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Prof. M. Viswanathan Gold Medal Oration Award 2008 Celebration

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Celebrating Excellence Prof. M. Viswanathan Gold Medal Oration Award 2008

Prof. M. Viswanathan Gold Medal Oration & Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal Oration Awards for the year 2008 were held at GRT Grand on Sunday, 15th February, 2009. Prof. M.Viswanathan Gold Medal for the year 2008 was conferred on Dr. N.K.Sethi, M.D., Sr. Advisor (Health) Planning Commission of India. Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal for the year 2008 was conferred on Dr. B. Kasinath, M.D., FASN., Professor of Medicine, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA. The Life Time Achievements Awards 2008 instituted by the DRC were presented to two legends of the time in the field of Diabetology. Dr. Binode Kumar Sahay and Dr. C. Munichoodappa.Dr S. Elango, Director of Public Health (4th from left) and Dr.N.K.Sethi Sr. Advisor (Health) Planning Commission of India [2nd from right] jointly releasing the DRC Report 2007-08. Dr. Vijay Viswanathan, Managing Director, M.V. Hospital for Diabetes & Diabetes Research Centre [3rd from right] and Dr. C. Munichoodappa, Physician & Diabetologist, Bangalore (1st from left) and Dr. Binode Kumar Sahay, Senior Consultant Physician and Diabetologist, Hyderabad (2nd from left), Dr. S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies (3rd from left) and Dr. B. Kasinath, Prof. of Medicine, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA, (extreme right) are in the picture above.
MV Diabetes Events

Prof. M.Viswanathan Gold Medal 2008 was presented to Dr.N.K.Sethi, Sr. Advisor (Health), Planning Commission of India, New Delhi by Dr. S. Elango, Director of Public Health, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. Dr. S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies and Dr.Vijay Viswanathan, Managing Director, M.V. Hospitals are seen in the picture above.

MV Diabetes Events
Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal 2008 was presented to Dr. B. Kasinath, M.D., FASN, Prof. of Medicine, University of Texas by Dr. S. Elango, Director of Public Health, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. Dr. S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies, Dr.Vijay Viswanathan and Dr.N.K.Sethi, Sr. Advisor (Health), Planning Commission of India, New Delhi are in the picture.
MV Diabetes Events
Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal 2008 was presented to Dr. B. Kasinath, M.D., FASN, Prof. of Medicine, University of Texas by Dr. S. Elango, Director of Public Health, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. Dr. S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies, Dr.Vijay Viswanathan and Dr.N.K.Sethi, Sr. Advisor (Health), Planning Commission of India, New Delhi are in the picture.
MV Diabetes Events
Life Time Achievement Award – 2008, the memento was presented to Dr. C. Munichoodappa, Physician and Diabetologist, Bangalore by Dr. S.K.Rajan, Board of Studies, The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University.
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