Chennai 14th March, 2010
Prof. M.Viswanathan Gold Medal Oration & Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal Oration Awards for the year 2009 were held at Sheraton Chola on Sunday 14th March, 2010 in the august presence of distinguished luminaries from various walk of life. The orations were attended by more than 150 doctors. Scientific committee of the Diabetes Research Centre every year select eminent doctors to confer on these awards. Prof. M.Viswanathan Gold Medal Oration award for the year 2009 was conferred on Dr. Michael M.Engelgau, Senior Public Health Specialist, South Asia Human Development, World Bank, Washington DC. USA. His topic was ‘Diabetes and Chronic Diseases in Indian and South Asia : Beyond the numbers’. Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal for the year 2009 was conferred on Dr. Rudolf W.Bilous, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Newcastle University, UK . His topic was “Newer Perspectives in Diabetic Nephropathy”. The scientific meeting was witnessed honouring two eminent scholars in Medicine with Life Time Achievements Awards 2009. Padmasri Prof. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, Dr.M.G.R Medical University, Guindy, Chennai and Prof. V.Seshiah, Chairman, Dr.V.Seshiah Diabetes Research Institute and Dr.Balaji Diabetes Care Centre, Chennai.

Prof. S. Thanikachalam, Chairman & Director, Cardiac Care Centre, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai (2nd from left) releasing the revised Manual on ‘Socio Economics of Diabetes’ and the first copy was received by Padmasri Prof. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, Dr.M.G.R. Medical University (3rd from Left). Dr.Vijay Viswanathan, Managing Director, M.V.Hospital for Diabetes & Diabetes Research Centre (4th from left) Dr.S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies (5th from Left) and Dr.Michael M.Engelgau, Sr.Public Health Specialist, World Bank (Extreme Right) are in the picture.

M.Viswanathan Gold Medial Oration-2009 was presented to Dr.Michael M. Engelgau, Senior Public Health Specialist, South Asia Human Development, World Bank, Washington DC, USA by Padmasri, Prof.Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai. Prof. S.Thanikachalam (Extreme Left) Dr.Vijay Viswanathan (Centre) and Dr.S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies (Extreme Right) are seen in the picture.

Diabetes Research Centre Gold Medal Oration 2009 was presented to Dr.Rudolf W.Bilous, Professor of Clinical Medicine, Newcastle University, UK by Padmasri Prof. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, Dr. MGR Medical University. Prof. V.Seshiah (1st from left), Prof S.Thanikachalam (2nd from left), Dr.Vijay Viswanathan (5th from left), Dr.S.N.Narasingan (6th from left) and Dr.Michael M. Engelgau are seen in the picture.

Life Time Achievement Award 2009 was presented to Padmasri Prof.Mayil Vahanan Natarajan, Vice Chancellor, Dr. MGR Medical University by Prof. S.Thanikachalam, Chairman & Director Cardiac Care Centre, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai. Prof. V. Seshiah (1st from left), Dr.Vijay Viswanathan, (4th from left), and Dr.S.N.Narasingan, Dean of Studies (extreme right) are seen in the picture.

Life Time Achievement Award, 2009 was presented to Prof. V.Seshiah, Chairman, Dr. V.Seshiah Diabetes Research Institute by Prof. S.K.Rajan (1st from Left). Prof. S. Thanikachalam (3rd from left), Padmasri Prof. Mayil Vahanan Natarajan (4th from left) and Dr.Vijay Viswanathan (Extreme Right) are also seen in the picture.