
  • Organization of care problems in developing countries- India, Viswanathan and A.Ramachandran, International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus( Book chapter), 1997.
  • Risk of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus conferred by obesity and central adiposity in different ethnic A comparative analysis between Asian Indians, Mexican Americans and whites, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, Vijay Viswanathan, M.Viswanathan, S.M.Haffner. DRCP, 1997. Vol-36, ; pp 121-125
  • Rising prevalence of NIDDM in an urban population in India, A.Ramachandran, C.Snehalatha, Latha, V.Vijay. M.Viswanathan. Diabetologia, 1997. Vol-40, ; pp 232-237
  • Reduction in body weight helps to delay the onset of diabetes even in non-obese with strong family history of the diabetes, M.Viswanathan, C.Snehalatha, P.Vidyavathi, J.Indu , DRCP, 1997. Vol-35, ; pp 107-112
  • Computed Axial Tomographic Scan Measurement of Abdominal Fat Distribution and Its Correlation With Anthropometry and Insulin Secretion in Healthy Asian Indians Snehalatha,
  • Ramachandran, K. Satyavani, M. Yezhisai Vallabi, and Vijay Viswanathan. Metabolism, Vol 46, No 10 (October), 1997: pp 1220-1224
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: the Indian scenario A. Ramachandran MD PhD,C. Snehalatha DPhil DSc,Vijay Viswanathan MD.Practical  diabetes  international, Volume14, Issue4 June/July 1997Pages 93-93
  • Does the Presence of Diabetic Nephropathy in Parents Influence the Metabolic Response in the Offspring? Vijay, C. Snehalatha, M. Terin, A. Ramachandran, DIABETIC MEDICINE, 1997; 14: 854–857
  • Plasma leptin in non-diabetic Asian Indians: association with abdominal A. Ramachandran,C. Snehalatha,V. Vijay, K. Satyavani,E. Latha,S.M. Haffner, DIABETIC MEDICINE, 1997; 14: 937–941
  • Type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy in India—magnitude of the Vijay Viswanathan, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Volume 14, Issue 12, December 1999, Pages 2805–2807,
  • Study of Genetic Prediabetic South Indian Subjects: Importance of hyperinsulinemia and β- cell dysfunctionC Snehalatha, DSC;A Ramachandran, PHD; K Satyavani, MTECH;E Latha, MPHIL;Vijay Viswanathan,        MD.                                                                                Diabetes Care 1998;21(1):76–79
  • CardiovascularmorbidityinproteinuricSouthIndianNIDDM,VijayViswanathan,CSnehalatha,Terin MathaiMuthu,Jayaraman, DRCP, January 1998, Pages 63-67
  • A simple device for foot pressure measurement: Evaluation in South Indian NIDDM subjectsViswanathan Vijay; Rajasekar Seena; Subramaniam Lalitha; Snehalatha, Chamukuttan; Ramachandran, Diabetes Care; Alexandria Vol. 21, Iss. 7, (Jul 1998): 1205-6. DOI:10.2337/diacare.21.7.1205
  • Significance Of Microalbuminuria At Diagnosis Of Type 2 Diabetes Vijay Viswanathan, Seena R, Lalitha S, Snehalata C, Jayaraman Muthu, Ramachandran A* J. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (1998), VOL. 18
  • Foetal outcome in gestational diabetes in south Indians Ramachandran *, C. Snehalatha, M. Clementina, R. Sasikala, V. Vijay, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 41 (1998) 185–189
  • Effects of genetic predisposition on proinsulin responses in Asian Indians Ramachandran *,
  • Snehalatha, K. Satyavani, V. Vijay, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 41 (1998) 71–77
  • Dietary profile of urban south Indians and its relation with glycaemic status R. Shobana, C. Snehalatha, Latha, V. Vijay, A. Ramachandran. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 42 (1998) 181–186
  • Plasma leptin is not associated with insulin resistance and proinsulin in non-diabetic South Asian Indians C. Snehalatha,A. Ramachandran,K. Satyavani,V. Vijay,S. M. Haffner, Diabetic Medicine. Volume15, Issue6June 1998:Pages 480-484
  • GAD65 antibodies in classification of Asian Indian diabetic subjects with onset between 20 and 40 yearsRamachandran, Ambady; Snehalatha, Chamukuttan; Satyavani, Kumpatla; Selvaraj Sivasankari; Viswanathan Diabetes Care; Alexandria Vol. 22, Iss. 1, (Jan 1999): 175- 6. DOI:10.2337/diacare.22.1.175
  • Impacts of urbanisation on the lifestyle and on the prevalence of diabetes in native Asian Indian population RamachandranC.SnehalathaE.LathaM.ManoharanV.VijayDiabetes Research Centre, 4 Main Road, Royapuram, Madras 600 013, India . Received 2 December 1998, Revised 1 February 1999, Accepted 24 February 1999, Available online 25 June 1999.
  • Familial aggregation of diabetic kidney disease in Type 2 diabetes in south V.VijayC.SnehalathaK.ShinaS.LalithaA.Ramachandran. Diabetes Research and Clinical PracticeVolume 43, Issue 3, March 1999, Pages 167-171
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – The Epidemic Of The 21st Century: The Indian Scenario A Ramachandran*, C Snehalatha*, J. Diab. Dev. Countries (1999), Vol. 19
  • High prevalence and early onset of cardiac autonomic neuropathy among South Indian Type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy Vijay Viswanathan *, Durga Prasad, Snehalatha Chamukuttan, Ambady Ramachandran. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 48 (2000) 211– 216
  • Evaluation of a simple, random urine test for prospective analysis of proteinuria in Type 2 diabetes: a
  • sixyearfollowupstudy.VijayViswanathanSnehalathaChamukuttanShinaKuniyilRamachandranA mbady. Diabetes Research and Clinical PracticeVolume 49, Issues 2–3, August 2000, Pages 143-147
  • Routine foot examination: the first step towards prevention of diabetic foot amputationVijay Viswanathan MD,Seena Rajasekar BA,C. Snehalatha MSc, DSc,A. Ramachandran MD, PhD, FRCP,Practical diabetes international, Volume17, Issue4June 2000Pages 112-114
  • Diabetic Nephropathy – Strategy Of Management Vijay Viswanathan*, C. Snehalatha*, A. Ramachandran* INT. DIAB. DEV. COUNTRIES (2000), VOL. 20
  • P1454 Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in CAD in Asian Indians C. SNEHALATHA, A. Ramachandran, Satyavani, S. Sivasankari, Vijay Viswanathan. Diabetes Research Centre, Madras, India, September 2000Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 50(1):369-369 DOI:10.1016/S0168-8227(00)81260-7
  • Cost burden to diabetic patient with foot complications- A study from southern india.R.Shobhana, Rama Rao, A.Lawanya, V.Vijay, A.Ramachandran,JAPI, 2000 Vol-48, no-12
  • Clinical profile of diabetic foot infections in south India – a retrospective study Vijay,D. V. L. Narasimham,R. Seena,C. Snehalatha,A. Ramachandran,British diabetic association, Diabetic medicine- 17, pg:215-218
  • Expenditure on health care incurred by diabetic subjects in a developing country — a study from southern India R. Shobhana a,*, P. Rama Rao a , A. Lavanya a , R. Williams b , Vijay a , A. Ramachandran a .Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 48 (2000) 37–42
  • Vascular complications in young Asian Indian patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus Ramachandran *, C. Snehalatha, R. Sasikala, K. Satyavani, V. Vijay, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 48 (2000) 51–56
  • The Rydel Seiffer tuning fork: an inexpensive device for screening diabetic patients with high- risk foot. Vijay V, Snehalatha, R. Seena, A. Ramachandran.Practical Diabetes Int. 2001: 18(5); 155-156
  • Routine foot examination: the first step towards prevention of diabetic foot Vijay V,Seena Rajasekar, C. Snehalatha, A. Ramachandran. Pract Diab Int June 2001. Vol 17, No.4.
  • Association between ACE gene polymorphism and diabetic nephropathy in south Indian Vijay V, Yanqing Zhu, Karthik Bala, Stephen Dunn, C Snehalatha, A. Ramachandran, Muthu Jayaraman, Kumar Sharma. JOP. J. Pancreas (Online) 2001; 2 (2): 83 – 87.
  • Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetes: The Indian Experience.Vijay V. JAPI Dec 2001; 49, 1185-187
  • High prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in India: National Urban Diabetes Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Kapur A, Vijay V, Mohan V, Das AK, Rao PV, Yajnik CS, Prasanna Kumar KM, Nair JD. Diabetes Epidemiology Study Group in India (DESI). Diabetologia. 2001 Sep;44(9):1094-101.
  • Foot care economics–cost burden to diabetic patients with foot complications: a study from southern India.Shobhana R, Rao PR, Lavanya A, Vijay V, Ramachandran A.J Assoc Physicians 2001 May; 49: 530-3.
  • Risk variables for coronary artery disease in Asian Indians.Ramachandran A, Sathyamurthy I, Snehalatha C, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Misra J, Girinath MR, Vijay V. Am J Cardiol. 2001 Feb 1;87(3):267-71.
  • Association of proinsulin and insulin resistance with coronary artery disease in non-diabetic south Indian Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A, Saltyamurthy I, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Misra J, Vijay V. Diabet Med. 2001 Sep;18(9):706-8.
  • Lack of association of insulin resistance and carotid intimal medial thickness in non-diabetic Asian Indian subjects.Snehalatha C, Vijay V, Suresh Mohan R, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Megha T, Radhika S, Ramachandran Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2001 Nov-Dec; 17(6):444-7.
  • Periodontal diseases in Asian –Indian diabetes – a study from Southern India. Vinitha R, Khalid G, Vasanth Kumar, Vijay V, Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A. Int J Diab dev Countries 2001; 21: 129 –
  • Prevalence of albuminuria among vegetarian and non-vegetarian south Indian diabetic Vijay V, C Snehalatha, MP Varadharani, B Mamtha Nair, M Jayaraman, A Ramachandran.Indian J Nephrol 2002; 12: 73 – 76.
  • Prevalence of pathogens in diabetic foot infection in south Indian type 2 diabetic patients – Vijay V, Jenifer Jasmine, Snehalatha, A. Ramachandran.JAPI, Vol. 50, Aug. 2002, 1013 – 1016.
  • Persistent microalbuminuria in type 1 diabetic subjects in south Vijay V, C Snehalatha, K Shina, A Ramachandran. JAPI 2002; 50: 1259 – 1261.
  • Early Recognition of Diabetic Neuropathy: Evaluation of a Simple Outpatient Procedure using Thermal Vijay V, C Snehalatha ,R Seena, A Ramachandran. Postgraduate Medical Journal 2002;Vol 78(923) Pg 541-542
  • Temporal changes in prevalence of type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in urban southern India.Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay V.Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2002 Oct; 58(1):55-60.
  • Prevalence of overweight in urban Indian adolescent school Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vinitha R, Thayyil M, Kumar CK, Sheeba L, Joseph S, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2002 Sep;57(3):185-90.
  • Impact of poverty on the prevalence of diabetes and its complications in urban southern Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay V, King H. Diabet Med. 2002 Feb;19(2):130-5
  • Costs incurred by families having Type 1 diabetes in a developing country–a study from Southern Shobhana R, Rama Rao P, Lavanya A, Williams R, Padma C, Vijay V, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2002 Jan;55(1):45-8.
  • Is increased apolipoprotein B-A major factor enhancing the risk of coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes?.Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A, Sivasankari S, Satyavani KVijay V, Misra J, Girinath MR, Sathyamurthy J Assoc Physicians India. 2002 Aug;50:103
  • Plasma homocysteine concentration and coronary artery disease in Asian Indians.Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Sathyamurthy I, Vijay J Assoc Physicians India. 2002 Oct;50:1229-31.
  • Current and future perspective in the management of diabetes. Vishwanathan V. J Indian Med 2002 Mar;100(3):181-3.
  • Increased carotid intimal media thickness precedes albuminuria in south Indian type 2 diabetic Vijay V, C Snehalatha, R Suresh Mohan, B Mamtha Nair, A Ramachandran.The British Journal of Diabetes and vascular disease Vol 3, issue 2, March / April 2003, pg: 146 – 149.
  • Association of limited joint mobility and high plantar pressure in diabetic foot ulceration in Asian Vijay V, C. Snehalatha, M. Sivagami, R Seena, A. Ramachandran.Diabetes research and clinical practice, April 2003; 60 (1), pg 57 – 61.
  • Regional differences in risk factors and clinical presentation of diabetic foot lesions.Vijay V, Morbach, J.K. Lutalet, J. Mollenberg, H.R. Ochs, Seena Rajasekar, A. Ramachandran, Z.G. Abbas. Diabetic medicine 2003; 21: 91 – 95.
  • Beneficial role of granulocyte colony stimulating factor in foot infection in diabetic Vijay V, Uma Mahesh, M Jayaraman, K Shina, A Ramachandran. JAPI, Vol. 51, January 2003.
  • Validation of indigenously made biothesiometer.Vijay V, Sanjeev V, Kelkar DK, Seena R, Mamtha B Nair, A Ramachandran.The Asian Journal of Diabetology, 2003; 5(3): 13 –
  • Effect of treatment with the combination of Alpha – lipoic acid, chromium and inositol on diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Vijay V, HR Badrinath, C. Snehalatha, M. Bhoopathy , B. Mamta Nair, R Seena, M.P. Varadha Rani, A Ramachandran.The Asian Journal and Diabetology, September 2003, Vol. 5 (9); Pg. 9 – 15.
  • Diabetes could cost you your kidneys, act now!.Vijay V. JAPI November 2003, vol. 51, 1043 –
  • Validation of a method to determine albumin excretion rate in type 2 diabetes mellitus.Vijay V, C Snehalatha, B Mamtha Nair, A Indian Journal of Nephrology 13; 2003: 85 – 88.
  • Type 2 diabetes in Asian-Indian urban children.Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Vijay V.Diabetes 2003 Apr;26(4):1022-5.
  • Evaluation of the beta cell response by C-peptide measurement in parents of children with type I diabetes.Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Nanditha R, Vijay V, Hitman J Assoc Physicians India. 2003 Sep;51:927-8.
  • Insulin secretion and action show differences in impaired fasting glucose and in impaired glucose tolerance in Asian Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A, Sivasankari S, Satyavani K, VijayV. Diabetes Metab Res 2003 Jul-Aug; 19(4):329-32
  • Age- and sex-specific prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose regulation in 11 Asian Qiao Q, Hu G, Tuomilehto J, Nakagami T, Balkau B, Borch-Johnsen K, Ramachandran A, Mohan V, Iyer SR, Tominaga M, Kiyohara Y, Kato I, Okubo K, Nagai M, Shibazaki S, Yang Z, Tong Z, Fan Q, Wang B, Chew SK, Tan BY, Heng D, Emmanuel S, Tajima N, Iwamoto Y, Snehalatha C, Vijay V, Kapur A, Dong Y, Nan H, Gao W, Shi H, Fu F; DECODA Study Group. Diabetes Care. 2003 Jun;26(6):1770-80.
  • Metabolic syndrome in urban Asian Indian adults–a population study using modified ATP III Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2003 Jun;60(3):199-204.
  • Quality of life and diabetes integration among subjects with type 2 diabetes. Shobhana R, Rama Rao P, Lavanya A, Padma C, Vijay V, Ramachandran A. J Assoc Physicians India. 2003 Apr;51: 363-5.
  • Impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance in urban population in Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Diabet Med. 2003 Mar;20(3):220- 4.
  • Cutoff values for normal anthropometric variables in Asian Indian adults.Vijay V, Ramachandran Snehalatha C. Diabetes Care. 2003 May; 26(5):1380
  • Plasma adiponectin is an independent predictor of type 2 diabetes in Asian Snehalatha C, Mukesh B, Simon M, Vijay V, Haffner SM, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Care. 2003 Dec;26(12):3226-9.
  • Prevention of diabetic foot Vijay V. The Antiseptic 2003; 100 (4) April: 135 – 136.
  • Effectiveness of different types of footwear insoles for the diabetic neuropathic foot: a follow-up Vijay V, Madhavan S, Saraswathy G, Gopalakrishna G, Das BN, Seena R, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Care. 2004 Feb;27(2):474-7.
  • Markers of endothelial dysfunction in hyperglycaemic Asian Indian subjects. Vijay V, Snehalatha C, Nair MB, Ramachandran J Diabetes Complications. 2004 Jan-Feb;18(1):47-52.
  • Increased forefoot to rear foot plantar pressure ratio in South Indian patients with diabetic foot Vijay V, Sivagami M, Seena R, Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A, Veves A. Diabet Med. 2004 Apr;21(4):396-7..
  • Temporal changes in prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance associated with lifestyle transition occurring in the rural population in India.Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Baskar AD, Mary S, Kumar CK, Selvam S, Catherine S, Vijay V. 2004 May; 47(5):860-5.
  • Specific problems of the diabetic foot in developing countries. Ramachandran A. Diabetes Metab Res 2004 May-Jun;20 Suppl 1:S19-22.
  • Use of glimepiride and insulin sensitizers in the treatment of type 2 diabetes–a study in Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Salini J, Vijay V. J Assoc Physicians India. 2004 Jun; 52:459- 63.
  • Detecting undiagnosed diabetes in urban Asian Indians–role of opportunistic Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay V, Colagiuri S. JAPI 2004; 52(7): 545-6.
  • Flow mediated dilatation and carotid intimal media thickness in South Indian type 2 diabetic Nair BM, Vijay V, Snehalatha C, Mohan RS, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2004 Jul; 65(1):13-9.
  • Polymorphic variations in the neurogenic differentiation-1, neurogenin-3, and hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha genes contribute to glucose intolerance in a South Indian population. Jackson AE, Cassell PG, North BV, Vijayaraghavan S, Gelding SV, Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Hitman Diabetes. 2004 Aug; 53(8):2122-5.
  • Creating a pandemic of prediabetes: the proposed new diagnostic criteria for impaired fasting Borch-Johnsen K, Colagiuri S, Balkau B, Glümer C, Carstensen B, Ramachandran A, Dong Y, Gao W. Diabetologia. 2004 Aug;47(8):1396-402.
  • Low risk threshold for acquired diabetogenic factors in Asian Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2004 Sep;65(3):189-95.
  • Serum albumin levels in different stages of type 2 diabetic nephropathy patients. Vijay V Snehalatha C, Kumutha R, jayaraman M, Ramachandran A. Ind J Nephropathy. 2004 Jul-Sep 14(3): 89-92
  • Impact of Joint National Committee VII recommendations on diabetic microvascular Vijay V, Snehalatha C, Kumutha R, Nair BM, Ramachandran A. J Assoc Physicians India. 2004 Nov; 52:873-6.
  • Diabetes & obesity — the Indian angle. Ramachandran A. Indian J Med Res. 2004 Nov; 120 (5):437-9.
  • Increasing trend in prevalence of diabetes in rural south Asian countries undergoing social Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C. Int J Metabolism by Fax 02/11/2004.
  • Contemporary diabetes care: An Integrated approach. Ramachandran A. Int J Metabolism. 14/12/2004.
  • Diffuse interstitial skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) in type 2 Ghosh B, Kishore S, Vijay V,Ramachandran A. J Assoc Physicians India. 2004 Dec; 52:994-6.
  • The EIF2AK3 gene region and type I diabetes in subjects from South India.Allotey RA, Mohan V, McDermott MF, Deepa R, Premalatha G, Hassan Z, Cassell PG, North BV, Vaxillaire M, Mein CA, Swan DC, O’Grady E, Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Sinnot PJ, Hemmatpour SK, Froguel P, Hitman GA. Genes 2004 Dec;5(8):648-52.
  • Nerve conduction abnormalities in different stages of glucose intolerance. Vijay V, Seena R, Nair MB, Snehalatha C, Bhoopathy RM, Ramachandran Neurol India. 2004 Dec;52(4):466-9.
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes: issues and strategies for identifying persons for interventions. Engelgau MM, Colagiuri S, Ramachandran A, Borch-Johnsen K, Narayan KM; Atlanta Meeting Diabetes Technol Ther. 2004 Dec;6(6):874-82. Review.
  • Socio-economic determinants of the cost of diabetes. Kapur A, Bjork S, Nair J, Kelkar S, Ramachandran Diabetes Voice 49(3): 18-21.
  • Prevention of diabetic nephropathy: A Diabetologist’s perspective. Vijay V. Ind J Nephrology 2004 Oct – Dec 14(4): 157-162.
  • Dietary management of diabetes mellitus in Indian and south east asia. Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay Int. text book Diabetes Mellitus. Chapter 40
  • Type 2 Diabetes – Consequences of Ramachandran A. Type 2 Diabetes: Urban

– Rural Chapter 1 pub micro labs.

  • Micro vascular complications in Type 2 Vijay V, Mamatha Nair, Sivagami N. Type 2 Diabetes: Urban – Rural. Published by Micro Labs.
  • Diabetes Mellitus. Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C. Public Health Nutrition. 2004; Chapter 20: 330 –
  • Epidemiology of diabetes in India–three decades of research. Ramachandran A. J Assoc Physicians 2005 Jan;53:34-8.
  • Use of   Metformin    in    Pregnancies    with    Diabetes:A    Case    Series    from    India A Ramachandran, C Snehalatha, S Vijayalakshmi, Vijay J Assoc Physicians India 2005 Feb;157 – 158
  • Microalbuminuria: A Risk favtor for abnormal pulse wave Vijay V, Sheethal S, Mamtha BN, Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A. Ind J Cardiology 2005; 8: 9 – 12.
  • Comparative assessment of cystatin C and creatinine for determining renal Vijay V,
  • Snehalatha C, Mamtha BN, Ramachandran A. Ind J Neprology 2005;15: 91 -194.
  • Improving psycho-social care: the Indian Shobana R, Augustina C, Vijay V,
  • Ramachandran A. Diabetes Voice 2005; 50(1):19 – 20.
  • An inexpensive method to diagnose incipient diabetic nephropathy in developing countries. Vijay V, Mamtha BN, Suresh S, Snehalatha C, Ramachandran Diabetes Care. 2005 May; 28(5):1259-60.
  • Experiences of the WHO collaborating centre for diabetes in India in managing tsunami Victims with Ramachandran A. Pract diab Int 2005; 22(3): 98 – 99.
  • Amputation prevention initiative in South India: positive impact of foot care education. Vijay V, Madhavan S, Rajasekar S, Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A. Diabetes 2005 May; 28(5):1019-21.
  • Levels of transforming growth factor beta 1 in south Indian type 2 diabetic subjects. Vijay V, Snehalatha C, Nair MB, Kumutha R, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2005 May- Jun;21(3):276-80.PMID:15586391
  • Early diabetes control is vital prevent fatality from MI and stroke. Summary and comment by Ramachandran Int Diab Monitor 2005; 17(3) 22 – 23.
  • Serum triglycerides as a marker of insulin resistance in non-diabetic urban Indians. Snehalatha C, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Vijay V, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2005 Aug;69(2):205-6. PMID:16005371
  • Development of a Reliable and Valid Psychosocial Measure of Self-Perception of Health in Type
  • 2 DiabetesPR Rao, R Shobhana, A Lavanya, C Padma, V Vijay, A Ramachandran JAPI 2005;53(8): 689 – 692.
  • Coronary risk variables in young asymptomatic Ramachandran A. Indian J Med Res. 2005 Sep; 122(3):191-2.
  • Diabetic Foot: An Indian Vijay V, Sivagami, Seena R. Asian J Dibetology 2005; 7(3): Jul – Sep 9 – 11.
  • Socio – economic Issues in diabetic Ramachandran A. 2005; 7(3): 17 – 19.
  • Positive impact of education to prevent foot problems in developing Sivagami M, Vijay Asian J Diabetology 2005; 7(3): 34 – 35.
  • Management of diabetes in Chronic renal Vijay V. Indian J Nephrology. 2005;15 Supli 1: S23 – S31.
  • High incidence of glucose intolerance in Asian-Indian subjects with acute coronary syndrome. Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Immaneni S, Shanmugam RM, Vishnu N, Vijay V, Jaakko Diabetes Care. 2005 Oct;28(10):2492-6.
  • Derivation and validation of diabetes risk score for urban Asian Indians. Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Vijay V, Wareham NJ, Colagiuri S. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2005 Oct;70(1):63- PMID:16126124
  • Profile of diabetic foot complications and its associated complications–a multicentric study from Vijay V, Thomas N, Tandon N, Asirvatham A, Rajasekar S, Ramachandran A, Senthilvasan K, Murugan VS, Muthulakshmi. J Assoc Physicians India. 2005 Nov;  53: 933- 6.
  • Epidemiology of diabetes in India: three decades of Ramachandran A. API Medicine Update 2005 Ed by S B Gupta 2005; Vol 15: 177, Chapter 36.
  • Diabetic foot in India. Vijay V, Sharad Pendsey, Arun Bal. API Medicine Update 2005 Ed by S B Gupta 2005; Vol 15: 220 – 222, Chapter
  • Safety of combination lipid lowering Vijay VAPI Medicine Update 2005 Ed by S B Gupta 2005; Vol 15: 244 – 246, Chapter 52.
  • Handbook of Diabetes foot care. Ed by Sanjeev Kelkar. Contributors are Arun Bal, Das AK, pendesy S, Suresh KR, Vijay V, Ambardekar P
  • Socio-economic issue in diabetic foot. Ramachandran A. Proceeding of the 2nd Indo – Us workshop on Diabetic foot complication: Theme: Preventing diabetic amputations in developing IJCP Group of Publications. Ed by Vijay V 2005; 46 – 48
  • Magnitude of diabetic foot problem in India. Vijay VProceeding of the 2nd Indo – Us workshop on Diabetic foot complication: Theme: Preventing diabetic amputations in developing IJCP Group of Publications. Ed by Vijay V 2005; 49 – 50.
  • Multiple risk factors and low risk threshold for diabetes in Indians. Ramachandran A and Snehalatha C. Book chapter from Diabetes mellitus epidemic combat the challenge 2005; 17 –
  • Recent status in the drug development to prevent diabetic Vijay V and Kumutha Book chapter from Diabetes mellitus epidemic combat the challenge 2005; 54 – 66.
  • Elderly diabetes is a major health problem of the 21st Ramachandran A. Type 2 diabetes in the elderly, Micro Labs. 2005; 12 – 16.
  • Urological problems in elderly diabetic Prakash JVS and Vijay V. Type 2 diabetes in the elderly. Pub by Micro Labs. 2005; 105 – 112.
  • Clustering of cardiovascular risk factors in Asian Ramachandran A. Book chapter from Coronary artery disease: Risk promoters, patho physiology and prevention Ed by Gundu HR Rao, Jaypee Publishers, 2005; chapter 2: 12 – 20.
  • High prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism in subjects with acute coronary syndrome. Snehalatha C, Ramachadran Int J Metabolism by Fax. 31/01/2006.
  • Diabetes risk Snehalatha C, Ramachadran A. Int J Metabolism by Fax. 21/02/2006.
  • The Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme shows that lifestyle modification and metformin prevent type 2 diabetes in Asian Indian subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IDPP- 1).Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Mary S, Mukesh B, Bhaskar AD, Vijay V; Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme (IDPP). 2006 Feb;49(2):289-97. PMID:16391903
  • The diabetes attitudes wishes, and needs (DAWN) progr am: A New approach to improving outcomes of diabetes care. Skovlnd SE, Peyrot M on behalf of DAWN Int Advisory Panel (Ruth Colagiuro, Ramachandran A etc). Diabetes Spectrum (Asian Edition) 2005; 5(1): 3 –
  • Persistent impaired glucose tolerance has similar rate of risk factors as for diabetes–results of Indian diabetes prevention programme (IDPP).Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Mukesh B, Simon M, Kumar CK, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin 2006 Jul;73(1):100-3.PMID:16406189
  • Stress and undetected hyperglycemia in southern Indian coastal population affected by Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Yamuna A, Bhaskar AD, Simon M, Vijay V, Shobhana R. J Assoc Physicians India. 2006 Feb; 54:109-12.PMID:16715612
  • Pregabalin: A Novel agent for neuropathic pain. Vijay V. Asian J Diabetology. 2006; 8(1): 9 –
  • Arguments for and against the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs in the treatment diabetic Vijay V, Mamtha BM. Asian J Diabtolo 2006; 8(1): 39 – 47.
  • Urban-rural differences in the prevalence of foot complications in South-Indian diabetic patients. Vijay V, Madhavan S, Seena R, Snehalatha C, Ramachandran A. Diabetes Care. 2006 Mar; 29(3):701-3.
  • Primary prevention of diabetes in the Asian population. Ramachandran Int. J Metabolism by Fax 23/05/2006.
  • A Phase III study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of recombinant human epidermal growth factor (REGEN-DTM 150)in healing diabetic foot ulcers. Vijay V Pendsey S, Sekar N, Murthy Wounds 2006; 18(7): 186 – 196.
  • How should developing countries manage diabetes? CMAJ Narayan KM, Zhang P, Williams D, Engelgau M, Imperatore G, Kanaya A, Ramachandran CMAJ. 2006 Sep 26;175(7):733.A proof of concept, preliminary study to determine the effect of Yogasnas in controlling type 2 diabetes mellitus in newly detected subjects (when compared to metformin monotherapy). Vijay V, Chacko PT, Lavanya M, Tilak P. J Assoc Physicians India. 2006 Dec;54:965-6.
  • Insulin resistance – is it a threat among Asian Indians? Ramachandran A. Book chapter from Type 2 Diabetes and the role of insulin resistance – micro laps 2006; 13 –
  • Kidney in insulin resistance. Vijay V, Mamtha M. Book chapter from Type 2 Diabetes and the role of insulin resistance – micro laps 2006; 81 –
  • Recent international developments: Vijay V. Chapter 33, “The Foot Diabetes”. 4th Ed Ed by Andrew J M, Boulton PR. 2006 John Wiley & sons. Ltd.
  • A focus group study among type 2 diabetic Shobana R, Christina R, Rao PR, Margaret M, Vijay V, Ramachandran A. JAPI 2007; 55(1):84-85.
  • Increasing expenditure on health care incurred by diabetic subjects in a developing country A study from Ramachandran A, Shobana R, Snehalatha C, Christina Augustine, Murugesan N, Vijay V, Kapoor A Williams R. Diabetes care 2007;30(2):252- 256.PMID:17259490
  • Metabolic syndrome does not increase the risk of conversion of IGT to DM in Asian Indians: Results of IDDP. Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Satyavani K, Sivasankari S, Vijay V. DRCP 2007; 76(2):215 – PMID:16982107
  • Insulin resistance and clustering cardio metabolic risk factors in urban teenagers in southern Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Yamuna A, Murugesan, Venkat Narayan KM,. Diabetes care 2007; 30(7):1828-1833
  • Parental influence on the spectrum of type 2 diabetes in the offspring among Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Sivasankari S, Hit man GA, Vijay V. JAPI 2007;55(8):560-562.
  • Awareness about diabetes and its complications in the general and diabetic population in a city in southern India. Murugesan N, Snehalatha C, Shobhana R, Roglic G, Ramachandran A. DRCP 2007;77(3):433-437.
  • Risk of future diabetes is as high with abnormal intermediate post glucose response as with impaired glucose tolerance. Vijay V, Clementina M, Mamta Nair B, Satyavani K. JAPI 2007; 55(12): 833-837.
  • The Diabetic foot: Perspectives from Chennai, South India. Vijay V. Int J of Lower Extremity Wounds 2007; 6(1): 34 –
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes: A Hussain A, Claussen B, Ramachandran A, Williams R. Diab. Resear. Cli Pract 2007; 76: 317 – 326.
  • Exercise and Diabetes Vijay V. Asian J Diabetology; 2007: 10 – 11
  • Yoga as an adjunct therapy for type2 Diabetes Vijay V. Asian J Diabtology; 2007: 37 – 38.
  • Diabetic Vijay V. Physician’s Digest April – May 2007; 16(1): 7 – 13
  • The diabetic foot in Africa and India. Zulfiqarali G. Abbas and Vijay V. International Diabetes Monitor 2007; 19(1): 8 –
  • Insulin resistance and clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors in urban teenagers in southern Ramachandran A, Snehalatha C, Yamuna A, Murugesan N, Narayan KM.Diabetes Care. 2007 Jul;30(7):1828-33.PMID:17416794
  • Epidemiology of Type 2 diabetes and its complications in India. Ramachandran A. Moses Manual on Diabetes Mellitus Ed by Sidharsha Das and Anand Moses IJCP publications 2007; 36 – Chapter 5
  • Diabetic Nephropathy. Vijay V and Mamtha B Nair. Moses Manual on Diabetes Mellitus Ed by Sidharsha Das and Anand Moses IJCP publications 2007; 273 – Chapter 31.
  • Diabetic renal – retinal syndrome. Vijay V and Mamtha B Nair. Moses Manual on Diabetes Mellitus Ed by Sidharsha Das and Anand Moses IJCP publications 2007; 284 – Chapter 32.
  • Diabetic foot and its complications. Vijay V and Sivagami M. Moses Manual on Diabetes Mellitus Ed by Sidharsha Das and Anand Moses IJCP publications 2007; 292 – Chapter 33.
  • Wolfram Vijay V, Srikanth M, Kadiri M. JAPI 2008; 56(3):197-199.
  • Effect of taurine and acetyl cysteine in attenuating micoalbuminuria in type 2 Vijay V,
  • Nair MB, Tilak P. Indian journal of Nephrology 2008;18(2):85.
  • Warm immersion recovery test in assessment of diabetic neuropathy – a proof of concept Manish Bharara, Vijay V, Cobb J E. Int. J Wounds 2008; 5 : 570-576.
  • High prevalence of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk among police personnel compared to general population in India. Shabana T, Satyavani K, Muthukumaran P, Vijay V. JAPI 2008; 56(11):845-849
  • Three siblings with woodhouse – sakati syndrome in an Indian family. Koshy G, Danda S, Thomas N, Mathews V, Vijay V. Clinical Dysmorphology 2008; 17: 57 –
  • Burden of neuropathic pain in Indian patients attending urban, specialty clinics: results from a cross sectional IndINep study group. Pain Practice 2008; 8: 362 – 378.
  • Levels of glycated albumin at different stages diabetic nephropathy in Vijay V, Satyavani K, Priyanka Tilak, Parthiban M. Int J Diabetese & Metabolism 17: 77 – 80; 2009
  • Cost of medical care among type 2 diabetic patients with a co morbid condition – hypertension in Shabana T, Satyavani K, Vijay V, DRCP 83: 263 – 267; 2009
  • Assessment of ulcer related outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients with foot ulceration in India. Vijay V, Satyavani K, Saraswathi G, Gautham G, Bhadendeanth J diabetic foot complications 1(2)no 3 40 – 6; 2009.
  • Gestational diabetes Mitalee Hazarika. IMA Assam Sate branch calling Vol 8 (2 & 3) 18– 19, April – Sep 2009.
  • New Era in Hemanga Barman. IMA Assam State branch calling Vol 8 (2 & 3)31 – 32, April – Sep 2009.
  • ..Ing to advance a safe treatment strategy for near normal glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Vijay V. TAPIJ 1(1): May – Aug; 10 – 12; 2009
  • Prevalence of lower urinary tract infection in south Indian type 2 diabetic subjects. J Jenifer, Geethalakshmi S, Satyavani K, Vijay IJN 19(3): 108 – 112; 2009
  • Severity of erectile dysfunction and prevalence of premature ejaculation among type 2 diabetic men referred to an ED Clinic of teritiary care Vijay V, Sarweswar Agarwal, Satyavani K. JAPI 57(8); 604; 2009
  • Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Asian Indian subjects with elevated intermedicine glucose response during OGTT. Vijay V, Satyavani K, Clementia M, Priyanka Tilak.DRCP 83: e17 – e18; 2009
  • Microalbuminuria: A Peril for cardiovascular Priyanka Tilak, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Asian J Diabetology 11(3); 27 – 32; 2009
  • Oxidative stress markers regulating the healing of foot ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes. Shiny John Vairamon, Mary Babu, Vijay V. Wounds: a 21(10): 273 – 279; 2009
  • Prevention of diabetes by Lifestyle modification. Vijay V, Shabana Thaekar. Samvriddhi – CII News Letter, 11 – 13, 2009
  • Development and evaluation of a training programme on primary prevention of diabetes for primary care physicians. Shabana T, kathiresan K, Abraham P, Vijay V. Int J health research 2(4): 305 – 314;
  • Sitagliptin: The First in a new class of DPP – 4 inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 Vijay V. TAPIJ 1(2): sep – Dec 2009
  • Biochemical parameters and hormonal profile in Snehalatha C, Vijay V. RSSDI – Text book of Diabetes Mellitus, Chapter 21, page 335 – 352.
  • Pathogenesis of diabetic Micro vascular Vijay V. RSSDI – Text Book of Diabetes Mellitus Vol I& II 2009, Chapter 65, page: 973 – 987.
  • Prevention of type 2 diabetes and its complications: The Indian Vijay V Shabana Tharkar, Priyanka Tilak. API Medicine Update, Chapter 40: 359 – 365.
  • Prevention of diabetic nephropathy: The Indian Vijay V, Priyanka Tilak. Type 2 Diabetes and it complications: A Preventive Program. Micro Labs Ltd: 144 – 149.
  • Nephrotoxicity of iodixanol versus iopamidol in patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes mellitus undergoing coronary angiographic Multicenter Study; Randomized Controlled Trial Laskey W. Am Heart J. 2009 PMID: 19853704 (Colaborative trial)
  • Comparative analysis of transcription factors of insulin signaling (Insulin receptor substrate family). Sampoornam B, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Ind J Biotech 9 (Jan), 2010:24 –
  • Prevalence, aetiology and management of diabetic nephropathy: Indian overview. Vijay V, Tilak J of Gen Med, Jan – Mar, 22 (1), 2010: 25 – 29.
  • Can the Divide be bridged: Overview of Life in Urban Slums in Vijay V, Tharkar S. Indian J Community Med. 2010 Jan;35(1):198-9.
  • Chennai slim and fit programme: Awareness and perceptions related to obesity among urban children and Tharkar S, Vijay V. TAPI J 2(1) jan – April, 2010: 19 – 22.
  • Prevalence of lower urinary tract infection in South Indian type 2 diabetic subjects. Janifer J, Geethalakshmi S, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Indian J 2010 Apr;20(2):120.
  • Knowledge and Outcome Measure of HbA1c Testing in Asian Indian Patients with Type 2 Diabetes from a Tertiary Care Satyavani K, Srikanth M, Manoharan D, Vijay V. Indian J Community Med. 2010 Apr;35(2):290-3.
  • Clinical significance of urinary Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (uMCP-1)in Indian type 2 diabetic patients at different stages of diabetic nephropathy Priyanka Tilak, Zenith Khashim, Satyavani K, Mary Babu, Vijay V. International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus 2 (2010) 15–19
  • Comparison of post amputation outcome in patients with type 2 diabetes from specialized foot care centres in three developing countries.Vijay V, Wadud JR, Madhavan S, Rajasekar S, Satyavani K, Lutale JK, Abbas Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2010 May;88(2):146-50
  • Defining the research agenda to reduce the joint burden of disease from diabetes mellitus and Harries AD, Murray MB, Jeon CY, Ottmani SE, Lonnroth K, Barreto ML, Billo N, Brostrom R, Bygbjerg IC, Fisher-Hoch S, Mori T, Ramaiya K, Roglic G, Strandgaard H, Unwin N, Vijay V, Whiting D, Kapur A. Trop Med Int Health. 2010 Jun;15(6):659-63.
  • Diabetes and heart failure: complex Vijay V, Deepa M. Cardiology Today 2010, 14 (3), May– June; 125 – 129.
  • Intra urban differences and double burden of uncer weifhr and over weight in developing Vijay V, Tharkar S, TAPI J 2010, 2 (2), May – Aug; 22 – 23.
  • Saxagliption: a New Dpp – 4 inhibitor in type 2 diabetes. Vijay V TAPI J 2010, 2 (2) May – Aug; 33 –
  • The socioeconomics of diabetes from a developing country: a population based cost of illness Tharkar S, Devarajan A, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2010 Sep;89(3):334-40.
  • Effect of obesity on cardiovascular risk factors in urban populations in South Tharkar S,Vijay V. Heart Asia 2010: 2; 145 – 149.
  • Epidemiology of diabetic foot and management of foot problems in India. Vijay V. Int J Low Extrem 2010 Sep; 9(3):122-6.
  • Role of combination therapy in hypertension. Vijay V. Asian J Diabe, 2010; 12 (3), July – Sep: 13 –
  • Insulin resistance at different stages of diabetic kidney disease in Vijay V, Tilak P, Meerza R, Satyavani K. J Assoc Physicians India. 2010 Oct; 58:612-5.
  • Liraglutide – A novel once daily human GLP-1 analogue for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Vijay V. TAPI J 2010, 2 (3) Sep – Dec; 33 –
  • Association of non – alcoholic fatty liver disease with diabetic microvascular and macrovascular complications in south Indian diabetic subjects. Vijay V, Kaditi M, Srikant M, Satyavani K. IJDDC 2010, Oct – Dec; 30 (4): 208 –
  • Prevent death caused by diabetic complications: Diabetes and complications in India – Perspective and treatment options. Vijay V and Balaji V Book chapeter – Peripheral vascular Elsevier 2010; 188 – 194.
  • Prevent death caused by diabetic complications: Diabetes and complications in India – Perspective and treatment options.Diabetic foot. Vijay V. Disease.Vijay V and Balaji V Book chapeter – Elsevier 2010; 195 –
  • Population based prevention strategies for childhood obesity – report of the WHO forum for technical Geneva, 15 – 17 December 2009.
  • Is micro albuminuria a biomarker and harbinger of Metabolic syndrome?. Vijay V, Satyavani K, Tilak Controversies in type 2 Diabetes by Micro Labs. Chp 16; 2010: 150 – 155.
  • Cardiovascular risk factors in North Indian populations in South India vs native South indian Vijay V, Tharkar S, Arutselvei D, satyavani K, Vigneswari A, Parthiban M. IJCP
  • Pattern and causes of amputation in diabetic patients–a multicentric study from Vijay V,
  • Satyavani K. J Assoc Physicians India. 2011 Mar;59:148-51
  • Efficacy of glycated albumin (GA) in comparison with glaycated haemoglobin (HbA1C) in type 2 diabetic subjects in Satyavani K, Tilak P, Vijay V. J Med Edu and Res, 2011: 13(2) Jan – Mar; 6 – 10.
  • Awareness about HbA1c test in type 2 diabetic patients during registration in a tertiary care centre in Srikant M, Satyavani K, Vijay V. TAPIJ 2011; 3(1): 8 – 13.
  • Central blood pressure lowering and cardiovascular Vijay V TAPIJ 2011; 3(1): 21 – 22.
  • Role of α – glucosidase inhibitors in the management of postprandial Vijay V, Asian J Diabe 2011; 13(1) Jan – Mar: 9 – 12.Vascular changes seen in postprandial hyperglycemia. Vijay V and Divya M. Asian J Diabe 2011; 13(1): 14 – 18.
  • Role of triple drug combination therapy for type 2 diabetes millitus – Clinical Vijay V, Asian J Diabe 2011: 13 (2); 9 – 12.
  • A pilot study on the effects of a polyherbal formulation cream on diabetic foot Vijay V,
  • Kesavan R, Kavitha KV, Satyavani K. Indian J Med Res. 2011 Aug;134(2):168-73
  • Management of diabetic hypertensives. Ganesh J, Vijay V. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Oct; 15 Suppl 4:S374-9.
  • Fear about marriage and conception among youth with Type 1 diabetes: An exploratory study. Sripriya Shaji, Umamahesh K, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Tapij 2011; 3(2): 1 –
  • How far has translation of research been implemented into clinical practice in India? Are the recommended guidelines adhered to?. Tharkar S, Arutselvi D, Barman H, Uma mahesh, Vijay V, IJDM
  • Optimal RAAS control: DRIs beyond BP TAPI J 2011 3(3), Sep – Dec; 39 – 44.
  • Pattern of diseases among patients attending private heath care centres in a south Indian state, tami nadu – A Study from API – TNSC. Vijay V, Ponniah S, Jadeesan KMSV, Balakeishnan K, Gurumoorthy T, pothiraju s, Ramamurthy SP, Maruthupandian M, Sundaraj T, Mathiselvan CA, Alagia Nambi P, Danial MK, Srinivas S, Eswaran P, Vigneswari A, Satyavani K. TAPI J 2011: 3(3); Sep – Dec 1 –
  • Recent advances in management of diabetic nephropathy – An Vidya V, Yogesh NV, Georgi A, Vijay V, Mathew M. TAPIJ 2011; Vol 3(3): 22 – 32.
  • Changing trend in one decade in the profile of newly diagnosed subjects with type2 diabetes in Satyavani K, clementina M, Vigneshwari A Vijay V, Int J Diab and Metab. 2011; 19: 107 – 111.
  • Visceral Adiposity Index and pattern of dyslipidaemia at different stages of glucose intolerance— A study from India. Satyavani K, Clementina M, Vijay V. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & 2011; 5(4): 173-178.
  • Recent trends and future perspectives in the managemnt of peripheral Vijay V and Divya M. Diabetes care in India today.And by 2025? Pub by Micro labs99 – 110. [ book chapter]
  • Diabtic Nephropathy: Clinical course, evaluvation, and follow-up Singh J andVijay V. ECAB Clinical Update: Diabetology 37 – 49. Elsevier pub. [ book chapter]
  • VIPs of healing diabetic foot (Vascular, infection and pressure). Vijay V, Postgraduate Medicine: Cutting edge techmology in Medicine) Vol 25, 2011 Book Chapter 20:
  • Prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes and hypertension in India – results from the screening India’s twin epidemic (SITE) Shanshank R J, Banshi S, Vijay V. Diab tech and Therapeutics 2012; Vol 14 (1): 1 – 8
  • α2 Heremans schmid glycoprotein (AHSG) gene Thr 256 Ser polymorshism in type 2 diabetes among south Indians. Ezhilarasi K, thanigaivelan K, Parthiban M, Vijay V. Int J Cureent Res, 2012; 4(3): 107 – 111
  • Is HSP 70-hom (C2437T) single nuleotied polymorphism (SNP) associatd with diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) among south Indian population?. Dhamodharan U, Ezhilarasi K, Parthiban M, Rama R, Indira P, Vijay V. J Dia Foot Compli, 2012; 4 (2)No: 3 : 57 –
  • Prevalence of diabetes and pre diabetes and associated risk factors among Tuberculosis patients in India. Vijay V, Satyavani K, Vigneswari A, Rajeswari R, Chinnaswamy C, Rajan S, Selvam J M, Kapur Plos ONE 2012 7 (7): 1 -8
  • Impact of awareness programme on prevention of childhood obesity among school children in a metropolitan city – Chennai slim and fit programme. Vignewswari A, Manikandan R, Satyavani K, Rajeswari R, Vijay V. J Edu and practice, 2012; 3 (9); 88 –
  • Risk associated with the development of overt nephropathy in type 2 diabetes patients: A 12 year’s observational Vijay V, Tilak P, Satyavani K. IJMR, 2012; 136 (1): 46 – 53.
  • Association of A1538G and C2437T single nucleotide polymorphisms in heat shock protein 70 genes with type 2 Dhamodharan U, Ezhilarasi K, Parthiban M, Rama Rajaram, Indira padmalayam, Vijay V. Labmedicine Fall 2012; 43(6): 250 – 255.
  • Olmesartan Vijay V. TAPIJ 2012; 4(1): 20 – 21.
  • Vijay V TAPIJ 2012; 4 (2): 14 – 17.
  • Bias and barriers influencing patients’ attendance towards diabetes education programme. Sripriya S, satyavani K, Vijay V. TAPJ 2010; 4 (3): 1 -7
  • Improving diabetes care: Multi-component cardiovascular disease risk reduction strategies for people with diabetes in south asia – The CARRS multi-centre translation Shah S, Kavitha singh, Ali MK, Mohan V, Kadir MM,Unnikrishnan AG, Sahey RK, Varthakavi P,Mala D, Vijay V, Masood Q, Bantwal G, Rajesh K, Ankush D, etal. DRCP 2012; 98 : 285-294.
  • Evaluation of Roger’s charcot foot classification system in south Indian diabetic subjects with Charcot Vijay V, Rajesh Kesavan, Kavitha KV, satyavani K. J Dia Foot Compli 2012; 4(3) No2: 67 – 70.
  • Subjects with Type 2diabetes may have obstructive sleep apnoea even at lower BMI
  • Vijay V, Ramakrishnan N, Sunaina S, Vigneswari A, Satyavani K. Ind J Sleep Med 2012; 7(2):45 – 47.
  • Association of diabetes and tuberculosis–a major public health challenge. Vigneswari A, Vijay V, Satyavani Indian Med Assoc. 2012 Sep;110(9):646-8.
  • Lipsky BN, Perters EJG, Senneville E et al. Expert opinion on the management of infections in the diabetic foot. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 2012; 28 (Suppli 1): 163 – (Dr Vijay Viswanathan did the Acknowledgement in expert panel)
  • Effect of Spironolactone and Amiloride on Thiazolidinedione – induced fluid retention in south Indian patients with type 2 Vijay V, Mohan V, Subramani P, Parthasarathy N,Subramaniyam G, Manoharan D, Sundaramoorthy C, Gundi L, Karalliedde J, Viberti G, Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Feb;8(2):225-32. .
  • Problems associated with diabetes care in India. Vijay V, Rao VN. Diabetes Management 2013; 3(1): 31 – special Report
  • The cost of treating long term diabetic complications in a developing country: A study from India. Satyavani K, Hemalatha K, Tharkar S, Vijay V. 2013: 61(2): 102 – 109.
  • Stromal cell – derived factor (SDF – 1β) Gene single nucleotide polymorphism st position G801A is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a south Indian population. Dhamodharan U, Ezhilarasi K, parthiban M, Rama Rajaram, Indira P, Vijay V. Int J Genetic Eng 2013, 3(1): 1 –
  • Managing diabetic foot infection in India. Vijay V, Rao VN. Int J Lower Extremity Wounds. 2013; 12(2): 158-166.PMID: 23667101
  • Relationship between Retinal – Renal complications among type 2 diabetic subjects in India. Vijay V, Satyavani K, Tilak P, Archana Int J Diab & vas disease and Res (IJDVR). 2013; 1(2): 1 – 9.
  • Screening of patients with diabetes mellitus for tuberculosis in India. India Diabetes Mellitus – Tuberculosis study Trop Med Int Health 2013; 18(5): 646 – 54.
  • Comparison of exercise regime between adults with type 2 diabetes and healthy subjects. Sripriya S, Ramya G, satyavani K, Vijay V. TAPIJ Vol 5(2): 7 –
  • Saxagliptin / Metformin: A TAPIJ Vol 5(2): 23 – 25.
  • Case Discussion: Vijay V and Jaiganesh M. TAPIJ Vol 5(2): 34 – 35.
  • Evaluation of diabetes self-care with self-monitoring of blood glucose among type 2 diabetic patients and its impact on Shaji S, Dhanalakshmi R, Satyavani K, Vijay V. IJDDC 2013; 33(3): 181 -182.
  • Insulin resistance and cardio metabolic abnormalities among overweight South Indian children: chennai slim and fit Tharkar S, Devarajan A, Satyavani K, Muthukumaran P, Vijay
  • V. Indian J Community 2013 Apr;38(2):121-2.
  • Evaluation of performance of A1c and FPG tests for screening newly diagnosed diabetes defined by an OGTT among tuberculosis patients-a study from Satyavani K, Vigneswari A, Rajan R, Vijay V, Kapur A. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2013 Oct;102(1):60-4.
  • Characteristics of patients with diabetes screened for tuberculosis in a tertiary care hospital in South India Satyavani K, A. Sekar, S. Achanta, B. N. Sharath, A. M. V. Kumar, D. Harries, Vijay V. Public Health action, 2013; 3(S1): S23 – S28.
  • Bioburden vs Antibiogram of diabetic foot Jenifer J, Geethalakshmi S, Satyavani K,
  • Vijay V. Clin Res Foot & ankle. 2013; 1(3) (open access)
  • Prevalence of residual bladder and associated risk factors in patients with type 2 diabetes seen in a tertiary care centre. Barman H, Patel R, Rekha K, Satyavani K, Suresh M, Vijay V. TAPIJ 2013; 5 (3): 6 –
  • Case Discussion: Vijay V and Jaiganesh M. TAPIJ 2013; 5(3); 20 – 21.
  • Protocol of an observational study to evaluate diabetic nephropathy through detection of microalbuminuria in Indian Gokulnath, Manisha S, Sanjay K, Vijay V, A H Zargar, P G Talwalkar, Subhash Kuamr Wangnoo, Debasish Maji, G Vijay Kumar, Ramesh Kumar Deodatta Chafekar, Brij Mohan, Ganapathi Bantwal, Anil Bansali, Jasmeet Singh Sahni Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2013 May;17(3):496-504
  • Improving the design of therapeutic footwear using QFD and TRIZ, Saranya Devi R, Saraswathy G, Gautham Gopalakrishna, Bhabendranath Das, Baskaran  Ranganathan  &  Vijay  V (2013) Footwear Science, 5: sup1, S20-S21, DOI: 1080/19424280.2013.799531
  • Minimizing the risk of Hypoglycemia with Gliptins. Vijay V and Jaiganesh M. Hyperglycemic & Hypoglycemic emergencies in diabetes 1sted, Ed by Ashok Kumar Das, 2013 published by Micro Labs Ltd (Book Chapter)
  • The Double Burden of tuberculosis and diabetes in India. Muruganathan A, Vijay V API – Medicine update 2013; 152 – (Book Chapter)
  • Delivering an Effective foot care for people with Diabetes. Vijay V Chapter 50, API – Medicine Update 2013; 223 – (Book Chapter)
  • Indian National Consensus Group: National Guidelines on initiation and intensification of insulin therapy with premixed insulin Das AK, Sahay BK, Seshiah V, Mohan V, Muruganathan A, Ajay Kumar, Vijay V etal. Chapter 51, API – Medicine Update 2013: 227 – 236. (Book Chapter)
  • Managing Comorbidities in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Vijay V, Proceedings of 1st Int Consensus meet on Diabetes in Children, 12th and 13th Jan 2013, Bangaluru, India Chpter 58,
  • Risk of Diabetes in Subjects with Sedentary Profession and the Synergistic Effect of Positive Family History of Diabetes. Vigneswari A, Satyavani K, Manikandan R,Rajeswari Rajan, Vijay V. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. Vol 16(1): 26 – 32.PMID: 24116832
  • Effect of diabetes on treatment outcome of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis— A report from South India. Vijay V, Vigneswari A, Selvan K, Satyavani K,. Rajeswari R, Anil Kapur. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 28 (2014) 162–165. – PMID: 24461545
  • Incidence of cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors among subjects with type 2 diabetes e An 11-year follow up study. Umamahesh K, Vigneswari A, Surya Thejaswi G, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Indian heart journal 2014; 66: e 5- 10 – PMID: 24035281
  • Direct cost associated with chronic kidney disease among type 2 diabetic patients in India. Satyavani K, Hemalatha K, Jayaraman M, Vijay V. Indian J Nephrology 2014; 24(3): 141 –
  • Global guideline for type 2 International Diabetes Federation Guideline Development Group. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2014 Apr;104(1):1-52. –PMID: 24508150
  • Efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a double blind, randomized comparison with Pareek A, Chandurkar N, Thomas N, Vijay V, Deshpande A, Gupta OP, Shah A, Kakrani A, Bhandari S, Thulasidharan NK, Saboo B, Devaramani S, Vijaykumar NB, Sharma S, Agrawal N, Mahesh M, Kothari K. Curr Med Res Opin. 2014 Jul;30(7):1257-66 – PMID: 24669876
  • Comparison of plasma adiponectin & certain inflammatory markers in angiographically proven coronary artery disease patients with & without diabetes – A study from India. Satyavani K, Kirubakaran K, Sathyamurthy I, Parthiban M, Jayanthi K, Srinivasan KN, Vijay V. Ind J Medical Research 2014; 139: 841 – 850 – PMID: 25109718
  • Insulin Degludec – A novel ultra – long acting basal insulin analogue. Vijay V, TAPIJ 2014; 6(1): 6 –
  • An aggressive and multi-pronged approach to prevent amputation in India. Vijay V. IJDDC 2014; 33(3): 123-124
  • An interesting case of Jaiganesh M, TAPIJ 2014; 6(2): 22 – 24.
  • Radiographic abnormalities in the feet of diabetic patients with neuropathy and foot Vijay V, Satyavani K. Narayana Rao N. JAPI 2014; 62(11): 30-34 PMID: 26281477
  • Opportunistic screening of legal  professional  for  diabesity  and    Vijay  V,
  • Muruganathan A, Manikandan R, Vigneswari A, Satyavani K. TAPI J 2014; 6(3): 15 – 18.
  • A Simple and Specific Method for Estimation of Lipoic Acid in human Plasma by High Performance Liquid Ezhilarasi K, Sudha V, Geetha Ramachandran, Dhamodharan U, Rama Rajaram, Indira Padmalayam, Vijay V and Hemanth Kumar AK. J Chromat Separation Techniq 2014; 5( 6): 1000245 (Open Access journal)
  • Efficacy and safety of a fixed-ratio combination of insulindegludec and liraglutide (IDegLira) compared with itscomponents given alone: results of a phase 3, open-label, randomised,26- week, treat-to-target trial in insulin-naïve patients with type 2 diabetesStephen C L Gough, Bruce Bode, Vincent Woo, Helena W Rodbard, Sultan Linjawi, Pernille Poulsen, Lars H Damgaard, John B Buse, on behalf of the NN9068-3697 (DUAL-I)trial investigators. The Lancet Diabetes and Endocronology 2014; 2(11): 885 – (Collabrative / Principal Invester).
  • Prescribing footwear. Vijay V. Contemporary management of the diabetic foot; Chapter no 20: 176 – 84, (Book chapter)
  • Non – insulin antihyperglycaemic management in chronic kidney disease. Vijay V. Post graduate Medicine; Chapter no 16: 167 – 78, 2014(Book chapter)
  • Importance of measuring urea, creatinine ACR & eGFR in DM. Vijay V, Satyavani K, Nayayan Rao V. Common pitfalls &remedies in diabetes management – A Practical guide 2014; 37 – 42. (Book Chapter)
  • CV effects of Vijay V. MedicineUpdate 2014; Vol 24.2: 1480-1482. (Book Chapter)
  • Wound healing in diabetes. Vijay V. Uncontrolled diabetes Ed by V. Seshiah and Carl Erik Mogensen, 2014; Chapter no 11: 209 – (Book Chapter) ISBN: 978-8192656779
  • Pathogenesis of microvascular complications of diabetes. Daya Kishore Hazra, Vijay V. Rssdi Text Book of Diabetes Mellitus, 3rd Edition, Ed by Hemrai B Chandalia, Chapter No 63: 2014; 918 – (Book Chapter) ISBN : 9789351520900
  • Economic aspects, Insurance, Driving and employment problems in diabetes. Vijay V. Rssdi Text Book of Diabetes Mellitus, 3rd Edition, Ed by Hemrai B Chandalia, Chapter No 83: 2014; 1263 – (Book Chapter) ISBN : 9789351520900
  • Recent advances in diabetic foot care: the role of foot wear and orthosis by G.Saraswathy, Gautham gopalakrishna B.N, DAS and Vijay V. Diabetes Mellitus and Human Health Care: A Holistic Approach to Diagnosis … edited by Anne George, Robin Augustine, Mathew 2014; Chapter 8: 317-338. (Book Chapter) ISBN 9781926895765
  • Effect of a comprehensive training programme for tuberculosis health care providers and tuberculosis patients on diabetes – a report from south India. Vijay V, Vigneswari A, satyavani K, selvan K, Rajeswari R, Kapur Int J of Tropical Dis 2015; 5(1): 91-100
  • Double burden of diabetes and TB – Experience in India. Vijay V, Satyavani S, Anitha R. Diabetes Voice 2015; 60(1): 22 –
  • Preventing microvascular complications in type1diabetes mellitus. Vijay V. Ind J Endo and metabolism 2015, vol 19(suppli1): S36 – PMID: 25941647
  • Type 1 diabetes: Awareness, management and challenges: Current scenario in India. K.M. Prasanna Kumar, Banshi Saboo, P.V. Rao, Archana Sarda, Vijay V, Sanjay K, Bipin Sethi, Nalini Shah, S.S. Srikanta, Sunil M Jain, P. Raghupathy, Rishi Shukla, Ashok Jhingan, Subhankar Chowdhury, K. Jabbar, Alok Kanungo, Rajesh Joshi, Surendra Kumar, Nikhil Tandon, Vaman Khadilkar, Manoj Chadha. Ind J Endo & Metabolism, 2015;19(supli1):S6 – 8. PMID 25941655
  • Topical administration of a connexin43-based peptide augments healing of chronic neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers: A multicenter, randomized trial.Grek CL, Prasad GM, Vijay V, Armstrong DG, Gourdie RG, Ghatnekar GS.Wound Repair Regen. 2015 Mar;23(2):203-12. PMID: 25703647
  • Genetic association of IL-6, TNF-α and SDF-1 polymorphisms with serum cytokine levels in diabetic foot Dhamodharan U, Vijay V, Ezhilarasi K, Rama R, Aravindhan V. Gene, 2015 Jul 1;565(1):62-7. PMID: 25839939
  • An assessment of fear of self injecting and self testing in insulin treated diabetic patients and its impact on Sripriya S, Anu Jij, Satyavani K, Vijay V. TapiJ 2015; 7(1): 1 – 4.
  • Clinical significance of urinary liver‑type fatty acid binding protein at various stages of nephropathy Vijay V, S Sivakumar, V Sekar, Dhamodharan U, Satyavani K. Ind J Nephrology 2015; 25(5): 269-273.Novel insulin co-formulation of insulin degludec and insulin aspart (IDegAsp): advancement in diabetes Vijay V. TapiJ 2015; 7(2): 1-9.
  • Impact of the hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) pro582ser polymorphism and its gene expression on diabetic foot ulcers. Pichu S, Jayalalitha S, Ezhil K, Dhamodharan U, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2015 Sep;109(3):533-40.
  • Prevalence of risk factors of diabetes among urban Poor South Indian population
  • A Vigneswari, R Manikandan, K Satyavani, S Archana, R Rajeswari, Vijay V. Japi 2015; 63(10): 32-34.
  • Global Increase in the Prevalence of Diabetes with Special Reference to the Middle East and
  • Asia. Vijay V, Saigopal S. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2015 Oct;17(10):676-8.
  • Effect of yogasanas on glycaemic, haemodynamic and lipid profile in newly diagnosed subjects with type 2 diabetes. Satyavani K, Clementina M, Vijay V. IJDDC, 2015; 35( Suppl 2), pp 181- 188
  • Assessment of depression among type 2 diabetic patients with complications and without Sripriya S,  Elayaraja   B,  Satyavani  K,  Vijay  V.   IJDDC   2015,   Volume 35, Issue 3, pp 310-313
  • Sex differences in cardiovascular risk factors among people with diabetes in South
  • Satyavani K, Archana S, Ajay MV Kumar, Shanta A, Vijay V. Japi 2015; 63(12): 20 – 24
  • Optimizing foot care in diabetes. Vijay V. Chapter 49 Medicine Update – 2015; 264-267 (Book Chapter) ISBN : 978-8192426051
  • Pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus. Sanjeevi CB and Vijay V. API Text book of Medicine 10th (Book Chapter) ISBN 978-93-5152-415-1
  • The three debatable issues in the management of diabetic nephropathy. Vijay V and Anitha Current Controversies & Consensus in diabetes Management Ed by Ashok K Das 2015 Micro Labs. Chapt 32; 221 – 225. (Book Chapter) ISBN 978-9380206-47-9
  • Effect of structured behaviour intervention program on Childhood Vijay V, Khan BKS, Vigneswari A, Selvan K, Rajeswari R. Saigopal S. Int J of TRO DIS & Health 2016; 11(4): 1-8.
  • Socio-Economic Factors Relating to Diabetes and its Management in India. Shrivastava U, Misra A, Gupta R, Vijay V. J 2016; Vol: 8(1): 12-23 PMID: 26019052
  • High Prevalence and Heterogeneity of Diabetes in TB Patients from South India: A Report from the Effects of Diabetes on Tuberculosis Severity (EDOTS) Kornfeld H, West K, Kane K, Satyavni K, Zacharias RR, Martinez-Balzano C, Li W, Viswanathan V. Chest. 2016; 149(6): 1501-8. PMID: 26973015
  • “Living with type 1 diabetes: Life story of Pallavi” Journal of Social Health and Diabetes . Vijay Viswanathan Journal of Social Health and Diabetes(Vol. 4, Issue 1)
  • Proteinuria on non diabetic patients: clinical Vijay V, Rani.AA. Hypertens J, 2016, 2(3):118 – 123
  • Use of Retrospective Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Optimizing Management of Type 2 Diabetes in India. Mohan V, Sunil Jain, Jothydev K, Manoj C, Abhay M, Vijay V, Banshi S, Rajiv K, Ambrish M, Dharmen P, John JAPI 2016: 64(4): 16 – 21. PMID: 27734636
  • Double burden of diabetes and tuberculosis. Vijay V, Saigopal S, Satyavani K. World Clinics Diabetology 2016; 2(1): 23-29. ISBN : 9789352501649
  • Diabetes – an ancient disease, epicdemic & an economic burden for the present era. Vijay V and Smriddhi Ind J Med Res, 2016; 143(4): 11-13. PMID: 27377490
  • Presence of elevated non-HDL among patients with T2DM with CV events despite of optimal LDL-C – A report from South India. Satyavani K, Anju Soni, S.N. Narasingan, Vijay V. Indian Heart 2016 May-Jun; 68(3): 378–379. PMID: 27316499
  • Optimizing Technology Use for Chronic Lower-Extremity Wound Healing: A Consensus Mani R, Margolis DJ, Shukla V, Akita S, Lazarides M, Piaggesi A, Falanga V, Teot L, Xie T, Bing FX, Romanelli M, Attinger C, Han CM, Lu S, Meaume S, Xu Z,Vijay V. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2016 Jun;15(2):102-19. Review. PMID: 2720790
  • Dual role of transforming growth factor (TGFβ) in diabetic nephropathy – A Review. Anitha rani A and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2016; 8 (1) Jan – Apirl: 5 –
  • Best practices from Changing Diabetes® in Children India K. M. Prasanna Kumar, Nalini Shah, Vijay V, Archana Sarda, Shuchy Chugh, Dinakaran J Social Health and Diab 2016, 4 (2): 137-140
  • GLP -1 Analogs in the management of Type 2 diabetes: A Vijay V. TAPIJ 2016; 8(2) May – Aug: 23 – 35
  • Effect of standard tuberculosis treatment on naive, memory and regulatory T cell homeostasis in tuberculosis-diabetes co-morbidity. Kumar NP, Moideen K Vijay V, Kornfeld H, Babu S. 2016 Sep; 149(1): 87-97. PMID: 27289086
  • Impact of the Gather mHealth System on A1C: Primary Results of a Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial among People with Type 2 Diabetes in India. Kleinman NJ, Shah A, Shah S, Phatak S, Vijay V. Diabetes 2016 Oct;39(10): e169-70. PMID: 27493133
  • Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Quality Improvement Strategy to Improve Achievement of Diabetes Care Goals: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Ali MK, Singh K, Kondal D, Devarajan R, Patel SA, Shivashankar R, Ajay VS, Unnikrishnan AG, Menon VU, Varthakavi PK, Viswanathan V, Dharmalingam M, Bantwal G, Sahay RK, Masood MQ, Khadgawat R, Desai A, Sethi B, Prabhakaran D, Narayan KM, Tandon N; CARRS Trial Group. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Sep 20; 165 (6):399-408. PMID:
  • Replication of genome-wide association signals in Asian Indians with early-onset type 2 diabetes. Chidambaram M, Samuel Liju, Banshi Saboo, Satyavani K, Vijay V, Pankratz N, Myron Gross, Mohan Acta Diabetol 2016; Dec 53(6): 915 – 923. PMID:27488727
  • Glycemic index of two varities of biscuts commonly consumed among the diabetes. Patricia Trueman, Vijay V. TAPIJ 2016: 8(3) Sep – Dec: 1-5.
  • Psychological factors associated with diabetes mellitus. Mary Jenifer amalraj, Anitharani A,
  • Vijay V. TAPIJ 2016; 8(3) Sep – Dec: 12 – 15.
  • Effect of a polyherbal formulation cream on diabetic neuropathic pain among patients with type 2 diabetes – A pilot study. Vijay V, Seena R, Bamila S, Satyavani K. IJMR 2016; 144(2): 215 –
  • Modulation of dendritic cell and monocyte subsets in tuberculosis-diabetes co-morbidity upon standard tuberculosis treatment. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Sivakumar S, Menon PA, Vijay V, Kornfeld H, Babu Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2016; Dec 101: 191-200. PMID: 27865391
  • Postprandial glycaemic response of foxtail millet dosa in comparison to a rice dosa in patients with type 2 diabetes. Janani N, Vimala S, Rohini U, Patricia T, Vijay V. Ind J Med Res 2016; 712-717. PMID: 28361824
  • Diabetic Foot. Vijay V, Anitha Rani. Medicine Update 2016. Vol – 26, Part . (Book Chapter) ISBN 9789352501991
  • A multidisciplinary approach to manage a patient with neuroischemic foot in a tertiary care Vijay V. Diabtes Clinical case serious – I. Ed by Mohan V and Ranjit Unnikrishnan 2016; Chapter 18: 134 – 142. (Book Chapter) ISBN: 9789352500321
  • Epidemiological data of TB and DM. Vijay V and Anitha Rani A. RSSDI Monograph on Diabetes and Ed by Vijay Viswanathan 2016; 6 – 11 (Book Chapter)
  • Diagnosis of diabetes in tuberculosis patients. Satyavani K. RSSDI Monograph on Diabetes and Ed by Vijay Viswanathan 2016; 30 – 35 (Book Chapter)
  • Diabetes and Clinical Complications: Neuropathy. Vijay V and Anitharani A. In Handbook on Coronary Artery Disease ed by Gundu HR Rao. Chap 15; 203 – 306 Macmillan Medical Communications, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-80780-96-2 (Book Chapter)
  • Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) in diabetes. Vijay V, Bamila S, Anitha Rani. RSSDI Hand Book of Diabetes Mellitus, Ed by Sameer Banerjee; 2016: 232 – Pbu by Scientific book com.ISBN: 978-81-931825-0-5. (Book Chapter)
  • Tackling NCD in LMIC: Achievements and Lessons Learned From the NHLBI-UnitedHealth Global Health Centers of Excellence Engelgau MM, Sampson UK, Rabadan-Diehl C, Smith R, Miranda J, Bloomfield GS, Belis D, Narayan KM; National Health, Lung, and Blood Institute–UnitedHealth Global Health Centers of Excellence Collaborators. Glob Heart. 2016 Mar;11(1):5-15. PMID: 27102018 (Collaborators)
  • Efficacy and safety of canagliflozin when used in conjunction with incretin-mimetic therapy in patients with type 2 Fulcher G, Matthews DR, Perkovic V, de Zeeuw D, Mahaffey KW, Mathieu C, Woo V, Wysham C, Capuano G, Desai M, Shaw W, Vercruysse F, Meininger G, Neal B; CANVAS trial collaborative group. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2016 Jan;18(1):82-91. PMID: 26450639 (Collaborators)
  • Tuberculosis-diabetes co-morbidity is characterized by heightened systemic levels of circulating angiogenic factors. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Sivakumar S, Menon PA, Vijay V, Kornfeld H, Babu S. J 2017; Jan 74(1): 10 – 21 PMID: 27717783.
  • Impreoved medication adherence and frequency of blood glucose self testing an m-health platform versus usual in a multisite randomizd clinical trial among people with type 2 diabetes in KleinmanNJ, shah A, Shah S, Phatak S, Vijay V. Telemedicine and e-Health 2017 Mar; 23(9): 1-8. PMID: 28328396
  • Prevalence of 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency among type 2 diabetic subjects of South India Sabitha Palazhy, Vijay V, Muruganathan A Int J Diab Dev Count 2017; 37(1)(Jan -Feb): 69 –
  • Association of A1538G and C2437T single nucleotide polymorphisms in heat shock protein-70 genes with diabetic nephropathy among South Indian population. Dhamodharan U, Ezhilarasi K, Ponjayanthi B, Sireesh D, Ramkumar KM, Vijay V. Biosci Rep. 2017 Mar 27;37(2). PMID: 28246355
  • Role of Vitamin D in T2DM – A Anitha Rani A and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2017; 9(1) Jan – Mar: 12 – 17.
  • Anti-diabetic agent in diabetes with co-morbid condition. Vijay V and Koushik Mandal. TAPIJ 2017; 9(1) Jan – Mar: 18 –
  • Homology modeling of Homo sapiens Lipoic acid Synthase: substrate docking and insights on its binding mode. Ezhilarsi K, Hassan S, Hanna LE, Padmalayam I, Rajaram R, Vijay V. J Theor 2017 May; 420: 259-266. PMID: 27717843
  • Systems Immunology of Diabetes-Tuberculosis Comorbidity Reveals Signatures of Disease Cesar A. Prada-Medina, Kiyoshi F. Fukutani , Nathella Pavan Kumar, Leonardo GilSantana, Subash Babu, Flávio Lichtenstein, Kim West, Shanmugam Sivakumar, Pradeep A. Menon, Vijay V, Bruno B. Andrade, Helder I. Nakaya & Hardy Kornfeld. Scientific reports 2017 May 17: 7(1): 1999. PMID: 28515464
  • A Study on positive impact of intensive psychological counseling on psychological well-being of typr 2 diabetic patients undergoing Mary Jenifer Amalraj, Antha rani A and Vijay V. Int J of Psychology and Counse 2017, Vol 9(2). Article Number: 6A0E48164241
  • Impact of Lysyl Oxidase (G473A) Polymorphism on Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Pichu S, Jayalalitha S, Vimalraj S, Vijay V, Suvro Int J Biological Macromolecules 2017; May 103: 242 – 247. PMID: 28522400
  • Lipid abnormalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with overt Sabitha P and Vijay V. Diabete metab J 2017 Apr, 41(2):128-134. PMID: 28447439
  • Role of molecular genetics in diabetic foot Vijay V. Pol Arch Intern Med. 2017 May 31;127(5) May: 310-311. PMID: 28581451
  • The need for improved diabetes care in Vijay V. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017; Vol. 5 (8), p566–567 PMID: 28601584
  • Comparison of two creatinine based equations for routine estimation of GFR in a speciality clinic for Satyavani K, Anjusoni, Vijay V. JAPI 2017; 65(8): 38 – 41.
  • Heightened circulating levels of antimicrobial peptides in tuberculosis-Diabetes co-morbidity and reversal upon treatment. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Vijay V, Sivakumar S, Menon PA, Kornfeld H, Babu S. PLoS One. 2017 Sep 14;12(9):e0184753. PMID: 28910369
  • Regular exercise with an active lifestyle improves the lipid profile of individuals with diabetes Janani N, Pranisha J, Patricia T, Sriram R, Saigopal S, Vijay V. Int J Diab Dev Count 2017, Volume 37(3) Sep: 262–266
  • Stratifying renal risk and retinal involvement in South Indian type 2 diabetic patients: using the Kdigo Anitharani A, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Int J Diabetol Vasc Dis Res. 2017; 5(3): 196-201.
  • Growth Differentiation Factor-15 (GDF-15) a Precursory Biomarker for Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery and Chronic Kidney Disease. Anitha Rani A, Ezhilarasi K, Vijay V. Int J Diabetol Vasc Dis Res (IJDVR),. 2017;5(4):202-207.
  • RSSDI clinical practice recommendations for diagnosis, prevention, and control of the diabetes mellitus-tuberculosis double burden. Vijay V, Sarita B et al Int J of Diabetes in Devel Ctrous 2017; 37(4) Oct – Dec 379 –
  • Diabetes and S Ghosh, S Bajaj, K Pandit, S Agarwal, SR Aravind, R Chawla, S Gupta,…Vijay V. Int J of Diab Dev Count 2017; 37 (4): Oct – Dec. 400-406
  • Standardization of Foot Sizes of Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer through Anthropometric Survey. Priyadharshini R, Saraswathy G, Gautham Gopalakrishna, N. Das and Vijay V. The Anthropologist 2017; 28 (3): 139 – 146
  • Diabetic Foot Infection and Worsening Kidney Function: Implication for Health Care in the Developing Anitha Rani A and Vijay V. In J Diabeto Vas Dis Res 2017; 5(5): 208 – 213.
  • Urban diabetes in India. Vijay V. Diabetes Voice : Global perspective on Issue 4 Dec 2017; 28 – 29.
  • ‘Diabetes and tuberculosis’–a co-epidemic of public health importance in the developing
  • Satyavani K, Vijay V – CURRENT SCIENCE, 2017; 113(7) October: 1296 – 1302
  • High Prevalence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea among People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Care Center. Vijay V, India Priyadharshini R, Ramakrishnan N. J Assoc Physicians 2017 Nov;65(11):38-42.
  • Effect of psychological counseling in overcoming fear of self injecting and self tesing among type 2 diabetic patients on insulin initiation. Mary Jenifer Amalraj and Vijay V. Int J Current Res. 2017; Vol 9(12), Dec: 62773 –
  • Gender difference in glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A traffic signal color-coded Nikhita Sarathy, Anitha Rani. A., Satyavani, K. and Vijay V. Asian J Sci and Tech. 2017; 08 (12): 7234-7239, December, 2017
  • Reducing rate of renal deterioration in a low resource setting in developing country – follow up study from South India. Anitha Rani A, Vijay V, Jaiganesh M, Barman H, Vanjinathan. Int J Recent Scientific Res 2017; Vol 8 (12) Dec: 22428 – 22434
  • Latest management in diabetic foot – An Indian perspective. Vijay V, and Anitha rani A. Comprehensive med J of India(CMJI) 2017; 32 –
  • Gender difference among T2DM patients with Diabetic nephropathy. Anitharani and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2017; 9(3): 1 –
  • A new era has started in anti-diabetics; welcome SGLT2 inhibitors. Kaushik Mandel and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2017; 9(3): 5 –
  • Case report of a model patient with controlled diabetes mellitus over a period of 33 years. Nikhita Sarathy and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2017; 9(3): 26 –
  • Newer Technologies in diabetic foot ulcer Vijay V, Anitha Rani A, Khan BKS, Linu
  • Daniel. Chapter 47, RSSDI Diabetes Update – 2016 Ed by Madhu SV, Jaypee brothers; 2017: 247 – 251. ISBN No: 978-93-86261-14-4(Book Chapter)
  • Glycated Hemoglobin. Barman H. Chap 5, Monograph – Practicle pearls in diabetes. Ed by Vijay V and Prakash G, Jaypee 2017: 29 – 31. ISBN:978-93-86261-41-0 (Book Chapter)
  • Diabetic Nephropathy: Practical Pearls. Vijay V and Anitharani A. Chap 8, Monograph – Practicle pearls in Ed by Vijay V and Prakash G, Jaypee brothers. 2017: 42 – 45. ISBN:978-93- 86261-41-0 (Book Chapter)
  • Diabetic Neuropathy: Practical Vijay V and Anitharani A. Chap 9, Monograph – Practicle pearls in diabetes. Ed by Vijay V and Prakash G, Jaypee brothers. 2017: 46 – 50. ISBN:978-93- 86261-41-0 (Book Chapter)
  • Diabetic Foot Syndrome: Practical Pearls. Vijay V and Anitharani A. Chap 10, Monograph – Practicle pearls in diabetes. Ed by Vijay V and Prakash G, Jaypee brothers. 2017: 51-55. ISBN:978-93-86261-41-0 (Book Chapter)
  • Insulin Therapy in diabetes Mellitus. Jaiganesh M. Chap 14, Monograph – Practicle pearls in Ed by Vijay V and Prakash G, Jaypee brothers. 2017: 85-91. ISBN:978-93-86261-41- 0 (Book Chapter)
  • Preventing diabetic cardio renal syndromes.Vijay V. Unravelling the deadly quartet – diabetes, hypertension, heart & Kidney diaease Ed by Ashok K Das, Microlabs. Chapt 27; 191 – 196. (Book Chapter) ISBN 978-163102655-3
  • Foot care in Type 2 Diabetes – Global Cardio Diabetes Conclave – GCDC cardio medicine book – 2017 – 482.
  • Role of biomarkers in predicting diabetes complications with special reference to diabetic foot Pichu S, Patel BM, Apparsundaram S, Goyal RK. Biomark Med. 2017 Apr; 11(4):377-
  • PMID: 28326825 (Acknowledgement)
  • Canagliflozin and Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Type 2 Diabetes. Neal B, Perkovic V, Mahaffey KW, de Zeeuw D, Fulcher G, Erondu N, Shaw W, Law G, Desai M, Matthews DR; CANVAS Program Collaborative N Engl J Med. 2017 Aug 17; 377(7) : 644-657.
  • Increased levels of circulating (TNF-α) is associated with (-308G/A) promoter polymorphism of TNF-α gene in Diabetic Nephropathy. Dhamodharan U, Ezhilarasi K, Viramani M, Vijay V, Ramkumar Int J Bio Macromolecules 2018; 107 (Feb): 2113 – 2121. PMID: 29042282
  • Urban diabetes in India. Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018 ; 136(Feb) :171-172. PMID: 29405998
  • Association of NF-E2 Related Factor 2 (Nrf2) and inflammatory cytokines in recent onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Sireesh D, Dhamodharan U, Ezhilarasi K, Vijay V & Ramkumar KM. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8(1) March: article No 5126. PMID: 29572460
  • Diabetes and Sujoy G, Sarita B, Purushottam Chatterjee, Sanjay Agarwal, S. R. Aravind ajeev Chawla, Sunil  Gupta,  Jayaprakashsai   J,   Sanjay   Kalra,   Ch   Vasanth   Kumar, Anuj Maheshwari, B. M. Makkar, C. R. Anand Moses, Jayant Panda, Vijay Panikar, P. V. Rao, Banshi Saboo, Rakesh Sahay, K. R. Narasimha Setty, Vijay Viswanathan. Inter J of Diab in Dev Count 2018, Vol 38 (1) Jan, pp 4–10
  • RSSDI clinical practice recommendations for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus Sarita B, Anuj Maheshwari, Banshi S, Makkar BM, Anand Moses, Ch. Vasanth Kumar, Jayaprakashsai J, Jayant Panda, K. R. Narasimha Setty, P. V.  Rao,  Rajeev  Chawla,  Rakesh  Sahay, Samar Banerjee, Sanjay Agarwal, Sanjay Kalra, S. R. Aravind, Sujoy Ghosh, Sunil Gupta,S. V. Madhu, Vijay Panikar, Vijay V. Int J of Diab in Dev Count (March 2018) 38 (Suppl 1):S1– S115
  • Healing effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an adjunctive treatment on diabetic foot ulcer patients in short duration- a brief report. Ezhilarasi K, Abirami P and Vijay V. Asian J Sci and Tech Vol. 2018: Vol 09 (03) Mar, pp.7743-7746.
  • Medical Nutritional Vijay V and Sanjay K. TAPIJ 2018: 10(1): Jan – April 1 – 4
  • Adiponectin level as a powerful risk marker for prediabetes. Udyama Juttada and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2018: 10(1): Jan – April 25 – 28
  • Diabetes and Employment. Sujoy G, Sarita B, Pradip Mukhopadhyay, Sanjay Agarwal, Sunil Agarwal, Aravind SR, Sunil Gupta, Rajeev Chawla, Jana J, Sanjay K, Vasanth Kumar, Anuj Maheshwari, Makkar BM, Anand Moses, Jayant Panda, Vijay Panikar,   V.  Rao, Banshi Saboo, Rakesh Sahay, Narasimha Setty KR, Vijay V. Int J of Diab in Dev Count, April 2018, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp 133–137.
  • Diabetic foot ulcers—comparison of performance of ankle-brachial index and transcutaneous partial oxygen pressure in predicting outcome. Chitra R, Vijay V, Seena R, Bamila S, Linu Int J Diab Dev Count April 2018, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp 179–184
  • RSSDI clinical practice recommendations for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus Sarita  B,  ,Anuj  Maheshwari,   Banshi   S,   Makkar   BM,   Anand   Moses, Ch. Vasanth Kumar, Jayaprakashsai J, Jayant Panda, K. R. Narasimha Setty, P. V. Rao, Rajeev Chawla, Rakesh Sahay, Samar Banerjee, Sanjay Agarwal, Sanjay Kalra, S. R. Aravind, Sujoy Ghosh, Sunil Gupta, S. V. Madhu, Vijay Panikar, Vijay V. Int J of Diab in Dev Count April 2018, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp 254–255
  • Indian Guidance on Cardiovascular and Renal Comorbidity Management in Type-2 Diabetes Ashok K Das, Unnikrishnan AG, Banshi Saboo, Vijay Kumar G, Rakesh S, Sanjay K, Sarita B, Sujoy G, Ramachandran A, Bhattacharya AP, BM Makkar, Ganpathy B, JJ Mukherjee, Prasanna Kumar KM, Krishna Seshadri, Mala D, Manash B, Rajeev Chawla, Venkataraman S, Sanjiv Shah, Shailaja K, Shashank RJoshi, Subhankar Chowdhury, Sudhir B, Mohan V, Vijay V. JAPI 2018 Vol 66(May suppli): 1 – 15.
  • Yoga as a tool in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sai prathiba A and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2018; 11(2): 1 – 4
  • Fruits for people with diabetes. Patricia T and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2018; 11(2): 21 –
  • Elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinases reflect severity and extent of disease in tuberculosis-diabetes co-morbidity and are predominantly reversed following standard anti- tuberculosis or metformin Kumar PN, Moideen K, Vijay V, Shruthi BS, Sivakumar S, Menon PA, Kornfeld H and Babu S. BMC Infectious Diseases 2018 18(1) Jul :345 PMID: 30045688
  • BSMI single nucleotide polymorphism in vitamin D receptor gene is associated with decreased circulatory levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D among micro and macrovascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ezhilarasi K, Dhamodharan U, Vijay V Int J Bio Macromolecules 2018; 116 Sep: 346–353. PMID: 29738868
  • Higher prevalence of deletion allele in angiotensin converting enzyme gene among type 2 diabetic subjects with lower estimated glomeruler filtration rate. Vijay V, Ezhilarasi K and Satyavani Int J Current Res. June 2018 Vol 10(06), pp.70930-70936.
  • Association of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha exon 12 mutation in diabetic patients with and without diabetic foot ulcer. Pichu S, Vilmal Raj S, Jayalalitha S, Vijay V. Int J Biological Macromolecules 2018 Nov; 119: 833–837. PMID: 30086330
  • Serum levels of chemokines IP-10, IL-8 and SDF-1 serve as good biomarkers for diabetes- tuberculosis Aravindhan V, Kevinkumar V, Dhamodharan U, Vijay V. J Diabetes Complications. 2018 Sep; 32(9): 857-862. PMID: 30025786
  • YKL-40: A biomarker for early nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients and its association with inflammatory cytokines Dhamodharan U Sireesh Dornadula Ezhilarasi K, Vairamani Mariappanadar, Vijay V, Ramkumar K M, Immunobiology 2018; Nov 223(11): 718 – PMID: 30077474
  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms in cytokine/chemokine genes are associated with severe infection, ulcer grade and amputation in diabetic foot ulcer. Vijay V, Dhamodharan U, Srinivasan V, Rajaram R, Aravindhan V. Int J Biol Macromol. 2018 Oct; 118 (Pt B):1995-2000. PMID: 30009916
  • RSSDI consensus on self-monitoring of blood glucose in types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus in India. Rao PV, Makkar BM, Ajay Kumar, Das AK, Singh AK, Ambrish Mithal, Anil Bhansali, Anoop Misra, Anuj Maheshwari, Arvind Gupta, Ashu Rustogi, Banshi Saboo, Vasanth Kumar CH, Anand Moses CR, Hemant Thacker, Jayant Panda, Jayaprakashsai Jana, Jothydev Kesavdev, Narasimha Setty KR, Manoj Chawla, Neeta Deshpande, Nikhil Tandon, Rajeev Chawla, Rajeev Kovil, Rakesh Sahay, Madhu SV, Samar Banerjee, Sanjay Agarwal, Sanjay Kalra, Sarita Bajaj, Shashank R Joshi, Aravind SR, Subhankar Chowdhury, Sujoy Ghosh, Sunil Gupta, Mohan V, Vijay Panikar, Vijay V. IJDDC 28 august
  • Book Review: The Diabetic Foot Syndrome Piaggesi A Apelqvist L eds. The Diabetic Foot Syndrome . Basel, Switzerland : Karger ; 2018 Vijay V. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2018 Mar. PMID: 30012066
  • Estimated glomerular filtration rate using creatinine based chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaborarion Letter to Editor. Anitharani A and Vijay V. Ind J Neprology 2018: 28(6): 492 – 493
  • Offloading techniques for diabetic for ulcers. Smina TP, Vijay V. TAPIJ 2018; 12(3) Sep – Dec: 8 –
  • The effect of counseling on the knowledge, Practice and eating habits of individuals in community with Indrarani G, Patricia Trueman and Vijay V. TAPIJ 2018; 12(3) Sep – Dec: 1 – 7.
  • Predictors Of Achieving Glycemic Targets Among People With Type 2diabetes—The Carrs Trial Masood Mq, Kavita Singh, Minaz Z. Mawani, Mohammed K. Ali, Raji Devarajan, Dimple Kondal, Roopa Shivashankar, Vamadevan, S. Ajay, Premlata K. Varthakavi, Mala Dharmalingam, Rakesh Sahay, Usha Menon, Vijay Viswanathan, Ganapathi Bantwal, Rajesh Khadgawat, Ankush Desai, Bipin Sethi, Muhammad Kadir, K.M. Venkat Narayan, Dorairaj Prabhakaran, Nikhil Tandon, Karachi, Pakistan, New Delhi, India, Atlanta, Ga, Mumbai, India, Bangalore, India, Hyderabad, India, Kochi, India, Chennai, India, Goa, India
  • The Metabolic Drivers of Neuropathy in India .Brian C. Callaghan, Vijay Viswanathan, Evan L. Reynolds, Eva Feldman,Ann Arbor, MI, Chennai, India
  • Elevated one hour plasma glucose hlps to identity those at risk for development of type 2 diabetes – 11 year observational study from South India. Satyavani K, Rizwana Parveen, S Shanson and Vijay V – Oral Presentaion – OP 6(RSSDI–2018)
  • Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with HBV and HCV infection among subjects with typ2 2 diabetes from South Udayama Juttada, Satyavani K and Vijay V – Oral Presentation – OP 18
  • A Scientific approach to improve the lifestyle of patients with diabetic foot Priyadhashni R, Saraswathy G, Sathish babu G, Bhabendra nath Das, Vijay V. P – 045 Foot – Ulcers and Infection, IDF Diabetes Complications Congress 2018.( Conference poster)
  • Microvascular Vijay V. Chapt 23, CDiC Textbook of Pediatric Diabetes Ed by Das AK and Kalra S pub by Jaypee. 2018: 215 – 221. ISBN : 978-93-5270-086-8 Book Chapter
  • Diabetes in Women and Tuberculosis. Vijay and Anitha Rani A. Diabetes and Women – The Untold Story Ed by Das Pub by Microlabs 2018: 292 – 295. Book Chapter
  • Monitering microvascular Complications. Vijay V and Anitha Rani A, Sadikot’s International textbook of Diabetes Ed by Kamlakar Tripathy, publish by Jaypee, Chapter 32 2018; 208 – ISBN 978-93-5270-032-9 Book Chapter
  • Genetic basis for coexistence of diabetes nephropathy and cardiovascular complications – A systemic review. Vijay V and Udyama Juttada. Cardio diabetes Medicine 2018 – GCDC 2018; 148 – 153 Book Chapter
  • A Type 1 Diabetes Genetic Risk Score Predicts Progression of Islet Autoimmunity and Development of Type 1 Diabetes in Individuals at Redondo MJ, Geyer S, Steck AK, Sharp S, Wentworth JM, Weedon MN, Antinozzi P, Sosenko J, Atkinson M, Pugliese A, Oram RA; Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group. Diabetes Care. 2018 Sep;41(9):1887- 1894 Collaborators (1608) PMID: 30002199(Collaborators study )
  • Assessment of diabetes related distress among subjects with type 2 diabetes in South Hemavathi P, Satyavani K, Smina TP, and Vijay V. Int J Psycho Coun 2019; 11(1) Jan 2019.
  • Performance evaluation of 10 year ultrasound image-based stroke / cardiovascular (CV) risk calculator by comparing against ten conventional CV risk calculators: A diabetic Khanna NN, Jamthikar AD, Nicolaides A, Tadashi Araki, Luca Saba, Elisa Cudrado-godia, Sharma A, Omerzu T, Suri HS, Gupta A, Mavrogeni S, Turk M,, Laird JR, Protogerou A, Sfikakis PP, Kitas GD, Vijay V, Suri JS. Computers in Bio and Med 2019 Feb;105:125-143. PMID: 30641308
  • Elevated circulating levels of monocyte activation markers among tuberculosis patients with diabetes co-morbidity. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Bhootra Y, Nancy A, Vijay V, Shruthi BS,
  • Sivakumar S, Natarajan M, Kornfeld H, Babu S. Immunology. 2019 Mar; 156(3):249-258. PMID: 30427060
  • Dietary fiber in the management of diabetes. Uma Maheshwari J, Zana Zhoor, Patricia T Vijay V. TAPIJ 2019; 13(1) Jan – April: 40 –
  • Insights on Medical Nutrition Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: An Indian Perspective’. Vijay V, Dharini K, Sanjay Kalra, Rajeev Chawla, Magesh Tiwakar, Banshi Saboo, Manash Baruah, Subhankar Chowdhury, Makkar BM, Shalini Jaggi. Adv Ther 2019 Mar 36(3): 520 -547. PMID: 30729455
  • Rationale and protocol for estimating the economic value of a multicomponent quality improvement strategy for diabetes care in South Asia. Kavita Singh, Ali MK, Raji devarajan, Roopa Shivashankar, dimple Kondai, Vamadevan S Ajay, Usha Menon V, Premalatha K Varthakavi, Vijay V, Mala D, Ganapati Bantiwal, Rakesh Kumar Sahay, etal and CARRS Trial Global health research and policy 2019 Mar 18; 4: 7: 1-10. PMID: 30923749
  • Clinical and biochemical characteristics and the association of angiotensin type 1 receptor with normoalbuminuric chronic kidney disease among South Indian type 2 diabetes Vijay V, Ezhilarasi K, Satyavani K, Blss Lunghar, Anju Soni, Anitha rani. IJDDC 2019; April 2019, Volume 39, Issue 2, pp 254–261
  • Ranking of stroke and cardiovascular risk factors for optimal risk calculator design : logistic regression approach. Elisa Cuadrado-Godia, Ankush D.Jamthikar, Deep Gupta, Narendra Khanna Tadashi Araki, MdManiruzzaman, Luca Saba, Andrew Nicolaides, Aditya Sharma, Tomaz Omerzu, Harman S.Suri, Ajay Gupta, Sophie Mavrogeni, Monika Turk, John R.Laird, Athanasios Protogerou, Petros Sfikakis, George D.Kitas, Vijay V, Jasjit S.Suri. Comput Biol Med. 2019 May 25; 108: 182-195. PMID 31005010
  • The present and future of deep learning in Luca Saba, Biswas M, Kuppil V, Godia EC, Suri HS, Edia DR, Omerizu T, Laird JR, Khanna NN, Maviogen S, Protogerou A, Sfikakis PP, Vijay V, Kitas GD, Nicolaides A, Gupta A, Suri JS. Euro J Radiology 2019; May 114: 14 – 24. PMID: 31005165
  • Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and exposure to suspendend particulate Anu Maria J Manjula Dutta, Satyavani K, Pradeep Sevaraj and Vijay V. J Health and Pollution 2019; Vol 9(22) June: (190608).
  • Diabetic Eva L. Feldman, Callaghan BC,  Rodica  Pop-Busui,  Zochodne DW, Wright DE, Bennett DL, Vera Bril, Russell JW & Vijay V. Nature Reviews Disease Primers 5, Article number 41; June 2019. (Article ID (2019) 5(1): 41). PMID: 31197153
  • A Special Report on Changing Trends in Preventive Stroke/Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Via B-Mode Ultrasonography. Jamthikar A, Gupta D, Khanna NN, Araki T, Saba L, Nicolaides A, Sharma A, Omerzu T, Suri  HS,  Gupta  A,  Mavrogeni  S,  Turk  M,  Laird JR, Protogerou A, Sfikakis PP, Kitas GD, Vijay V, Pareek G, Miner M, Suri JS. Current Atherosclerosis Reports 2019 July; 21(7): PMID: 31041615
  • Association of SNP rs7181866 in the nuclear respiratory factor-2 beta subunit encoding GABPB1 gene with obesity and type-2 diabetes mellitus in South Indian Dhamodharan U, Ponjayanthi B, Vanniya P, Teena R, Purushothaman N, Ezhilarasi K, Vijay V, Ramkumar K. Int J Biol macromal 2019; Jul 1 : 132: 606 – 614. PMID: 30904536
  • Seroprevalence and risk factors associated with HBV and HCV infection among subjects with type 2 diabetes from South India. Juttada Udyama, Smina TP, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Diabetes Res Clin 2019 July 9; Vol 153:133-137. PMID: 31189089
  • Persistent inflammation during anti-tuberculosis treatment with diabetes
  • Kumar NP, Fukutani KF, Shruthi BS, Alves T, Silveira-Mattos PS, Rocha MS, West K, Natarajan M, Viswanathan V, Babu S, Andrade BB, Kornfeld H. Elife. 2019 Jul 4;8:Pii e46477. PMID: 31271354
  • Comparison of Framingham risk score and globorisk among type 2 diabetes subjects with and without CVD. Rubini V, Udyama Juttada and Vijay V. Int J Current Res Vol 2019; 11 (7) July: pp 2516 – 5221
  • Elevated one hour with normal fasting and 2 h plasma glucose helps to identify those at risk for development of Type2 Diabetes-11 years observational study from south India Satyavani K, Rizwana parveen, Shalini S, Vijay V. Diab & Metab Syn: Clini Res and Rev 2019; 13(4) July – Aug: 2733 – PMID: 31405701
  • Nutritional status of diabetic foot infection patients – Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Anitha, Uma Mageshwari, Patricia Trueman, Dharini Krishman, Vijay V. TAPIJ 2019; 13(2) May – Aug: 8 –
  • Use of dapagliflozin in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A real – world evidence study in Indian patients (FOREFRONT). Vijay V and Singh KP. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2019 Aug;21(8):415-422 PMID: 31339784
  • Blood pressure control in diabetes-the Indian perspective. Vijay V, Smina TP. J Hum 2019 Aug; 33(8):588-593. PMID: 31101888
  • Higher dietary salt and inappropriate proportion of macronutrients consumption among people with diabetes and other co morbid conditions in South India: Estimation of salt intake with a formula Smia TP, Satyavani K and Vijay V. Diab & metabolic Synd: Clin Res and 2019; 13 (Sep – October): 2863 – 2868. PMID: 31425949
  • Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Diabetic Foot Infection in India: A Growing Vijay V, Pendsey S, Radhakrishnan C, Rege TD, Ahdal J, Jain R. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2019 Sep; 18(3):236-246. PMID: 31256689
  • RANKL Gene Polymorphism as a Potential Biomarker to Identify Acute Charcot Foot among Indian Population with Type 2 Diabetes: A Preliminary Report. SaiPrathiba A, Senthil G, Juttada Udayama, Selvaraj B, Satyavani K, Vijay V. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2019 Sep; 18(3):287- PMID: 31304802
  • Management of Diabetes during Fasting and Feasting in India. Saboo B, Joshi S, Shah SN, Tiwaskar M, Viswanathan V, Bhandari S, Jha S, Chaudhary T, Arvind SR, Chawla R, Kalra S, Hasnani J Assoc Physicians India. 2019 Sep; 67(9): 70-77. PMID: 31561693
  • Plasma Eicosanoid levels in tuberculosis and tuberculosis – diabetes co-morbidity are associated with lung pathology and bacterial burden Pavan Kumar N, Moideen K, Nancy A, Vijay V, Shruthi BS, Shanmugam S, Hissar S, Kornfeld H, Babu S Front Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2019 October Volume 9 article 335 PMID: 31632923
  • A Low cost machine learning – based cardiovascular / stroke risk assessment system: intergration of conventional factors with image phenotypes. Jamthikar A, Gupta D, Khannan NN, Luca Suba, Araki T, Viskovic K, Suri Hs, Gupta A, Mavrogeni S, Turk M, Laird JR, Pareek G, Minner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Vijay V, Nicolaides A, Bhatt DL, Suri JS. Cardiovasc Diagn and Ther 2019; Oct 9(5): 420 – PMID: 31737514
  • Ultrasound-based carotid stenosis measurement and risk stratification in diabetic cohort: a deep learning paradigm. Luca saba, Biswas M, Suri HS, Viskovi K, Laird JR, Cuadrado-Godia E, Nicolaides A, Khanna NN, Vijay V, Suri Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2019 Oct; 9(5): 439-461 PMID: 31737516
  • RSSDI consensus recommendations on insulin therapy in the management of diabetes R. Chawla, M. Makkar, S. Aggarwal, S. Bajaj, A. K. Das, S. Ghosh, A. Gupta, S. Gupta,S. Jaggi, J. Jana, J. Keswadev, S. Kalra, P. Keswani, V. Kumar, A. Maheshwari, A. Moses,C. L. Nawal, J. Panda, V. Panikar, G. D. Ramchandani, P. V. Rao, B. Saboo, R. Sahay,K. R. Setty, V. Viswanathan. IJDDC, 2019 November, Volume 39, Supplement 2, pp 43–92.
  • Prevalence of hypertension among urban poor with and without diabetes – Study from South Anu Maria J, Muruganathan A, Manjula Dutta Vijay V. JAPI 2019; 67(11) Novmber: 41 – 45. PMID: 31793268
  • Diabetic Foot Ulcer as a Cause of Significant Decline in the Renal Function among South Indian Population with Type 2 Diabetes: Role of TGF-β1 and CCN Family Proteins. Smina TP, Rabeka M, Vijay V. Int J Low Extrem 2019 Dec; 18 (4): 354-361 PMID: 31304816
  • Plasma chemokines are biomarkers of disease severity, higher bacterial burden and delayed sputum culture conversion in pulmonary tuberculosis. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Nancy A, Vijay V, Shruthi BS, Sivakumar S, Natarajan M, Hardy K, & Subash Babu. Sci Reports 2019 Dec; 9(1): PMID: 31796883
  • Global perspective on carotid intima-media thickness and plaque: should the current measurement guidelines be revisited? Saba L, Jamthikar A, Gupta D, Khanna NN, Viskovic K, Suri HS, Gupta A, Mavrogeni S, Turk M, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis P, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Viswanathan V, Nicolaides A, Bhatt D, Suri JS. Int Angiology 2019 December; 38(6):451-65. PMID: 31782286
  • Systemic RAGE ligands are upregulated in tuberculosis individuals with diabetes co- morbidity and modulated by anti tuberculosis treatment and metformin therapy. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Nancy A, Viswanathan V, Shruthi BS, Sivakumar S, Hissar S, Kornfeld H, Babu S. BMC Infectious Diseases 2019; 19 (1): 1039. PMID: 31818258
  • The effect of millet supplementation on weigtand lipid profile. Anushia K, Uma mageswari J, Patricia T and Vijay V. TAPI J 2019; 13(3) Sep – Dec: 1 – 7
  • A Review of lorcaserin and its use in chronic weight management. Vijay V. TAPI J 2019; 13(3) Sep – Dec: 8 – 10.
  • Machine learning system for stroke risk stratification: conventional vs. integrated approach JS Suri, M Turk, AD Jamthikar, D Gupta, NN Khanna, T Araki, L Saba, …EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 26, 339-340(Conference paper)
  • Performance evaluation of 0 using stroke risk calculatorsJS Suri, M Turk, AD Jamthikar, D Gupta, NN Khanna, T Araki, L Saba, …EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 26, 280-281(Conference paper)
  • Diabtes and tuberculosis: dual Vijay V and Smina TP. Rssdi Update 2018 Ed by Rajeev Chawla and Shalini Jaggi; Published by Jaypee, 2019, Chapter 86, 425 – 427. ISBN: 978-93-5270-618-1(Book Chapter)
  • Does diabetes contribute to the tuberculosis epidemic in India?. Vijay V and Satyavani K. Medicine Update 2019 Ed by Pareek KK, Pub by Jaypee brothers, Chapter 114: 556 – ISBN :978-93-5270-522-1(Book Chapter)
  • Heterogeneity in the cytokine profile of tuberculosis – diabetes co-morbidity. Kumar NP, Moideen K, Nancy A, Vijay V, Shruthi BS, Sivakumar S, Natarajan M, Kornfeld H, Babu S. Cytokine. 2020 Jan; 125:154824. PMID: 31472402
  • Gender-specific siblings and women with maternal history of diabetes are at high risk of developing type2 diabetes-a family study from South Rizwana Parveen & Satyavani Kumpatla & Shalini Stanson & Vijay Viswanathan, Ctries 40, 384–389 (2020). 30 January 2020.
  • Impact of covid-19 on Diabetes, Leema George, Dr.Reshma Mirshard, and Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, TAPIJ, 2020. Vol- 14, issue- 1, Jan-April
  • Gait changes in persons with diabetes: Early risk marker for diabetic ulcer, Saraswathy G, Rmalingam P, Bhebendranath Das and Vijay V. Foot Ankle Surg. 2020; 26(2) Feb: 163 – PMID: 30712991
  • Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update) Bus SA, Armstrong DG, Gooday C, Jarl G, Caravaggi C, Viswanathan V, Lazzarini PA; International
  • Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF). Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020 Mar;36 Suppl1:e3274.doi:10.1002/dmrr.3274.PMID: 32176441
  • Effectiveness of offloading interventions to heal foot ulcers in persons with diabetes: a systematic Lazzarini PA, Jarl G, Gooday C, Viswanathan V, Caravaggi CF, Armstrong DG, Bus SA. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2020 Mar; 36 Suppl 1:e3275. PMID: 32176438
  • Low-cost preventive screening using carotid ultrasound in patients with diabetes. Vijay V, Jamthikar AD, Deep Gupta, Nizarudeen Shanu, Anudeep Puvvula, Khanna NN, Luca Saba, Tomaz Omerzum, Klaudija Viskovic, Sophie Mavrogeni, Monika Turk, John R Laird, Gyan Pareek, Martin Miner, Petros P Sfikakis, Athanasios Protogerou, George D Kitas, Chitra S, Shalini Joshi, Henreitta Fiscian, Aba Ankomaba Folson, Dee H Wu, Zoltan Ruzsa, Andrew Nicolaides, Aditya Sharma, Deepak L Bhatt, Jasjit S Suri. Frontiers In Bioscience, Landmark, 25, 1132-1171, March 1, 2020 PMID 32114427
  • Cardio, renal and metabolic effects of empagliflozin: an update, Vijay Viswanathan, TAPIJ, 2020. Vol-14, issue- 2, May- August issue
  • Case Report on necrotizing fasciitis with myiasis in lower extremity, Vijay Viswanathan, Dr.Balakrishnan, T.M.Dr.Reshma Mirshad, TAPIJ, 2020. Vol-14, issue-2, May-August issue(Case Report)
  • Ambulatory glucose profile case scenarios, VijayViswanathan, Dr.Leela Baid, TAPIJ, 2020. Vol- 14, issue-2, May-August issue(Case Report)
  • Efficacy of Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor (Regen-D 150) in Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Hospital-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Vijay Viswanathan, MD, PhD, FRCP, FICP1 , Udyama Juttada, MSc, PhD1 , and Mary Babu, PhD, Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2020 Jun; 19(2):158-164. doi: 1177/1534734619892791. PMID: 31878810
  • Morphological Carotid Plaque Area Is Associated With Glomerular Filtration Rate: A Study of South Asian Indian Patients With Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease. Puvvula A, Jamthikar AD, Gupta D, Khanna NN, Porcu M, Saba L, Viskovic K, Ajuluchukwu JNA, Gupta A, Mavrogeni S, Turk M, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Nicolaides A, Vijay V, Suri Angiology. 2020 July: 3319720910660. doi:  10.1177/  0003319720910660. PMID: 32180436
  • Coping with diabetes during the COVID e 19 lockdown in India: Results of an online pilot survey. Sukanya Nachimuthu, Vijayalakshmi, M. Sudha, Vijay Viswanathan. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020 Jul-Aug;14(4):579-582. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2020.04.053. PMID: 32416527
  • Cardiovascular/stroke risk predictive calculators: a comparison between statistical and machine learning models.Jamthikar A, Gupta D, Saba L, Khanna NN, Araki T, Viskovic K, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Viswanathan V, Sharma A, Nicolaides A, Kitas GD, Suri Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2020 Aug; 10(4):919-938. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2020.01.07. PMID: 32968651
  • Ultrasound-based stroke/cardiovascular risk stratification using Framingham Risk Score and ASCVD Risk Score based on “Integrated Vascular Age” instead of “Chronological Age”: a multi- ethnic study of Asian Indian, Caucasian, and Japanese Jamthikar A, Gupta D, Cuadrado-Godia E, Puvvula A, Khanna NN, Saba L, Viskovic K, Mavrogeni S, Turk M, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Shankar C, Nicolaides A, Viswanathan V, Sharma A, Suri JS.Cardiovasc Diagn Ther. 2020 Aug; 10(4):939-954. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2020.01.16. PMID: 32968652
  • Integration of eGFR biomarker in image-based CV/Stroke risk calculator: a south Asian-Indian diabetes cohort with moderate chronic kidney Viswanathan V, Jamthikar AD, Gupta D, Puvvula A, Khanna NN, Saba L, Viskovic K, Mavrogeni S, Turk M, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Ajuluchukwu JNA, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Nicolaides A, Sharma A, Suri JS.Int Int Angiol. 2020 Aug; 39(4):290-306. doi: 10.23736/S0392-9590.20.04338-2. PMID: 32214072
  • Foot care practices among Diabetologists in India: A descriptive study by VijayViswanathan, SukanyaNachimuthu & Balkhiwala Ahmed Khan IJDDC 15 August 2020
  • COVID-19 pathways for brain and heart injury in comorbidity patients: A role of medical imaging and artificial intelligence-based COVID severity classification: A review.Jasjit S Suri , Anudeep Puvvula , Mainak Biswas , Misha Majhail, Luca Saba , Gavino Faa , Inder M Singh , Ronald Oberleitner , Monika Turk , Paramjit S Chadha , Amer M Johri , J Miguel Sanches , Narendra N Khanna , Klaudija Viskovic , Sophie Mavrogeni , John R Laird , Gyan Pareek , Martin Miner , David W Sobel , Antonella Balestrieri , Petros P Sfikakis , George Tsoulfas  ,  Athanasios Protogerou , Durga Prasanna Misra , Vikas Agarwal , George D Kitas , Puneet Ahluwalia , Raghu Kolluri , Jagjit Teji , Mustafa Al Maini , Ann Agbakoba , Surinder K Dhanjil , Meyypan Sockalingam , Ajit Saxena , Andrew Nicolaides , Aditya Sharma , Vijay Rathore , Janet N A Ajuluchukwu , Mostafa  Fatemi  ,  Azra  Alizad  ,  Vijay  Viswanathan  ,  Pudukode  R Krishnan       ,     Subbaram ComputBiolMed.2020Sep;124:103960.doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.103960.PMID: 32919186
  • TCF7L2 polymorphism a prominent marker among subjects with Type-2-Diabetes with a positive family history of diabetes.Juttada U, Kumpatla S, Parveen R, Viswanathan V.Int J Biol Macromol. 2020 Sep 15;159:402-405. doi: 1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.04.240. PMID: 32371129
  • Diabetic kidney   disease   and   diabetic    retinopathy:    the    ominous     VijayViswanathan ,DiabetesDevCtries 40, 313314,sep(2020). 020-00867-8
  • A Comparative study of Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian diet among type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Hemalatha, M., J.Uma Mageshwari, Patricia Trueman, and Vijay Viswanathan, TAPIJ, 2020. Vol- 14, issue-3, September- December issue
  • A Clinical Review on the Cardiorenal Benefit of Dapagliflozin in Type 2 Diabetes Vijay Viswanathan, TAPI Journal Vol. 14, Issue 3, September – December 2020
  • Beneficial uses of HBOT in wound healing, Dr.Vijay Viswanathan, Dr.Reshma Mirshad, TAPI Journal 14, Issue 3, September – December 2020
  • The metabolic drivers of neuropathy in India. Evan L Reynolds , Brian C Callaghan , Mousumi Banerjee , Eva L Feldman , Vijay Viswanathan J Diabetes Complications. 2020 oct, 11:107653. doi: 1016/j.jdiacomp.2020.107653. PMID: 32624332
  • 3-D optimized classification and characterization artificial intelligence paradigm for cardiovascular/stroke risk stratification using carotid ultrasound-based delineated plaque: Atheromatic™ 2.0.Skandha SS, Gupta SK, Saba L, Koppula VK, Johri AM, Khanna NN, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Misra DP, Agarwal V, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Rathore VS, Turk M, Kolluri R, Viskovic K, Cuadrado-Godia E, Kitas GD, Nicolaides A, Suri Comput Biol Med. 2020 Oct, 16;125:103958. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.103958. PMID: 32927257
  • Does the Carotid Bulb Offer a Better 10-Year CVD/Stroke Risk Assessment Compared to the Common Carotid Artery? A 1516 Ultrasound Scan Study. Jamthikar AD, Gupta D, Puvvula A, Johri AM, Khanna NN, Saba L, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Kolluri R, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Rathore VS, Angiology2020 Nov;71(10):920-933.doi: 10.1177/0003319720941730. PMID: 32696658
  • Low-Cost Office-Based Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Using Machine Learning and Focused Carotid Ultrasound in an Asian-Indian Cohort. Jamthikar AD, Gupta D, Johri AM, Mantella LE, Saba L, Kolluri R, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Nicolaides A, Suri JS. J Med Syst. 2020 Nov 11;44(12):208. doi: 1007/s10916-020-01675-7. PMID: 33175247
  • Association of Plasma Matrix Metalloproteinase and Tissue Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinase Levels With Adverse Treatment Outcomes Among Patients With Pulmonary Tuberculosis.Kumar NP, Moideen K, Nancy A, Viswanathan V, Thiruvengadam K, Sivakumar S, Hissar S, Nair D, Banurekha VV, Kornfeld H, Babu JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Dec 1;3(12):e2027754.doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.27754.PMID: 33258908
  • Impact of Diabetes and Low Body Mass Index on Tuberculosis Treatment Kornfeld H, Shruthi BS, Procter-Gray E, Kumar NP, West K, Kane K, Natarajan M, Li W, Babu S, Vijay V. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Dec 3. pii: ciaa054. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa054. PMID: 31955202
  • Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis using carotid ultrasound B- mode Ankush D Jamthikar , Deep Gupta, Anudeep Puvvula , Amer M Johri , Narendra N Khanna , Luca Saba , Sophie Mavrogeni , John R Laird , Gyan Pareek , Martin Miner , Petros P Sfikakis , Athanasios Protogerou , George D Kitas , Raghu Kolluri , Aditya M Sharma , Vijay Viswanathan , Vijay S Rathore , Jasjit S Suri. Rheumatol Int. 2020 Dec;40(12):1921-1939. doi: 10.1007/s00296-020-04691-5. PMID: 32857281
  • Insulinization in T2DM with Basal Analogues During COVID-19 Pandemic: Expert Opinion from an Indian Panel Manoj Chawla . Sunil M. Jain . Jothydev Kesavadev . Brij M. Makkar . Vijay Viswanathan . Mangesh Tiwaskar . Aravind R. Sosale . Vijay Negalur . Kirtikumar D. Modi . Mukulesh Gupta . Surinder Kumar . Santosh Ramakrishnan . Nilakshi Deka . Nirmalya Roy Received: September 22, 2020 / Accepted: November 26, 2020 / Published online: December 12, 2020. Diabetes Ther (2021) 12:133–142
  • Crosstalk between endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative stress in the progression of diabetic nephropathy Paul Victor & Dhamodharan Umapathy & Leema George & Udyama Juttada & Goutham V. Ganesh & Karan Naresh Amin & Vijay Viswanathan & Kunka Mohanram Ramkumar Received: 5 June 2020 / Revised: 20 October 2020 / Accepted: 23 October 2020 # Cell Stress Society International 2020 DOI:10.1007/s12192-020-01176-z
  • Effects of metformin on the inflammatory profile in patients with tuberculosis and type 2 diabetes. Thabata Alves Moniz de Aragão Oliveira, María Belen Arriaga Gutiérrez, Nathella Pavan Kumar, Subash Babu, Vijay Viswanathan, Kiyoshi Ferreira Fukutani, Hardy Kornfeld, Bruno de Bezerril Andrade, J. of Develop., Curitiba, v. 6, n.12, p.93899-93919 dec. 2020
  • Decline in eGFR with time and its correlation in T2DM. Vijay Viswanathan, Dr. Paleti Adityavikramyadav, Dr. Reshma Mirshad , TAPIJ,Sep-Dec 2020 issue, pg-34-37
  • Insulin use in India – challenges. Vijay V. RSSDI’s Insulin monograph – A Complete guide to insulin therapy Ed by Sanjay Aga(Book Chapter)
  • Prevention of Diabetes Foot: Indian Vijay Viswanathan, Sai Prathiba.A, 6th oct 2020. 215 – 219(Book Chapter)
  • A Special report on changing trends in preventive strole /cardiovascular risk assesement via B- mode ultrasonography – chapter 15(Book Chapter)
  • The Diabetic Foot Worldwide, Chapter 4a, India. Viswanathan, Book Editor(s):Andrew J. M. Boulton,Gerry Rayman,Dane K. Wukich, First published: 24 April 2020, Chapter)
  • Anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-27, IL-10, IL-1Ra and TGF-β in subjects with increasing grades of glucose intolerence (DM-LTB-2). Bobhate A, Viswanathan V, Aravindhan Cytokine. 2021 Jan 9;137:155333. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2020.155333.PMID: 33045524
  • Insulinization in T2DM with Basal Analogues During COVID-19 Pandemic: Expert Opinion from an Indian Panel Manoj Chawla . Sunil M. Jain . Jothydev Kesavadev . Brij M. Makkar . Vijay Viswanathan . Mangesh Tiwaskar . Aravind R. Sosale . Vijay Negalur . Kirtikumar D. Modi . Mukulesh Gupta . Surinder Kumar . Santosh Ramakrishnan . Nilakshi Deka . Nirmalya Roy. Diabetes 2021 Jan;12(1):133-142. doi: 10.1007/s13300-020-00979-8. PMID: 33314000
  • Factors affecting achievement of glycemic targets among type 2 diabetes patients in South Asia: Analysis of the CARRS trial.Masood MQ, Singh K, Kondal D, Ali MK, Mawani M, Devarajan R, Menon U, Varthakavi P, Viswanathan V, Dharmalingam M, Bantwal G, Sahay R, Khadgawat R,
  • Desai A, Prabhakaran D, Narayan KMV, Tandon N; CARRS Trial Group.Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021 Jan;171:108555. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108555. PMID: 33242515
  • A Multicenter Study on Carotid Ultrasound Plaque Tissue Characterization and Classification Using Six Deep Artificial Intelligence Models: A Stroke Luca Saba; Skandha S. Sanagala; Suneet K. Gupta; Vijaya K. Koppula; John R. Laird; Vijay Viswanathan; IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and  Measurement  (  Volume:  70),  18  January  2021, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2021.3052577
  • Heart failure in people with type 2 diabetes vs. those without diabetes: A retrospective observational study from South India. Devarajan A, Karuppiah K, Venkatasalam R, Avasarala S, Subramanian S,Immaneni S, Viswanathan  V.  Diabetes  Metab    Jan-Feb  2021;15(1):39-43. PMID: 33307298. DOI: 10.1016/j.dsx.2020.11.022
  • Effect of yoga intervention on biochemical, oxidative stress markers, inflammatory markers and sleep quality among subjects with type 2 diabetes in South India: Results from the SATYAM Viswanathan V, Sivakumar S, Sai Prathiba A, Devarajan A, George L, Kumpatla S.Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021 Feb;172:108644. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108644. PMID: 33359750
  • Six artificial intelligence paradigms for tissue characterisation and classification of non-COVID-19 pneumonia against COVID-19 pneumonia in computed tomography lungs.Saba L, Agarwal M, Patrick A, Puvvula A, Gupta SK, Carriero A, Laird JR, Kitas GD, Johri AM, Balestrieri A, Falaschi Z, Paschè A, Viswanathan V, El-Baz A, Alam I, Jain A, Naidu S, Oberleitner R, Khanna NN, Bit A, Fatemi M, Alizad A, Suri Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1007/s11548-021-02317-0. PMID: 33532975
  • A narrative review on characterization of acute respiratory distress syndrome in COVID-19-infected lungs using artificial intelligence. Jasjit S. Suri , Sushant Agarwal , Suneet K. Gupta, Anudeep Puvvula, Mainak Biswasf , Luca Saba, Arindam Bit, Gopal S. Tandel, Mohit Agarwal, Anubhav Patrick, Gavino Faa, Inder M. Singh, Ronald Oberleitnerl , Monika Turk, Paramjit S. Chadha, Amer Johri, J. Miguel Sanches, Narendra N. Khanna, Klaudija Viskovic, Sophie Mavrogeni, John R. Laird, Gyan Pareek , Martin Miner, David W. Sobel, Antonella Balestrieri, Petros P. Sfikakis, George Tsoulfas, Athanasios Protogerou, Durga Prasanna Misra, Vikas Agarwal, George D. Kitas , Puneet Ahluwalia, Jagjit Teji, Mustafa Al-Maini, Surinder K. Dhanjil, Meyypan Sockalingam, Ajit Saxena, Andrew Nicolaides, Aditya Sharma, Vijay Rathore, Janet N.A. Ajuluchukwu, Mostafa Fate, Azra Alizad, Vijay Viswanathan, P.K. Krishnan, Subbaram Naidu Computers in Biology and Medicine Volume 130, March 2021, PMID: 33550068
  • Crosstalk between endoplasmic reticulum stress and oxidative stress in the progression of diabetic Victor P, Umapathy D, George L, Juttada U, Ganesh GV, Amin KN, Viswanathan V, Ramkumar KM. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2021 Mar;26(2):311-321. doi: 10.1007/s12192-020- 01176-z. PMID: 33161510
  • Wilson disease tissue classification and characterization using seven artificial intelligence models embedded with 3D optimization paradigm on a weak training brain magnetic resonance imaging datasets: a supercomputer application.Agarwal M, Saba L, Gupta SK, Johri AM, Khanna NN, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Kitas GD, Nicolaides A, Suri Med Biol Eng Comput. 2021 Mar;59(3):511-533. doi: 10.1007/s11517-021-02322-0. Epub 2021 Feb 5.PMID: 33547549
  • Bidirectional link between diabetes mellitus and coronavirus disease 2019 leading to cardiovascular disease: A narrative review.Viswanathan V, Puvvula A, Jamthikar AD, Saba L, Johri AM, Kotsis V, Khanna NN, Dhanjil SK, Majhail M, Misra DP, Agarwal V, itas GD, Sharma AM, Kolluri R, Naidu S, Suri JS.World J Diabetes. 2021 Mar 15;12(3):215-237. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v12.i3.215. PMID: 33758644
  • Cardiovascular disease and stroke risk assessment in patients with chronic kidney disease using integration of estimated glomerular filtration rate, ultrasonic image phenotypes, and artificial intelligence: a narrative Jamthikar AD, Puvvula A, Gupta D, Johri AM, Nambi V, Khanna NN, Saba L, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis P, Protogerou A, Kitas GD, Nicolaides A, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Rathore VS, Kolluri R, Bhatt DL, Suri Int Angiol. 2021 Apr;40(2):150-164. doi: 10.23736/S0392-9590.20.04538-1 PMID: 3323686
  • RSSDI clinical practice recommendations for screening, diagnosis, and treatment in type 2 diabetes mellitus with obstructive sleep apnea. Vijay Viswanathan, Nagarajan Ramakrishnan, Banshi Saboo &   Sanjay   Agarwal   International   Journal   of   Diabetes    in    Developing Countries volume 41, pages 421(2021)
  • Consensus on Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabesity (CoMeND) in Adults: A South Asian Kapoor N, Sahay R, Kalra S, Bajaj S, Dasgupta A, Shrestha D, Dhakal G, Tiwaskar M, Sahay M, Somasundaram N, Reddy R, Bhattacharya S, Reddy VB, Viswanathan V, Krishnan D, Baruah M, Das AK.Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2021 Apr 16;14:1703-1728. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S278928. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33889005
  • Effect of anti-tuberculosis treatment on the systemic levels of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in tuberculosis – Diabetes co-morbidity.Kumar NP, Moideen K, Viswanathan V, Sivakumar S, Hissar S, Kornfeld H, Babu S.J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis. 2021 Apr 22;23:100237. doi: 1016/j.jctube.2021.100237. eCollection 2021 May.PMID: 33997311
  • Integrin ɑ2β (ITGA2) Gene Polymorphism and Effects on Various Microvascular 9 Complication among Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes. Rabeka Manikandan, Dr.Leema George, Dr. Vijay Viswanathan TAPI Journal 15, Issue 1, January – April 2021
  • Review Article Estimation of eGFR using the CKD formula: The Chennai Experience 14 Dr.Anitha Rani. A, Dr. Vijay Viswanathan TAPI Journal Vol. 15, Issue 1, January – April 2021Major Lower-Limb Amputation during the COVID  Pandemic  in  South  India  Vijay Viswanathan , Sukanya Nachimuthu Int J Low Extrem Wounds 2021 May 28; doi: 10.1177/15347346211020985.
  • Dapagliflozin: emerging evidence in the cardiometabolic Dr.VijayViswanathan TAPIJ,Vol-15, issue-2, may-aug 2021 issue
  • Hyperglycaemia Exists before the onset of Diabetes: Experience at Prof M Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre.Dr. Sukanya Nachimuthu, Vijay Viswanathan, TAPIJ,Vol-15, issue-2, may- aug 2021 issue
  • A Review on Joint Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Plaque Area Measurement in Ultrasound for Cardiovascular/Stroke Risk Monitoring: Artificial Intelligence Biswas M, Saba L, Omerzu T, Johri AM, Khanna NN, Viskovic K, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Balestrieri A, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Misra DP, Agarwal V, Kitas GD, Kolluri R, Sharma A, Viswanathan V, Ruzsa Z, Nicolaides A, Suri JS.J Digit Imaging. 2021 Jun 2. doi: 10.1007/s10278-021-00461-2. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34080104
  • Trend in COVID-19 vaccination among people with diabetes: A short study from India Sukanya Nachimuthu, Vijay Viswanathan Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & ReviewsAvailable online 29 June 2021, 102190
  • Hyperglucagonemia and impaired insulin sensitivity are associated with development of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes – A study from South India.Kumpatla S, Parveen R, Murugan P, Juttada U, Devarajan A, Viswanathan V.Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2021 Jul-Aug;15(4):102199. doi: 1016/j.dsx.2021.102199. Epub 2021 Jul 6.PMID: 34265492
  • Impact of microRNA-210 on wound healing among the patients with diabetic foot ulcer Sivakamasundari PichuI, Selvaraj Vimalraj, Vijay Viswanathan, PLOS ONE | July 22, 2021
  • Multimodality carotid plaque tissue characterization and classification in the artificial intelligence paradigm: a narrative review for stroke application.Saba L, Sanagala SS, Gupta SK, Koppula VK, Johri AM, Khanna NN, Mavrogeni S, Laird JR, Pareek G, Miner M, Sfikakis PP, Protogerou A, Misra DP, Agarwal V, Sharma AM, Viswanathan V, Rathore VS, Turk M, Kolluri R, Viskovic K, Cuadrado-Godia E, Kitas GD, Sharma N, Nicolaides A, Suri JS.Ann Transl Med. 2021 Jul;9(14):1206. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-7676.PMID: 34430647
  • Diabetic Nephropathy: From Diagnosis to Viswanathan V & Rani AA. (2021) Diabetic Nephropathy: From Diagnosis to Treatment. J Clin Trials Res, 4(2): 267-286. Available Online: October 17, 2021
  • A Clinical Study to Evaluate Autofluorescence Imaging of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Using a Novel Artificial Intelligence Enabled Noninvasive Device.Viswanathan V, Govindan S, Selvaraj B, Rupert S, Kumar Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2021 Oct 7:15347346211047098. doi: 10.1177/15347346211047098. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34617810
  • Association of Fetuin-A with Thr256Ser exon polymorphism of α2-Heremans Schmid Glycoprotein (AHSG) gene in type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy Dhamodharan Umapathy, Paridhy Vanniya Subramanyam, Ezhilarasi Krishnamoorthy, Vijay Viswanathan, Kunka Mohanram Ramkumar In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 8 October 2021
  • Plasma Chemokines Are Baseline Predictors of Unfavorable Treatment Outcomes in Pulmonary Kumar NP, Moideen K, Nancy A, Viswanathan V, Thiruvengadam K, Nair D, Banurekha VV, Sivakumar S, Hissar S, Kornfeld H, Babu S.Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Nov 2;73(9):e3419-e3427. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1104.PMID: 32766812
  • Acute Phase Proteins Are Baseline Predictors of Tuberculosis Treatment Failure Nathella Pavan Kumar, Kadar    Moideen,    Arul    Nancy,    Vijay    Viswanathan,    Kannan Thiruvengadam, ShanmugamSivakumar, SyedHissar, HardyKornfeld and SubashBabu,FrontI mmunol2021Nov15;12:731878. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.731878. PMID: 34867953
  • Regular Use of FlowAid FA100 SCCD Reduces Pain While Increasing Perfusion and Tissue Oxygenation in Contralateral Limbs of Amputees With Diabetic Neuropathy and Peripheral Arterial Disease: Results of an Open, Pre-Post Intervention, Single-Center Study.Suganya Ramar, Seena Rajsekar , Bamila Selvaraj , Vijay Viswanathan , Raj Mani, Int J Low Extrem 2021 Dec;20(4):309-314. doi: 10.1177/1534734620917918. PMID: 32525719
  • Nutrition, atherosclerosis, arterial imaging, cardiovascular risk stratification, and manifestations in COVID-19 framework: a narrative review Smiksha Munjral,Puneet Ahluwalia,Ankush Jamthikar,Anudeep Puvvula,Luca Saba,Gavino Faa,Inder M Singh,Paramjit S. Chadha,Monika Turk,Amer M. Johri8,Narendra N Khanna,Klaudija Viskovic,Sophie Mavrogeni, John R Laird,Gyan Pareek,Martin Miner,David W. Sobel,Antonella Balestrieri,Petros P Sfikakis,George Tsoulfas,Athanasios Protogerou,Prasanna Misra,Vikas Agarwal,George D. Kitas,Raghu Kolluri,Jagjit Teji,Mustafa Al-Maini,Surinder K. Dhanjil,Meyypan Sockalingam,Ajit Saxena,Aditya Sharma, Vijay Rathore,Mostafa Fatemi,Azra Alizad,Vijay Viswanathan, P K Krishnan,Tomaz Omerzu,Subbaram Naidu,Andrew Nicolaides,Jasjit S. Suri, Front Biosci (Landmark Ed)2021 Nov 30;26(11):1312-1339. doi: 10.52586/5026.
  • Managing Diabetic Foot Complications during COVID-19 Lockdown in India:ASurvey.SukanyaNachimuthu,MPH1,BalkhiwalaAhmedKhan,BPT,MIAP1, and Vijay Viswanathan, MD, PhD, FRCP2, The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds, 2021 Dec 6 DOI: 1177/15347346211063699
  • Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Failure: A Consensus StatementBanshi Saboo, Sanjay Agarwal, A. K. Singh, Brij Makkar, Rajeev Chawla, Sujoy Ghosh, Vijay Viswanathan, Sunil Gupta, Vasanth Kumar &   Anuj   Maheshwari,International   Journal   of   Diabetes   in    Developing Countries volume 41, pages1–41 (2021), Published: 04 June 2021
  • Clinical Profile and Types of Youth-Onset Diabetes in Chennai: The Indian Council of Medical Research Registry of YouthOnset Diabetes in India – Chennai Centres A. Amutha, Raghavan V. Dhakshayani, Dharmarajan, E. Suresh, I. Periyandavar, A. Shanmugam, V. Seshiah, Vijay

Viswanathan, Ambady Ramachandran, R. M. Anjana, G. Vijayakumar, A. Paneerselvam, A. Srivatsa, S. Nallaperumal, T. Vasanthi, Anand Moses, S. Sinha Roy, Viswanathan Mohan. Journal of Diabetology ¦ Volume 12 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ October-December 2021doi. 10.4103/jod.jod_76_21

  • Association of Fetuin-A with Thr256Ser exon polymorphism of α2-Heremans Schmid Glycoprotein (AHSG) gene in type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy.Dhamodharan Umapathy, Paridhy Vanniya Subramanyam, Ezhilarashi Krishnamoorthy, Vijay Viswanathan, Kunka Mohanram Journal  of  Diabetes  its  Complications,  Volume   36,  Issue 1, January 2022, 108074, PMID: 34774416
  • Serum levels of novel anti-inflammatory cytokine Interleukin-38 in diabetes patients infected with latent tuberculosis (DM-LTB-3).Aravindhan V, Bobhate A, Sathishkumar K, Viswanathan V.J Diabetes Complications. 2022 Jan 22:108133. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2022.108133. Online ahead of PMID: 35090823
  • Prevalence and risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in prediabetes in Asian Rajalakshmi R, UmaSankari G, Sivaprasad S, Venkatesan U, Kumpatla S, Shanthirani CS, Viswanathan V, Mohan V.J Diabetes Complications. 2022 Jan 23:108131. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2022.108131. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35093270
  • Impact of My Dose Coach App Frequency of Use on Clinical Outcomes in Type 2 Unnikrishnan AG, Viswanathan V, Zhou FL, Hao L, Kamath P, Bertolini M, Botero JF,Mancillas-Adame L.Diabetes Ther. 2022 Mar 22. doi: 10.1007/s13300-022-01245-9. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35316509
  • Heightened microbial translocation is a prognostic biomarker of recurrent Nathella PK, Moideen K, Viswanathan V, Sivakumar S, Ahamed SF, Ponnuraja C, Hissar S, Kornfeld H, Babu S.Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 30:ciac236.doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac236. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35352112
  • Cardiovascular risk in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients in India.Unnikrishnan AG, Sahay RK, Phadke U, Sharma SK, Shah P, Shukla R, Viswanathan V, Wangnoo SK, Singhal S, John M, Kumar A, Dharmalingam M, Jain S, Shaikh S, Verberk PLoS One. 2022 Mar 31;17(3):e0263619. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263619. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35358208
  • Regular hospital visits and treatment outcomes among people living with type 1 diabetes: a 7- year study from South Arutselvi Devarajan, Satyavani Kumpatla & Vijay Viswanathan,IJDDC, Published: 22 March 2022
  • RSSDI consensus recommendations for dyslipidemia management in diabetes mellitusBanshi Saboo, Sanjay Agarwal, Brij Mohan Makkar, Rajeev Chawla, Sujoy Ghosh, Vijay Viswanathan, Sunil Gupta, Vasanth Kumar, Anuj Maheshwari, L. Sreenivasamurthy, Rakesh
  • Kumar Sahay, Sanjay Reddy, Shalini Jaggi, Jugal Kishor Sharma, Vijay Panikar, Anand Moses, Bikash Bhattacharjee, Pratap Jethwani, Sudhir Bhandari, J. P. S. Sawhney, Shashank Joshi, Saumitra Ray, S. V. Madhu & Bipin Sethi.International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries volume 42, pages3–28 (2022)
  • Baseline IL-6 is a biomarker for unfavourable tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a multisite discovery and validation    study    Akshay        Gupte,    Pavan    Kumar,    Mariana     Araújo- Pereira, Vandana Kulkarni, Mandar Paradkar, Neeta Pradhan, Pradeep Menon, Chandrasekar an Padmapriyadarsini, Luke-Elizabeth Hanna, Shri Vijay Bala Yogendra Shivakumar,NeeshaRockwood,ElsaDuBruyn, Rajesh Karyakarte, Sanjay Gaikwad, Robert Bolli nger,     Jonathan     Golub,     Nikhil     Gupte,      Vijay      Viswanathan,      Robert JWilkinson, Vidya Mave, Subash Babu, Hardy Kornfeld, Bruno B.Andrade,AmitaGuptaEuropeanRespiratoryJournal 2022 59: 2100905; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00905-2021
  • cost of diabetes treatment in private facilities for low resource urban community in South India Anu Maria Jacob, Arutselvi Devarajan, Sukanya Nachimuthu, Manjula Datta & Vijay Viswanathan International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries (2022)Cite this article
  • Cardiovascular Risk Stratification in Diabetic Retinopathy via Atherosclerotic Pathway in COVID- 19/Non-COVID-19 Frameworks Using Artificial Intelligence Paradigm: A Narrative Review Smiksha Munjral, Mahesh Maindarkar, Puneet Ahluwalia, Anudeep Puvvula, Ankush Jamthikar, Tanay Jujaray Neha Suri , Sudip Paul, Rajesh Pathak, Luca Saba, Renoh Johnson Chalakkal, Suneet Gupta, Gavino Faa, Inder M. Singh, Paramjit S. Chadha, Monika Turk, Amer M. Johri, Narendra Khanna, Klaudija Viskovic, Sophie Mavrogeni, John R. Laird, Gyan Pareek, Martin Miner, David W. Sobel, Antonella Balestrieri, Petros P. Sfikakis, George Tsoulfas, Athanasios Protogerou, Durga Prasanna Misra, Vikas Agarwal, George D. Kitas, Raghu Kolluri, Jagjit Teji, Mustafa Al-Maini, Surinder K. Dhanjil, Meyypan Sockalingam, Ajit Saxena, Aditya Sharma, Vijay Rathore, Mostafa Fatemi, Azra Alizad, Vijay Viswanathan, Padukode R. Krishnan, Tomaz Omerzu, Subbaram Naidu, Andrew Nicolaides, Mostafa M. Fouda and Jasjit S. Suri. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1234.
  • IMPACT OF UNDERNUTRITION ON TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT OUTCOMES IN INDIA: A MULTICENTER PROSPECTIVE COHORT ANALYSIS Authors: Pranay Sinha, Chinnaiyan Ponnuraja , Nikhil Gupte, Senbagavalli Prakash Babu , Samyra R. Cox5 , Sonali Sarkar, Vidya MaveMandar Paradkar, Chelsie Cintron, S. Govindarajan, Aarti Kinikar8 , Nadesan Priya9 , Sanjay Gaikwad, Balamugesh Thangakunam, Arutselvi Devarajan, Mythili Dhanasekaran, Jeffrey A. Tornheim , Amita Gupta , Padmini Salgame, Devashyam Jesudas Christopher , Hardy Kornfeld, Vijay Viswanathan, Jerrold J. Ellner, C. Robert Horsburgh, Jr., Akshay N. Gupte , Chandrasekaran Padmapriyadarsini, Natasha S. Hochberg1,13† preprint
  • Unique Reciprocal Association Seen Between Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Diabetes Is Due to Immunoendocrine Modulation (DM-LTB-1).Aravindhan V, Bobhate A, Sathishkumar K, Patil A, Kumpatla S, Viswanathan V.Front 2022 Jun 27;13:884374. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.884374. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35832818
  • The Relationship between COVID-19 and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis: A Large Spectrum from Glucocorticoid Insufficiency to Excess-The CAPISCO International Expert Jensterle M, Herman R, Janež A, Mahmeed WA, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y, Ceriello A, Cesur M, Cosentino F, Galia M, Goh SY, Kalra S, Kempler P, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Papanas N, Rizvi AA, Santos RD, Stoian AP, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M.Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jun 30;23(13):7326. doi: 10.3390/ijms23137326.PMID: 35806331
  • The Dual Pandemics of COVID-19 and Obesity: Bidirectional Impact.Kapoor N, Kalra S, Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y, Ceriello A, Cesur M, Cosentino F, Firenze A, Galia M, Goh SY, Janez A, Kempler P, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Papanas N, Rizvi AA, Sahebkar A, Santos RD, Stoian AP, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M; CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO).Diabetes Ther. 2022 Aug 27:1-14. doi: 1007/s13300-022-01311-2. Online ahead of print.PMID: 36030317
  • Towards prevention of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: clinical presentation, pathogenesis,and new treatments MelissaA ElafrosMD , ProfHenningAndersenMD , ProfDavidLBennettFRCP , Masha GSavelieffPhD , Prof VijayViswanathan MD , Brian CCallaghanMD , ProfEva LFeldmanMD . Lancet Neurology, Volume 21, Issue 10, October 2022, Pages 922-936
  •  Association of Fetuin-A with Thr256Ser exon polymorphism of α2-Heremans Schmid Glycoprotein (AHSG) gene in type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy.Dhamodharan Umapathy, Paridhy Vanniya Subramanyam, Ezhilarashi Krishnamoorthy, Vijay Viswanathan, Kunka Mohanram Ramkumar.Journal of Diabetes its Complications, Volume 36, Issue
    1, January 2022, 108074, PMID: 34774416
  • Serum levels of novel anti-inflammatory cytokine Interleukin-38 in diabetes patients infected
    with latent tuberculosis (DM-LTB-3).Aravindhan V, Bobhate A, Sathishkumar
    K, Viswanathan V.J Diabetes Complications. 2022 Jan 22:108133. doi:
    10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2022.108133..PMID: 35090823
  •  Prevalence and risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in prediabetes in Asian Indians. Rajalakshmi R, UmaSankari G, Sivaprasad S, Venkatesan U, Kumpatla S, Shanthirani CS, Viswanathan V, Mohan V.J Diabetes Complications. 2022 Jan 23:108131. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2022.108131..PMID: 35093270
  • Impact of My Dose Coach App Frequency of Use on Clinical Outcomes in Type 2
    Diabetes.Unnikrishnan AG, Viswanathan V, Zhou FL, Hao L, Kamath P, Bertolini M, Botero JF,Mancillas-Adame L.Diabetes Ther. 2022 Mar 22. doi: 10.1007/s13300-022-01245- 9. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35316509
  • Heightened microbial translocation is a prognostic biomarker of recurrent
    tuberculosis.Nathella PK, Moideen K, Viswanathan V, Sivakumar S, Ahamed SF, Ponnuraja C, Hissar S, Kornfeld H, Babu S.Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 30:ciac236.doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac236. Online ahead of print.PMID: 35352112
  • Cardiovascular risk in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients in India.Unnikrishnan AG, Sahay RK, Phadke U, Sharma SK, Shah P, Shukla R, Viswanathan V, Wangnoo SK, Singhal S, John M, Kumar A, Dharmalingam M, Jain S, Shaikh S, Verberk WJ.PLoS One. 2022 Mar 31;17(3):e0263619. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263619. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35358208
  • Regular hospital visits and treatment outcomes among people living with type 1 diabetes: a 7- year study from South India. Arutselvi Devarajan, Satyavani Kumpatla & Vijay Viswanathan,IJDDC, Published: 22 March 2022
    *Correction to: Regular hospital visits and treatment outcomes among people living with type 1 diabetes: a 7-year study from South India, Arutselvi Devarajan & Satyavani Kumpatla & Vijay Viswanathan, International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, Published: 12 April 2022
  • RSSDI consensus recommendations for dyslipidemia management in diabetes mellitus Banshi Saboo, Sanjay Agarwal, Brij Mohan Makkar, Rajeev Chawla, Sujoy Ghosh, Vijay Viswanathan, Sunil Gupta, Ch. Vasanth Kumar, Anuj Maheshwari, L. Sreenivasamurthy, Rakesh Kumar Sahay, Sanjay Reddy, Shalini Jaggi, Jugal Kishor Sharma, Vijay Panikar, Anand Moses, Bikash Bhattacharjee, Pratap Jethwani, Sudhir Bhandari, J. P. S. Sawhney, Shashank Joshi, Saumitra Ray, S. V. Madhu & Bipin Sethi.International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries January, volume 42, pages 3– 28 (2022)
  • Baseline IL-6 is a biomarker for unfavourable tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a multisite discovery and validation study Akshay N. Gupte, Pavan Kumar, Mariana Araújo- Pereira, Vandana Kulkarni, Mandar Paradkar, Neeta Pradhan, Pradeep Menon, Chandrasekaran Padmapriyadarsini, Luke-Elizabeth Hanna, Shri Vijay Bala Yogendra Shivakumar, Neesha Rockwood, Elsa Du Bruyn, Rajesh Karyakarte, Sanjay Gaikwad, Robert Bollinger, Jonathan Golub, Nikhil Gupte, Vijay Viswanathan, Robert J. Wilkinson, Vidya Mave, Subash Babu, Hardy Kornfeld, Bruno B. Andrade, Amita GuptaEuropean RespiratoryJournal 2022 59: 2100905; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00905-2021
  • cost of diabetes treatment in private facilities for low resource urban community in South India Anu Maria Jacob, Arutselvi Devarajan, Sukanya Nachimuthu, Manjula Datta & VijayViswanathan, International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries (2022)
  • Cardiovascular Risk Stratification in Diabetic Retinopathy via Atherosclerotic Pathway inCOVID-19/Non-COVID-19 Frameworks Using Artificial Intelligence Paradigm: A Narrative Review Smiksha Munjral , Mahesh Maindarkar, Puneet Ahluwalia, Anudeep Puvvula, Ankush Jamthikar , Tanay Jujaray , Neha Suri , Sudip Paul , Rajesh Pathak , Luca Saba , Renoh Johnson Chalakkal , Suneet Gupta, Gavino Faa , Inder M. Singh , Paramjit S. Chadha , Monika Turk, Amer M. Johri , Narendra N. Khanna, Klaudija Viskovic , Sophie Mavrogeni , John R. Laird, Gyan Pareek , Martin Miner, David W. Sobel , Antonella Balestrieri , Petros P. Sfikakis , George Tsoulfas , Athanasios Protogerou , Durga Prasanna Misra , Vikas Agarwal , George D. Kitas, Raghu Kolluri, Jagjit Teji, Mustafa Al-Maini , Surinder K. Dhanjil, Meyypan Sockalingam, Ajit Saxena , Aditya Sharma, Vijay Rathore , Mostafa Fatemi , Azra Alizad , Vijay Viswanathan, Padukode R. Krishnan , Tomaz Omerzu , Subbaram Naidu, Andrew Nicolaides, Mostafa M. Fouda and Jasjit S. Suri. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 1234.
  • Unique Reciprocal Association Seen Between Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Diabetes Is Due to Immunoendocrine Modulation (DM-LTB-1).Aravindhan V, Bobhate A, Sathishkumar K, Patil A, Kumpatla S, Viswanathan V.Front Microbiol. 2022 Jun 27;13:884374. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.884374. eCollection 2022.PMID: 35832818
  • The Relationship between COVID-19 and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis: A Large Spectrum from Glucocorticoid Insufficiency to Excess-The CAPISCO International Expert Panel. Jensterle M, Herman R, Janež A, Mahmeed WA, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y, Ceriello A, Cesur M, Cosentino F, Galia M, Goh SY, Kalra S, Kempler P, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Papanas N, Rizvi AA, Santos RD, Stoian AP, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M.Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jun 30;23(13):7326. doi: 10.3390/ijms23137326.PMID: 35806331
  • The Dual Pandemics of COVID-19 and Obesity: Bidirectional Impact.Kapoor N, Kalra S, Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y, Ceriello A, Cesur M,  Cosentino F, Firenze A, Galia M, Goh SY, Janez A, Kempler P, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Papanas N, Rizvi AA, Sahebkar A, Santos RD, Stoian AP, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M; CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO).Diabetes Ther. 2022 Aug 27:1-14. doi: 10.1007/s13300-022-01311-2. PMID: 36030317
  • Towards prevention of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and new treatments.Elafros MA, Andersen H, Bennett DL, Savelieff MG, Viswanathan V, Callaghan BC, Feldman EL.Lancet Neurol. 2022 Oct;21(10):922-936. doi: 10.1016/S1474- 4422(22)00188-0.PMID: 36115364
  • Post-COVID syndrome, inflammation, and diabetes.Rizvi AA, Kathuria A, Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y, Ceriello A, Cesur M, Cosentino F, Galia M, Goh SY, Janez A, Kalra S, Kempler P, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Papanas N, Santos RD, Stoian AP, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M; CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO).J Diabetes Complications. 2022 Nov;36(11):108336. doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2022.108336. Epub 2022 Oct 6.PMID: 36228563
  • Cardiovascular/Stroke Risk Stratification in Diabetic Foot Infection Patients Using Deep Learning-Based Artificial Intelligence: An Investigative Study.Khanna NN, Maindarkar MA, Viswanathan V, Puvvula A, Paul S, Bhagawati M, Ahluwalia P, Ruzsa Z, Sharma A, Kolluri R, Krishnan PR, Singh IM, Laird JR, Fatemi M, Alizad A, Dhanjil SK, Saba L, Balestrieri A, Faa G, Paraskevas KI, Misra DP, Agarwal V, Sharma A, Teji JS, Al-Maini M, Nicolaides A, Rathore V, Naidu S, Liblik K, Johri AM, Turk M, Sobel DW, Miner M, Viskovic K, Tsoulfas G, Protogerou AD, Mavrogeni S, Kitas GD, Fouda MM, Kalra MK, Suri JS.J Clin Med. 2022 Nov 19;11(22):6844. doi: 10.3390/jcm11226844.PMID: 36431321
  • Molecular and pro-inflammatory aspects of COVID-19: The impact on cardiometabolic health.Lo Presti E, Nuzzo D, Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y, Ceriello A, Cesur M, Cosentino F, Firenze A, Galia M, Goh SY, Janez A, Kalra S, Kapoor N, Kempler P, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Papanas N, Rizvi AA, Sahebkar A, Santos RD, Stoian AP, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M; CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO).Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2022 Dec 1;1868(12):166559. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2022.166559. Epub 2022 Sep 26.PMID: 36174875
  • Economics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Diagnosis vs. Treatment.Khanna NN, Maindarkar MA, Viswanathan V, Fernandes JFE, Paul S, Bhagawati M, Ahluwalia P, Ruzsa Z, Sharma A, Kolluri R, Singh IM, Laird JR, Fatemi M, Alizad A, Saba L, Agarwal V, Sharma A, Teji JS, Al-Maini M, Rathore V, Naidu S, Liblik K, Johri AM, Turk M, Mohanty L, Sobel DW, Miner M, Viskovic K, Tsoulfas G, Protogerou AD, Kitas GD, Fouda MM, Chaturvedi S, Kalra MK, Suri JS.Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Dec 9;10(12):2493. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10122493.PMID: 36554017

M.V.Publications (2023 Jan- till)

  • Longitudinal Trends in Glycated Hemoglbin During and after Tuberculosis
    Treatment.Kornfeld H, Procter-Gray E, Kumpatla S, Kane K, Li W, Magee MJ, Babu S, Viswanathan V.Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2023 Jan 7:110242. doi:
    10.1016/j.diabres.2023.110242. PMID: 36627027
  • Glucometabolic perturbations in type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronavirus disease 2019: causes, consequences, and how to counter them using novel antidiabetic drugs.Popovic D, Papanas N, Koufakis T, Kotsa K, Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Al-Alawi K, Banach M, Banerjee Y,
    Ceriello A, Cesur M, Cosentino F, Firenze A, Galia M, Goh SY, Janez A, Kalra S, Kempler P, Kapoor N, Lessan N, Lotufo P, Rizvi AA, Sahebkar A, Santos RD, Pantea Stoian A, Toth PP, Viswanathan V, Rizzo M.Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2023 Jan 24. doi: 10.1055/a- 2019-1111. PMID: 36693416
  • Chitinase and indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase are prognostic biomarkers for unfavorable treatment outcomes in pulmonary tuberculosis Nathella Pavan Kumar, Arul Nancy, Vijay Viswanathan, Shanmugam Sivakumar, Kannan Thiruvengadam, Shaik Fayaz Ahamed, Syed Hissar, Hardy Kornfeld and Subash Babu, Front. Immunol., 06 February 2023, Volume 14 – 2023 |
  • Cost-effectiveness of a Multicomponent Quality Improvement Care Model for Diabetes in South Asia: The CARRS Randomized Clinical Trial. Kavita Singh, Dimple Kondal, V. Usha Menon, Premlata K. Varthakavi, Vijay Viswanathan, Mala Dharmalingam, Ganapati Bantwal, Rakesh Kumar Sahay, Muhammad Qamar Masood, Rajesh Khadgawat, Ankush Desai, Prabhakaran Dorairaj, K. M. Venkat Narayan, Victoria L. Phillips, Nikhil Tandon, Mohammed K. Ali. First published: Diabetic Medicine, 23 February 2023.
  • Precision of Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument (MNSI) Tool for the Diagnosis of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Among People with Type 2 Diabetes—A Study from South India. Vijay Viswanathan, MD, PhD , Balkhiwala Ahmed Khan, BPT, MIAP, Sukanya Nachimuthu, MPH  and Satyavani Kumpatla, MSc, M.Tech, PhD, Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2023 Mar 15;15347346231163209. doi:10.1177/15347346231163209. Online ahead of print.
  • Effect of prediabetes on tuberculosis treatment outcomes: A study from South India. Vijay Viswanathan , Arutselvi Devarajan , Satyavani Kumpatla , Mythili Dhanasekaran , Subash Babu , Hardy Kornfeld. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews,Volume Issue 7, July 2023, 102801
  • A multi-center, prospective cohort study of whole blood gene expression in the tuberculosis- diabetes interaction.Queiroz ATL, Vinhaes CL, Fukutani ER, Gupte AN, Kumar NP, Fukutani KF, Arriaga MB, Sterling TR, Babu S, Gaikwad S, Karyakarte R, Mave V, Paradhkar M, Viswanathan V, Gupta A, Andrade BB, Kornfeld H; RePORT Brazil; RePORT India Consortia.Sci Rep. 2023 May 12;13(1):7769. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-34847- 9.PMID: 3717339
  • Topical Esmolol Hydrochloride as a Novel Treatment Modality for Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial.Rastogi A, Kulkarni SA, Agarwal S, Akhtar M, Arsule S, Bhamre S, Bhosle D, Desai S, Deshmukh M, Giriraja KV, Jagannath J, Kashiva RY, Kesavan R, Khandelwal D, Kolte S, Kongara S, Darivemula AK, Madhusudan C, Pyare Saheb Qureshi MAH, Ramu M, Rathod G, Yalamanchi SR, Shakya S, Shetty P, Singh S, DeshpandeSK, ViswanathanV,UnnikrishnanAG.JAMA Netw Open. 2023 May 1;6(5):e2311509. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.11509.PMID: 37184839
  • Telemedicine for diabetes management during COVID-19: what we have learnt, what and how to implement. Laszlo Rosta ,  Adrienn Menyhart, Wael Al Mahmeed 3 , Khalid Al-Rasadi, Kamila Al-Alawi 5 , Maciej Banach, Yajnavalka Banerjee, Antonio Ceriello, Mustafa Cesur, Francesco Cosentino ,  Alberto Firenze, Massimo Galia, Su-Yen Goh, Andrej Janez, Sanjay Kalra, Nitin Kapoor, Nader Lessan, Paulo Lotufo, Nikolaos Papanas, Ali A. Rizvi, Amirhossein Sahebkar, Raul D. Santos, Anca Pantea Stoian, Peter P. Toth, Vijay Viswanathan, Peter Kempler and Manfredi Rizzo behalf of The CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO) Front. Endocrinol.17 May 2023:Sec. Clinical DiabetesVolume 14 – 2023.
  • Impact of Undernutrition on Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes in India: A Multicenter, Prospective, Cohort Analysis.Sinha P, Ponnuraja C, Gupte N, Prakash Babu S, Cox SR, Sarkar S, Mave V, Paradkar M, Cintron C, Govindarajan S, Kinikar A, Priya N, Gaikwad S, Thangakunam B, Devarajan A, Dhanasekaran M, Tornheim JA, Gupta A, Salgame P, Christopher DJ, Kornfeld H, Viswanathan V, Ellner JJ, Horsburgh CR, Gupte AN, Padmapriyadarsini C, Hochberg NS.Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Apr 17;76(8):1483-1491. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac915.PMID: 36424864 ( No full article)
  • Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update).Bus SA, Armstrong DG, Crews RT, Gooday C, Jarl G, Kirketerp-Moller K, Viswanathan V, Lazzarini PA.Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2023 May 25:e3647. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3647. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37226568
  • Effect of Tocotrienol on Liver Enzymes, Fatty Liver and Liver Stiffness in People with Type 2 Diabetes and NAFLD : A Pilot Study Based on Biochemical and Transient Elastography Parameters Arutselvi Devarajan , Lalith Kumar K Jayashankar , Prashanth Arun , Mitalee H Barman , Hemanga Barman , Satyavani Kumpatla , Vijay Viswanathan, Journal of the Indian Medical Association, Vol 121, No 6, June 2023
  • 1839-PUB: Baseline FFA and IR after One Year of TB Treatment in People with Prediabetes—Pilot Study from South India. Satyavani Kumpatla,Arutselvi Devarajan,Hardy Kornfeld,Vijay Viswanathan. Diabetes 2023;72(Supplement_1):1839- PUB, – In press
  • Guidelines on interventions to enhance healing of foot ulcers in people with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update) Pam Chen, Nalini Campillo Vilorio, Ketan Dhatariya, William Jeffcoate, Ralf Lobmann, Caroline McIntosh, Alberto Piaggesi, John Steinberg, Prash Vas, Vijay Viswanathan, Stephanie Wu, Fran Game, Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2023 May 25;e3644.doi: 10.1002/dmrr.3644. Online ahead of print.
  • Major Lower-Limb Amputation During the COVID Pandemic in South India.Viswanathan V, Nachimuthu S.Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2023 Sep;22(3):475479.doi:10.1177/15347346211020985.
  • Impact of Undernutrition on Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes inIndia:AMulticenter,Prospective,CohortAnalysis ,PranaySinha, Chinnaiyan Ponnuraja, Nikhil Gupte, Senbagavalli Prakash Babu, Samyra R Cox, Sonali Sarkar, Vidya Mave, Mandar Paradkar, Chelsie Cintron, S Govindarajan, Aarti Kinikar, Nadesan Priya, Sanjay Gaikwad, Balamugesh Thangakunam, Arutselvi Devarajan, Mythili Dhanasekaran, Jeffrey A Tornheim, Amita Gupta, Padmini Salgame, Devashyam Jesudas Christopher, Hardy Kornfeld, Vijay Viswanathan, Jerrold J Ellner, C Robert Horsburgh, Jr, Akshay N Gupte, Chandrasekaran Padmapriyadarsini, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 76, Issue 8, 15 April 2023, Pages 1483–1491,
  • The burden of diabetic nephropathy in India: Need for prevention, Vijay Viswanathan* , Reshma Mirshad, DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY, Mini Review • DOI: 10.2478/dine-2023- 0003 • DINE • 3(2) • 2023 • 25–28

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